Geissele Mid Range Gas Gun for the low price of $6,500

Everytime a mil contract gun comes up the little dick brigade comes out bitching and whining about price. Even though it's well documented why things cost what they do, they can't help themselves. Just to reiterate:
A. Can't sell for less to commercial market than gov/dod customer. This is FAR/DFAR basic bitch shit.

B. The contractors compliance costs alone account for a large portion of the cost. The companies don't want to spend money on this shit but dumb fucking contracting officers, HCAs and the retards who wrote the procurement authority force this on them. Think end user certificates for raw materials, additional accounting/finance documentation, inspections, plus about 100 other addendum making you do dumb shit that cost time and money.

C. Most of these contract award prices include spares, training ( flying factory armorers out to train the trainers), training materials, shipping costs, tech support and follow on support. A dude was in a firefight in Afghanistan called barret tech support with a sat phone to have someone talk them through getting the gun back up. Expectation is you become the #1 priority even if it fucks up your commercial customers. These all add to the cost.

D. Profit. Why go through all the bullshit above, spend hundreds of thousands if not millions on the solicitation and submission if you aren't going to make a decent profit.

E. The gov can cancel at anytime the contract for convience, even if you never recouped your costs.

If the gov cared about the cost they would buy a bunch of PSA ar10s in 6.5cm, pmags and containers of 140 eldms.

Same deal with any clone/contract gun be it the SCAR, M110 , 416 ect. Pay to play or stop being poor.

I’m not a fan of a lot of Geissele practices, but your post is truth.

There needs to be some way your post can be stickied so that anybody replying to this thread needs to read it first.

And let’s not forget that this rifle was designed for this contract. On top of normal overhead involved in government contracts, Geissele also needs to bake in the R&D for this rifle into the per unit cost for the contract. Geissele can’t just assume the gov will continue buying them and that it will be a huge success on the commercial side too. They’re going to ensure they recoup R&D costs with the contract. … and as you said, they can’t charge less on the commercial market.

Oh, and cost isn’t always the primary factor for gov contracts, but it is always a factor if one bidder is way off. So that means all the other bidders were a similar price as Geissele.

Of all the things to get pissy about with Geissele, the pricing on this is not one of them.
Lot of folks thrive on bitching about the successful. KAC, Geissele etc. I think there is some envy or jealousy involved. Of course no one will admit it.

If you don’t like it, don’t want it or cannot afford it why bitch and whine? Just drive on. I’m not interested in large frame AR’s don’t care what he or others build.

Good gear is expensive and often worth the cost. Sometimes crap gear is expensive and not worth the cost. You will not see me whining about either. I buy what works for me. Love Geissele triggers. Otherwise no interest in his products.
They are fulfilling the military orders first. They replied on ARFCOM about it this past month:


Youtube video

They just shipped the first rifles out. Pretty cool.
I wonder how big the contract is? Seems like it's quite the undertaking for most manufacturers, but hopefully they knock it out and get some headed to the civilian market. I just sold my 6.5 gasser so I'm just throwing the funds in savings to put towards one.

If I had to nitpick, i would say that it would be cool if they sized the barrel closer to the handguard so it would look better with normal suppressors.
They are fulfilling the mil contracts first. And I'd fully expect that the first civilian rifles offered will be the many that don't meet the accuracy requirements...
They are fulfilling the mil contracts first. And I'd fully expect that the first civilian rifles offered will be the many that don't meet the accuracy requirements...
They have released a couple of variants of the rifle, the maritime series in 14, 16, and 18" and some kind of 20" match rifle. While I realize that they are not exactly the same, they are pretty close to the military offerings. Geissele says they will be releasing them on a regular basis.
New photo on the website looks awesome, I am really looking forward to these hitting the market.
the differences between a cut rifled, un lined barrel and a chrome lined barrel in terms of barrel life aren’t exactly a secret.

Erosion is also not an indicator of whether a barrel is shot out or not. Does anyone care wether or not a barrel has 10 thou of erosion or 100 thou if its still shooting well?
I absolutely care. I'm slightly autist when it comes to my barrel and load specs and such.
I know nothing about the product but IF it performed extremely well, I'd probably pay 5 or 6k for a nice 6.5 semi that shot 1/2 moa with my handloads. people pay a lot for their accuracy international rifles, myself included.
I HIGHLY doubt a chrome barrel will shoot 1/2 moa for 10 shots even with my tailored handloads and honestly I prefer bolt guns for brass life so I doubt I'll ever find out.
if I was confident it did that, I'd pony up 6k for one. cheaper than another AI tbh.
Its definitely not common but FN SPRs were crome lined and those routinely shot half moa and the reports are these do as well. I know its apples to oranges comparing a bolt to a semi but highly accurate crome lined barrels at least do seem feasible. Im in the same boat as you, if it does shoot half-moa I wouldn't think twice about dropping 6k for one. Time will tell however.
I’m guessing the price will reduce significantly if purchased without a suppressor. Either way, it seems like it’ll be a top tier rifle for its type, so I’m sure the price will reflect such. Hopefully we find out soon.
correct, the site says without accessories but it does include a flash hider that supports their suppressor. no scope or mount.
it's definitely not built for accuracy imho.
they went with cmv, hammer forged, chrome lined. the three things I would never pick for my bench rest 100 yard grouping rifle.
This is correct normally . Typically this is not the type of barrel you want on a precision rig. But if they managed to make a precision barrel (.5 Moa) with combat barrel features I understand the hype.
I think that is the fattest can I've ever seen and honestly, I really really like it for that purpose. if I ever win the lotto and buy or build an spr I'll consider one for sure. like the short and fat idea a lot. my bolt gun suppressor is 9" long lol
I think that is the fattest can I've ever seen and honestly, I really really like it for that purpose. if I ever win the lotto and buy or build an spr I'll consider one for sure. like the short and fat idea a lot. my bolt gun suppressor is 9" long lol
It will be interesting to see how they price this to the consumer market. I can’t imagine they’ll ask 9K for that rifle with a suppressor and expect much for sales. I believe the current pricing reflects contracts, right?