Stakes are by a considerable stretch the highest in France as Macron is literally playing game of chicken expecting the voters to see error of their ways and vote for his party again. Last time an over confident out of touch leader called the bluff on the voters UK got Brexit.Well then, that settles it if the Russians won’t do a war, the west will have to strike first.
Perhaps a Polish radio station will say mean things about Putin so they can fake an attack.
So my money is on something blowing up in France or the colonies and being blamed on the Russians , they only have over two weeks before elections so needs to happen fast.
Another one bites the dust, Remember these folks were fucking up the farmers.
Lands of the Vikings are beyond saving , have fun with Immigrants and handgrenades
Sweden’s new normal: Bombs in the suburbs on a weeknight
Gang members have begun bombing the homes of each other’s families — and everyone feels at risk.
‘People are scared’: Sweden’s freedom of information laws lead to wave of deadly bombings
Online access to home addresses is a cherished right. But as gangs target rivals with ease, innocent victims are caught in the blasts
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