Trump Floats the Idea of Abolishing the IRS

Income tax replaced with tariffs?

In a private meeting with GOP lawmakers at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., Trump floated the idea of a so-called “all-tariff policy.” A formal policy proposal has not been released by Trump or his campaign, but it appears the idea is if tariffs on imports were raised sufficiently, the federal income tax could be eliminated entirely.
Just the IRS.......?

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It won't happen but it should. The government has no right to tax our labor at all. It's our money and they are stealing it. Income tax was supposed to be temporary it's time to end it and any federal beauracracy that can't support itself. Atf gone, post office gone, epa gone, OSHA gone, etc. Only thing left should be a scaled down dod and rebuilt FBI imo. A man can dream
It won't happen but it should. The government has no right to tax our labor at all. It's our money and they are stealing it. Income tax was supposed to be temporary it's time to end it and any federal beauracracy that can't support itself. Atf gone, post office gone, epa gone, OSHA gone, etc. Only thing left should be a scaled down dod and rebuilt FBI imo. A man can dream
We don't need an FBI, only the USMS and USSS. Get rid of the regulation, get rid of the need to investigate the violations of those regulations.

Overall, the federal workforce should be cut by a minimum of 75%, that would be a good start for a single term.
Go to a flat tax and no loopholes or exemptions for anyone or organization including churches real or otherwise.
Divide the federal budget by the number of citizens and that quotient is your tax bill.
That would quickly make folks rethink what are "essential government services", and everyone would have skin in the game.
at the country's start only gov income was from tariffs. didn't get enough money,so,couldn't grow and do gov shit. worth a try again. would start a trade war but if industrial policy was rational,don't see why we can't make everything we need. some raw materials but that might be handled by contract/barter,not imperial wars. would keep people from bitching about china. also,should penalize any job off shoring some way. flat tax also makes sense as above. NO exemptions,exceptions. now get rid of co. prop. tax and might have a truly free country with opportunity for all. not a chance. saying dump IRS by trump is almost suicidal. that will never be allowed to happen as long as a gov exists here.
On a state level, there are states with no income tax that do very well. Of course there are sometimes high sales taxes, user fees and license fees. Nevertheless, if one doesn't use it they don't have to pay for it.

I would gladly accept a national sales tax instead of an income tax.

Congress would never abolish the income tax. They would not get enough money for all of the social welfare programs which either need to be disposed of or scaled back.
Income tax is just wrong and I fucking hate it. The guv has no business taking a portion of the earnings of my labor.
No income tax and reduction of guv is a great start. I doubt it will happen.
No matter, the income tax would need to be replaced by something. TX has no income tax but the property taxes are real high. I don't like property taxes, either. That means you don't really own that property because if you can't pay the tax, it is taken from you. WA state has no income tax but holeee fuck do they make up for it!
I like a first time sales tax. Tax an item only the first time it is sold. New car? Sales tax. Used car? No sales tax. New part? Tax. Rebuilt part? No tax. If that car (or whatever) is an import, tax it a couple of times. Import tariff AND sales tax.
This would bring about an entire sub-economy that would thrive and help drive the other economy. There will always be those who need to buy a new Tangent Theta so there will always be someone paying some sales tax. At some point, the used stuff will be gone or worn out and need to be replaced with new stuff.
It would encourage everyone to Reduce, Reuse,. Recycle, Repurpose so even the fucking Greta's should dare to be able to sleep at night.
When you give anyone a license to tax when they want, to any level they want, the only why it ends is in blood.
All Taxes are nothing more than legalized theft. Once your voters understand they can demand more free to them, (while just giving up a little more freedom) via stolen from others it only ends one way, & one way only.
Remember, if its free to them it also means they are not being stolen from.

US tax payers are nothing but slaves, kept mesmerized by the 3 card Monty game that has been running on them from birth.

