Stock Market

Bullshit. Engine/transmission failures in regular use passenger vehicles are very low. We all drive several, and so does everyone we know. Pretending this supports EV battery replacement makes you look like a puffer. You are probably actually a lot smarter than that. Act like it.

Battery failures are also very low. The benefit is, the failure rate and density will only get better from here. :)

Successfully made ONE 4.3 mile lap with enough battery to make a COUPLE more.......................needs to make about 100 a day.

I agree with your one argument about committing less than XX per day but some situations will never work. I personally live 1/2 mile from work and my wives commute is 1/4 mile so between us we commute 10 mile per week. Perfect electric scenario. Cost is too high to get into it. EV would never work for our travel habits though, we jump in the SUV and drive 10 hours to go some where regularly..

Also if EV pushers would approach it from we are saving the world to hey this is a better option for some you might get somewhere faster. We still have to generate the electricity to charge EV's. So for daily commuting it would benefit a lot of people but the inconvenience on other fronts it is still lacking.

We are not close to being there yet.

If you really want to make a difference start here
In just one hour, a single private jet can emit two tonnes of CO2. The global average energy-related carbon footprint is around 4.7 tonnes of CO2 per person per year.
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Who says I care about the environment lol? BEV is better for the median. Charging times are minimal and will get faster with time. Range is fine and will get better with time. Also Tesla’s 3 and Y are below the average new vehicle price so again… what is being said here is not reflective of reality.

Now, as you said, you travel and have thought anxiety when traveling with a BEV. Perhaps your two car house hold goes half EV, half ICE. Wow. Amazing.

Also, @ironpony52, the Caterpillar 797F, typically makes between 20 to 40 trips per day. Where are you pulling 100+? Out of your ass? The 793 does 15-30 depending upon variables - which for the first attempt is not as much of a failure as you think it is.
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Can we split this into two threads - one about the stock market and one about Tesla/EVs? This thread no longer is useful as a "stock market" thread.

Outside of indexes, I'm only in Tesla and Enphase (+ tiny position in two others) hence why I only post on those two specifically.

If anyone has the conviction I have for other stocks I would love to hear it. But I feel like I am the only one who post about stocks/my trades.
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Outside of indexes, I'm only in Tesla and Enphase (+ tiny position in two others) hence why I only post on those two specifically.

If anyone has the conviction I have for other stocks I would love to hear it. But I feel like I am the only one who post about stocks/my trades.
LONDON, May 20 (Reuters) - Tesla is working to appease some European leasing companies after the automaker’s repeated retail price cuts tanked their fleets’ value and its slow service and expensive repairs alienated their corporate customers.
The efforts include unofficial discounts on purchases of new cars if they are in stock and efforts to address widespread service, repair and ordering complaints after years in which fleet managers and leasing firms say Tesla has ignored those problems, according to Reuters interviews with nine executives from major leasing and rental-car firms, along with about a dozen corporate fleet managers.

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I heard…..

With that said.

If nvidia indeed is planning to become a one stop shop for AI it way turn into a complete juggernaut.

Offering cooling solutions, structural layout and design, power solutions and servers.

Talk of them acquiring ARM LLC. (?)


Talk about ambitious.
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I heard…..

With that said.

If nvidia indeed is planning to become a one stop shop for AI it way turn into a complete juggernaut.

Offering cooling solutions, structural layout and design, power solutions and servers.

Talk of them acquiring ARM LLC. (?)


Talk about ambitious.
Sounds like Tesla, in the beginning.
Perhaps even Enron.
On the level with the Hunt Brother's.
Maybe even Intel.
How much of NVDA does Berkshire Hathaway own ?

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Nvidia has done some pretty strategic planning for the future based on some of the reports I have seen. Even with that, I think it is at a point now where some folks are going to get bitten by FOMO. This is an awfully high time to make an entry.
Look at the change in share price from the first sale in 2023 ($160 per share) to the most recent sale in April of 2024 ($882 per share).

Do you think the guy who sold 210,000 shares at $160/shr is kicking his own ass right about now? He lost $243,392,000.

Or, nearly a quarter of a BILLION dollars.

In only 13 months.

Mirage my ass.

Nvidia has done some pretty strategic planning for the future based on some of the reports I have seen. Even with that, I think it is at a point now where some folks are going to get bitten by FOMO. This is an awfully high time to make an entry.
The future is unknown. Even tomorrow is unknown.

With a run up like that, it's got to "take a breather". That is when investors start to look beneath the surface and their own analysis make some predictions. It's been a great ride for many over the past 18 months.
Average number of miles traveled between accidents

Blue line is Teslas using Autopilot / FSD tech

Green line is Teslas not using Autopilot tech

Red line is the average car on the road in the U.S.

Choose an AI powered car that gets safer over time via software updates. $TSLA

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Look at the change in share price from the first sale in 2023 ($160 per share) to the most recent sale in April of 2024 ($882 per share).

Do you think the guy who sold 210,000 shares at $160/shr is kicking his own ass right about now? He lost $243,392,000.

Or, nearly a quarter of a BILLION dollars.

In only 13 months.

