Trump Floats the Idea of Abolishing the IRS

I'm getting flashbacks to the "2A Coalition", locking up Hillary, building a wall and deporting them all, and more than a few other campaign promises that conveniently vanished after November 2016

Bet you a case of ammo if he get's elected the IRS maintains their funding and yet another greasy crook gets appointed to run it

Things have gotten quiet on Obamacare "repeal and replace", so maybe we'll get another round of that BS in the 2024 campaign.
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Income tax replaced with tariffs?

In a private meeting with GOP lawmakers at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., Trump floated the idea of a so-called “all-tariff policy.” A formal policy proposal has not been released by Trump or his campaign, but it appears the idea is if tariffs on imports were raised sufficiently, the federal income tax could be eliminated entirely.
Well we have seen in the past. lots of talk but not much walk when it comes to it its just a courrent flavor of pre-election candy on offer.

Tariffs are paid by end customers , so average Joe ,not Chinese so its just another tax that hits mostly less wealthy that buy most of the stuff.

Its as smart as raising minimum wage sky high only to end up with costs and inflation following ,companies closing or both eventually inflation eating it all
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Well we have seen in the past. lots of talk but not much walk when it comes to it its just a courrent flavor of pre-election candy on offer.

Tariffs are paid by end customers , so average Joe ,not Chinese so its just another tax that hits mostly less wealthy that buy most of the stuff.

Its as smart as raising minimum wage sky high only to end up with costs and inflation following ,companies closing or both eventually inflation eating it all
This is why I think it’s more of a conversation and election-shaping shot across the bow, timed perfectly before the debates to get statists to come out and openly defend the IRS.
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As much as I would like to see a double barrel shot of eliminating both the IRS and AFT at the same time, that ain't never happening in our lifetime.