The taxes you see you pay is one thing, those you don't in the cost of products & services is why shit was moved off shore long ago.
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If he can somehow get the appropriate paperwork done and approved before the selection, and doesn’t have a somehow worse plan to replace it, I will 100% vote for him
Income tax is just wrong and I fucking hate it. The guv has no business taking a portion of the earnings of my labor.
No income tax and reduction of guv is a great start. I doubt it will happen.
No matter, the income tax would need to be replaced by something. TX has no income tax but the property taxes are real high. I don't like property taxes, either. That means you don't really own that property because if you can't pay the tax, it is taken from you. WA state has no income tax but holeee fuck do they make up for it!
I like a first time sales tax. Tax an item only the first time it is sold. New car? Sales tax. Used car? No sales tax. New part? Tax. Rebuilt part? No tax. If that car (or whatever) is an import, tax it a couple of times. Import tariff AND sales tax.
This would bring about an entire sub-economy that would thrive and help drive the other economy. There will always be those who need to buy a new Tangent Theta so there will always be someone paying some sales tax. At some point, the used stuff will be gone or worn out and need to be replaced with new stuff.
It would encourage everyone to Reduce, Reuse,. Recycle, Repurpose so even the fucking Greta's should dare to be able to sleep at night.
Sounds like a good way to incentivize manufacturers to build even more disposable shit with shitty 3rd world parts and labor. The planned obsolescence we have today is already insane, I can only imagine how much worse it would be under that policy.
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The best he could do is to appoint a Commissioner who would not enforce the code. Thousands of IRS employees would be on payroll and have nothing to do, but that is better than enforcement. Commissioner could also put in hiring freeze and not replace retirees. Cut the workforce. Gut it from the top and in four years release its grip. Side note: do the same at other large admin agencies.
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Swapping one form of tax for another is not only impractical (the US imported $3.8 trillion in goods that would need to be burdened with 60-100% tariffs without losing any net volume for this proposal to work), but is also not the solution to our spending problem - a problem that Trump did absolutely nothing about during his time in office.

Any conversation about the federal budget that does not include massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid is just bullshit of the intentionally-deceptive type.

It should be noted that I do like the idea of applying such tariffs to goods from certain countries, but that has very little to do with budgetary impacts.
It won't happen but it should. The government has no right to tax our labor at all. It's our money and they are stealing it. Income tax was supposed to be temporary it's time to end it and any federal beauracracy that can't support itself. Atf gone, post office gone, epa gone, OSHA gone, etc. Only thing left should be a scaled down dod and rebuilt FBI imo. A man can dream
16th Amendment is one of the most obscene pieces of legislation I’ve ever read.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

They basically said, “We can do whatever we want with taxation, you stupid peasants."

Trump’s comments are great campaign moves, which fire a shot across the administrative state’s bow, while garnering more populist support among voters, and putting statists on their heels. Who wants to be defending the IRS in campaign season?

The more sensational Trump's remarks, the more knee-jerk responses that will come from the stooges in Congress who dance to the tugs of the actual ruling class.

It’s brilliant campaign strategy really, even if it just gets the ball rolling in the right direction of more originalist fiscal policy. Anyone who steps forward to argue in favor of the IRS is going to be hated by the voters, and their comments will be remembered come April 15th and Nov 5th not just this year, but the next Congressional cycle. Same with the corporate presstitutes and their slavish slurping on the heels of our oppressors. If they had any viewership left, it will surely remain only in nursing homes and airports if they come out as court jesters for the IRS.
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16th Amendment is one of the most obscene pieces of legislation I’ve ever read.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

They basically said, “We can do whatever we want with taxation, you stupid peasants."

Trump’s comments are great campaign moves, which fire a shot across the administrative state’s bow, while garnering more populist support among voters, and putting statists on their heels. Who wants to be defending the IRS in campaign season?

The more sensational Trump's remarks, the more knee-jerk responses that will come from the stooges in Congress who dance to the tugs of the actual ruling class.

