
Them: "You'll own nothing"...

Me: "Drop me buck naked in any modern city and how much you want to fucking bet that by the 3rd hour there I would have a 60+lb fiberglass bow, fiberglass/wood arrows with plexiglas blades, and a plexiglas knife? And you want to know how many others can do the same? If you really want trouble, keep that shit up"...
The male AOC

You sir are a RETARD
They are way smarter than you give them credit for. They know that they are spewing bullshit. But they will have the bleeding hearts wrapped around their finger and tax money will be thrown around like confetti. They will be there to sweep it up and bank it. Meanwhile we, actual taxpayers, get fleeced.
Covid monies

This is peanuts compared to the daycare fraud that funnels millions of taxpayer dollars to terrorist groups. That operation has been going for years by the same people and protected by the MN government.

Also, for every nonprofit like this that gets exposed for fraud, there are at least 100 that don't.


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They are way smarter than you give them credit for. They know that they are spewing bullshit. But they will have the bleeding hearts wrapped around their finger and tax money will be thrown around like confetti. They will be there to sweep it up and bank it. Meanwhile we, actual taxpayers, get fleeced.
I think 50-60% are smarter than we think but AOC is not one of them. Most of the women elected to Congress are not in that category.
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Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder​

How is this not human trafficking?... I'm sorry I'm kind of slow here.
Because it's not sale into forced labor or sex slaves.

18 U.S. Code § 2251A - Selling or buying of children​

But watch what happens when a white couple attempts to purchase a black baby. We're told, all the time, not to judge things based on their appearance. Seriously, what could go wrong?
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I was close to there last week during this protest. It turned into a tear gas party as they always do there. It was also nearby in Brussels. But the reason why was interesting. The EU lost some power as a few elections took a swing back towards the middle of the spectrum. The Belgian PM resigned as a result. What was entertaining is the left calling their tantrums a protest against the "far right".
When locals were talking about being nervous because they feel like war is coming with Russia, I told them they should be because the EU are the aggressors pushing for war. The looks I got were hilarious.

How many working nuclear power plants currently exist in Iran?
I thought the French and Germans set them up with some……you know the peaceful ones that can’t enrich fuel.
The whole standdown was sus...

yet the majority believed the bullshit. people gotta stop taking sides without evidence. but i guess thats the society we all have been living in for a very long time. people would best leave their tv's turned off. 9/11 and iraq's wmd's comes to mind. fucking inside job if there was one. while it was happening, my wife and i were watching it saying that it looks like a movie and not something that could happen. first thing we did was call family over there to see if everyone was ok. fortunately my cousin was nowhere near it, and a cousin in-law was on his day off, he worked at the wtc, but the jabs got him.
He gave 500K amnesty last week and it apparently went unnoticed - so he is going for it this week I suppose. I thought that stuff required an Act of Congress?
He ignored the SCOTUS on student loans and nothing happened. Get ready for the big steal again. Nothing is going to happen.
yet the majority believed the bullshit. people gotta stop taking sides without evidence. but i guess thats the society we all have been living in for a very long time. people would best leave their tv's turned off. 9/11 and iraq's wmd's comes to mind. fucking inside job if there was one. while it was happening, my wife and i were watching it saying that it looks like a movie and not something that could happen. first thing we did was call family over there to see if everyone was ok. fortunately my cousin was nowhere near it, and a cousin in-law was on his day off, he worked at the wtc, but the jabs got him.

There is a difference between causing an action, and letting a known pending action happen, i.e. the Whitmer kidnapping BS, the Vegas shootings - that was feds causing the action. 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing etc., and IMHO Oct. 7 are actions known about in advance that were allowed to occur to achieve an objective.
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But even that guy might be impressed by the sticky fingers of the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC), a tiny corner of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that managed to pilfer nearly $75 million in taxpayer money last year to maintain, among other things, an official government repository of "dad jokes."

It's funny—but not in a good way.