Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Blows my mind that people are such cowards that they just go along with a farce like this. I need to stop letting it surprise me. There’s a lot of pussies in the world who are too scared to speak up or do anything when they’re getting fucked over. Corporate America is crawling with them. Backstabbing, ass kissing cowards.
Not gonna lie, I laugh when I read these stories, becuase I know as a full blooded, meat eating, ass kicking MAN, that this shit didnt come from me or my type. It came from........WOMEN!

Like all things destroying this country.....created and manufactured by WOMEN! We live in a woman's world. If men were MEN....that means saying, doing, and acting like MEN, women wouldn't make any rules or have any say.

Sorry, I dont want, need, or support the needs of western women. I say NO to women all the time. Took me time to figure this out, but my eyes are open. I dont hide my opinions either.

What's that phrase?....."No refu...."!!!!!