It’s brilliant campaign strategy really, even if it just gets the ball rolling in the right direction of more originals fiscal policy. Anyone who steps forward to argue in favor of the IRS is going to be hated by the voters, and their comments will be remembered come April 15th and Nov 5th not just this year, but the next Congressional cycle. Same with the corporate presstitutes and their slavish slurping on the heels of our oppressors. If they had any viewership left, it will surely remain only in nursing homes and airports if they come out as court jesters for the IRS.
Agreed. Just like shipping illegal aliens to sanctuary cities. Give them exactly what they voted for, and they'll realize their folly.
It won't happen but it should. The government has no right to tax our labor at all. It's our money and they are stealing it. Income tax was supposed to be temporary it's time to end it and any federal beauracracy that can't support itself. Atf gone, post office gone, epa gone, OSHA gone, etc. Only thing left should be a scaled down dod and rebuilt FBI imo. A man can dream
FBI is 100% unconstitutional, zero mention of any such powers in the Constitution. In fact, they are repugnant to it just by showing up to work and collecting their pay from the rest of us. Same with their parent organization, the DOJ.

There is no DOJ anywhere in the Articles of the Constitution, only a part-time AG who was to advise Congress on legal matters. When did the AG become a chief law enforcer for the Executive Branch?

During Reconstruction, many States and entities filed lawsuits against the Federal Government for claimed or real damages suffered during the Civil War, so Congress appointed a Solicitor General like a defense attorney for the US, made the AG full-time, with an Assistant AG.

During the early Progressive (Marxist) era, they grew the administrative state since they faced so many checks and balances from the Constitution, in order to enact their Marxist/Socialist agenda with bureaucratic subversion of the US.

"On July 26, 1908, the Bureau of Investigation was born when U.S. Attorney General Charles Bonaparte orders a group of newly hired federal investigators to report to Chief Examiner Stanley W. Finch of the Department of Justice. One year later, the Office of the Chief Examiner was renamed the Bureau of Investigation, and in 1935 it became the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Charles Bonaparte was Napoleon Bonaparte’s grand nephew. After the Bureau was formed, it was handed over to a semi-closeted faggot named J. Edgar Hoover, who appointed his live-in husband as the Assistant Director. They then went after prominent people in society using sexual blackmail to coerce them to increase the Bureau’s power for 48 years, until Hoover finally died in 1972 in Clyde Tolson’s & his home.


When you say the FBI needs to be re-built, I just disagree. The Founders would be extremely violent towards the Bureau if they were alive today, would erect gallows for any such traitors, and commence with quick tribunals. They hated secret police with an extreme passion, since they and their ancestors were subjected to the scrutiny and abuse under secret police for generations. Read Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography some time, where he talks about his ancestors’ oppression under the King’s religious police who would come by to make sure his Puritan kin weren’t having family Bible-reading sessions.

The US does need a competent, loyal Counter-Intelligence agency who catch spies and traitors for sure, but the FBI fails on that job and has done so as a rule for the last century. Anytime a crisis emerges they can benefit from, they simply ask Congress for more money. It’s more like a racket in that regard, and now that they have openly moved into the role of palace coups (having already done so covertly in the 1960s and 1970s), their stain on this Nation has run its course.
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FBI is 100% unconstitutional, zero mention of any such powers in the Constitution. In fact, they are repugnant to it just by showing up to work and collecting their pay from the rest of us. Same with their parent organization, the DOJ.

There is no DOJ anywhere in the Articles of the Constitution, only a part-time AG who was to advise Congress on legal matters. When did the AG become a chief law enforcer for the Executive Branch?

During Reconstruction, many States and entities filed lawsuits against the Federal Government for claimed or real damages suffered during the Civil War, so Congress appointed a Solicitor General like a defense attorney for the US, made the AG full-time, with an Assistant AG.

During the early Progressive (Marxist) era, they grew the administrative state since they faced so many checks and balances from the Constitution, in order to enact their Marxist/Socialist agenda with bureaucratic subversion of the US.

"On July 26, 1908, the Bureau of Investigation was born when U.S. Attorney General Charles Bonaparte orders a group of newly hired federal investigators to report to Chief Examiner Stanley W. Finch of the Department of Justice. One year later, the Office of the Chief Examiner was renamed the Bureau of Investigation, and in 1935 it became the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Charles Bonaparte was Napoleon Bonaparte’s grand nephew. After the Bureau was formed, it was handed over to a semi-closeted faggot named J. Edgar Hoover, who appointed his live-in husband as the Assistant Director. They then went after prominent people in society using sexual blackmail to coerce them to increase the Bureau’s power for 48 years, until Hoover finally died in 1972 in Clyde Tolson’s & his home.


