
Well then, that settles it if the Russians won’t do a war, the west will have to strike first.

Perhaps a Polish radio station will say mean things about Putin so they can fake an attack.
Stakes are by a considerable stretch the highest in France as Macron is literally playing game of chicken expecting the voters to see error of their ways and vote for his party again. Last time an over confident out of touch leader called the bluff on the voters UK got Brexit.

So my money is on something blowing up in France or the colonies and being blamed on the Russians , they only have over two weeks before elections so needs to happen fast.

Another one bites the dust, Remember these folks were fucking up the farmers.


Lands of the Vikings are beyond saving , have fun with Immigrants and handgrenades

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i am so tired of anything about europe. who gives a shit? we saved it (france +) 2x in the 20th cent and wasted almost 80 saving it from the russians. should have let stalin have it in '45. such a disaster would have tanked USSR even sooner. because it is such a POS,i do believe putin doesn't want it. he seems to be pretty on when wanting a neutral zone. our jacking around has made him more dangerous and for what? our NATO "allies"? cuban missile crisis a deux coming up. with our DC idiots,i don't see a good outcome happening.
Stakes are by a considerable stretch the highest in France as Macron is literally playing game of chicken expecting the voters to see error of their ways and vote for his party again. Last time an over confident out of touch leader called the bluff on the voters UK got Brexit.

So my money is on something blowing up in France or the colonies and being blamed on the Russians , they only have over two weeks before elections so needs to happen fast.

Another one bites the dust, Remember these folks were fucking up the farmers.

Lands of the Vikings are beyond saving , have fun with Immigrants and handgrenades

My fiance lived in Oslo, Norway for 12 years. She says Norwegians there are sheep as fuck.
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"Hateful garbage"...

Link sent to me from Hindustan Times by my first love who has been back in her home country of Algeria since 2011 but we still keep email correspondence. "They are all hateful garbage doing this, Al Jazeera included". That is what she said. At one point, people thought Al Jazeera was honest reporting and dared to cover a lot of things that the mainstream tried to hide. But nope, they are terrorist supporters through and through. Three of the four hostages rescued by IDF commandos in a daring raid earlier yesterday was held in a house belonging to an Al Jazeera journalist who was also, not surprising, a terrorist fuckbag. Abdallah Aljamal was killed by IDF soldiers breaching the house and three of the four hostages were recovered alive. The fourth was rescued from another terrorist hideout also in a civilian house.


Video on FB Watch - wouldn't play for me.
Stupid millennial bank robber never watched Johnny Quest.

The monitor looks to be on and still working. Possibly the same brand as the phone that Frank shot?
Todays technology it pretty tough.

Jup just a spot in top right corner .

The distance tough almost in need of a DFAT aperture reducer for the objective, i don't think any of these scopes dial paralax down to sub 30feet

Jup just a spot in top right corner .

The distance tough almost in need of a DFAT aperture reducer for the objective, i don't think any of these scopes dial paralax down to sub 30feet

View attachment 8435475
No doubt. Like using a driver to putt. Wonder what his parallax bottomed out at, and if his zero stop gave him half a mil of under.

Also, I'd have to cuff that motherfucker acting as a rest. Could dude move any more? Did he have to pee or did he have fire ants crawling up his legs? WTF

I guess they must practice rifle at extremely close range like that, because that's closer than NRL22. Honestly, I don't have dope at 50' for centerfire and would be guessing.
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No doubt. Like using a driver to putt. Wonder what his parallax bottomed out at, and if his zero stop gave him half a mil of under.

Also, I'd have to cuff that motherfucker acting as a rest. Could dude move any more? Did he have to pee or did he have fire ants crawling up his legs? WTF

I guess they must practice rifle at extremely close range like that, because that's closer than NRL22. Honestly, I don't have dope at 50' for centerfire and would be guessing.
Maybe the shooter was directing him to move?
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this is the kind of scum installed by democrats to admin justice.

gee wiz cnn, why wouldn't we know about it? because you've been protecting pedo pete for years?

Trump said they were emptying out their prisons and mental asylums...

Who is arming them?
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