If you could learn the truth about any single event in history

Which would it be?
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How the trade center towers 1 and 2 fell straight down, even through structure was damage on one side. Why zero little lateral movement, and how many charges required to bring down building 7?
How mind fucked would you be if it turned out that a office fire actually took down WTC 7? I know i'd be mind fucked.

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i do have questions about the execution of jesus . he was nailed on and somehow the the wood was stood up . don't know if any of you have ever stood ,by hand ,poles as use in pole barns . it can be a task. now nail a man to one and the task becomes many more times difficult. IMHO the cross beam would be a handle 3-4 feet up from the bottom. giving 2 extra men a place to push against and the guys pushing on the shaft would not have to be pushing on the mans body
He was seen by over 500 people personally and documented in text, what more do you need bro?
I’m a believer, but in his defense, just because it saya so in a book written 2,000 years ago doesn’t make it true.

You need to first believe that the book is genuine before you can believe its contents.
How were the pyramids actually built. That's the question I want answered.

And what was their true purpose?
He was seen by over 500 people personally and documented in text, what more do you need bro?
I particularly like the part about the angel that rolled the stone away. Or actually, kind of tossed it up the hill.