When you say the FBI needs to be re-built, I just disagree. The Founders would be extremely violent towards the Bureau if they were alive today, would erect gallows for any such traitors, and commence with quick tribunals. They hated secret police with an extreme passion, since they and their ancestors were subjected to the scrutiny and abuse under secret police for generations. Read Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography some time, where he talks about his ancestors’ oppression under the King’s religious police who would come by to make sure his Puritan kin weren’t having family Bible-reading sessions.

The US does need a competent, loyal Counter-Intelligence agency who catch spies and traitors for sure, but the FBU fails on that job and has done so as a rule for the last century. Anytime a crisis emerges they can benefit from, they simply ask Congress for more money. It’s more like a racket in that regard, and now that they have openly moved into the role of palace coups (having already done so covertly in the 1960s and 1970s), their stain on this Nation has run its course.
Don't get me wrong when I say the FBI needs rebuilt I mean gutted and stripped of the majority of its power. It's child abduction task force is incredibly skilled along with a few other parts. Most can be dissolved
There are a lot of great people with exceptional skills who are recruited into the Bureau, thinking they will be fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. Many of them find a way to do that, but the middle and senior management are and always have been corrupt plants for organized crime and foreign governments. You can’t know the color of Marylin Monroe’s panties any day of the week or what Howard Hughes was up to, but also claim that the Mafia was a myth, which is what Hoover did for well over 30 years. He was compromised and exploited, which is why I think he was so hellbent on screening fags out from the application process. Meyer Lansky and the Families/National Crime Syndicate used his own sodomy against him (they had photos of him and his husband/Asst FBI Director Clyde Tolson engaged in degenerate behavior).

The Nation absolutely needs a competent, highly-capable, patriotic, and loyal-to-the-people counter-intelligence service though. The Bureau isn’t anything of the sort. They have been covering for high crimes and treason for at least a century. Look at how that story of James Biden’s tax evasion surfaced. Why was James Biden being surveilled by the Bureau already back in 2007?

James Biden money-laundering and judge-bribing scandal

"A disbarred attorney said Thursday he gave first brother James Biden $800,000 in loans but only got $400,000 back.
Langston’s alleged co-conspirator in that case, fellow Mississippi attorney Dickie Scruggs, was involved in a second prosecution for attempting to bribe a different judge with $40,000, also in a legal fees dispute.

James Biden was wiretapped by the FBI in 2007 — when his brother was still a senator — as part of its investigation of the second bribery case, the Washington Post reported in December.

Amid the bribery conspiracy, James Biden, who was not charged in the case, was in talks with Scruggs and conspirator Tim Balducci about setting up a law firm that would have employed himself, his nephew Hunter Biden and James’ wife, Sara."

The IRS and FBI cover up for stooges like the retarded Biden family, as long as they are loyal to the Families. If you go through the Hunter Biden texts and emails, they were complaining when his car ran out of gas because the Chicom spies had failed to fill up Hunter’s open spending account fast enough. Then you have Hunter complaining that he can’t pay for basic things like alimony in Dec 2018 as daddy rides around in luxury. It’s not his fault he blew it all on hookers and blow or custom waterslides of course. These guys are trailer trash-level imbeciles, can’t spell or write English well at all, complete and abject freaking dimwits.


Imagine being the poor Chicom spy or drunk Russian FSB bureaucrat managing the Bidens’ spending accounts trying to explain to your superiors why their clients aren’t happy, after the crap runs down hill. Ha ha! This stuff is better than comedy.


Whistle-blowers keep showing up to Congress in open testimony about this stuff, then get attacked by their FBI and IRS supervisors, punished, pay cut-off, relocated to other offices across the Country, cold-shouldered by their supervisors and peers, harassed, like a Mafia racket would do......because it IS a Mafia racket.

I'm getting flashbacks to the "2A Coalition", locking up Hillary, building a wall and deporting them all, and more than a few other campaign promises that conveniently vanished after November 2016

Bet you a case of ammo if he get's elected the IRS maintains their funding and yet another greasy crook gets appointed to run it
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