Mirage my ass.

There was a big party, everyone had a hell of a good time......... You were not invited...... The party is over....... You were not "that guy".....
Many times he said he invest in the people (employees) not the business.
Who are "the people" at NVDA ?
They’re a very well run company with a shit ton of innovation, but the investments into it are running high on speculation, same as Tesla. There’s great opportunity in it, but also great risk as investors are banking on NVDA being the lone elephant in the AI room. One company comes out with something better? Look out…

Buffett looks at the people running the company, absolutely, but more so he looks at the product they produce and how he understands it. Take Apple, he didn’t touch it until his assistant lost her iPhone and he realized through her reaction how significant it is today. That’s the one tech stock he’s heavily invested into. Financials, insurance, oil, and common products; that’s what he knows and buys.

Buffett not investing into something is hardly a reason to not buy into it, he would be the first to agree with that. And I say that with BRK.B being the lone single stock I own.
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They’re a very well run company with a shit ton of innovation, but the investments into it are running high on speculation, same as Tesla. There’s great opportunity in it, but also great risk as investors are banking on NVDA being the lone elephant in the AI room. One company comes out with something better? Look out…

Buffett looks at the people running the company, absolutely, but more so he looks at the product they produce and how he understands it. Take Apple, he didn’t touch it until his assistant lost her iPhone and he realized through her reaction how significant it is today. That’s the one tech stock he’s heavily invested into. Financials, insurance, oil, and common products; that’s what he knows and buys.

Buffett not investing into something is hardly a reason to not buy into it, he would be the first to agree with that. And I say that with BRK.B being the lone single stock I own.
As a BRK shareholder you might enjoy these titles if reading is your thing. 'The Clash of Cultures: Investment vs Speculation' and also 'Poor Charlie's Almanack - The Wit and Wisdom of Charles Munger'. While I invest in almost no single company Buffett holds I do trend to his taste for financials, insurance, midstream oil and gas, debt and asset backed debt/BDCs. I'm thinking he still owns some Ares so that may be one we share also Sirius Point. You might know this does he still own Antero Midstream or it might have been Antero Resources? What a machine totally self funding all capex and dividend from FCF. No one person has shaped my investing tenets more than Munger dang I miss hearing him, but fortunately we have decades of his wisdom to read.
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Look at the change in share price from the first sale in 2023 ($160 per share) to the most recent sale in April of 2024 ($882 per share).

Do you think the guy who sold 210,000 shares at $160/shr is kicking his own ass right about now? He lost $243,392,000.

Or, nearly a quarter of a BILLION dollars.

In only 13 months.

Mirage my ass.

The guy who sold 210,000 shares made money. He did not lose one cent.
Seems buffet owns 6.1 million shares of snow.

Approx 1 billion investment.
Snowflake was a Combs investment, not Buffett, and it started at half a billion. Buffett gives his lieutenants a good amount of leeway for decisions under a billion. The fact it was bought leading into the IPO shows Buffett wasn’t making that call, he’s extremely wary of IPOs and tech IPOs even more.
As a BRK shareholder you might enjoy these titles if reading is your thing. 'The Clash of Cultures: Investment vs Speculation' and also 'Poor Charlie's Almanack - The Wit and Wisdom of Charles Munger'. While I invest in almost no single company Buffett holds I do trend to his taste for financials, insurance, midstream oil and gas, debt and asset backed debt/BDCs. I'm thinking he still owns some Ares so that may be one we share also Sirius Point. You might know this does he still own Antero Midstream or it might have been Antero Resources? What a machine totally self funding all capex and dividend from FCF. No one person has shaped my investing tenets more than Munger dang I miss hearing him, but fortunately we have decades of his wisdom to read.
Antero isn’t on the latest 13F, I’m not sure if they ever held it. I’m not that close of a follower to know everything they’ve bought and sold, and have only really followed it close enough to read the quarterly reports over the last few years.
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Either way buffets company owns it.

Edit: im
Unsure if they bought it before the ipo or even close afterwards. It seems that I recall it being around 2022.

Antero isn’t on the latest 13F, I’m not sure if they ever held it. I’m not that close of a follower to know everything they’ve bought and sold, and have only really followed it close enough to read the quarterly reports over the last few years.
My goof I had Antero mixed up with Western Midstream which is another great midstream.....which was bought by OXY. WES is a money gun even with the healthy run up in share price the last dividend increase is still paying $3.50/share div ~ 9.2%
My goof I had Antero mixed up with Western Midstream which is another great midstream.....which was bought by OXY. WES is a money gun even with the healthy run up in share price the last dividend increase is still paying $3.50/share div ~ 9.2%
I thought that was the case. Yes, OXY was 100% Buffett and probably his best purchase since Apple.
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How can anyone be this bad....I give you Cathie Wood. ARKK down -16% YTD and a 5 year return of 0.8%? I don't pay attention to growth/tech much, but had to do a double take when an ARKK article flashed on my newsfeed. This kind of comical under performance deserves some kind of happy meal clown car award. Her eternal strategy seems to be buy high sell low and her 15 minutes of fame are done.
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