Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

My second cousin would when we were younger

Southern Virginia and no AC back then

Aunt used to say it kept the ants out and wouldn’t spoil / get soft as fast

Not sure if she’s right but as a kid its sounded good lol

The struggle is just getting people to close the fucking bag properly.

It doesn't get soggy if you do that one thing.
Fudds won today, gentlemen. If you're not first, you're last. I went 18/20. I'll win next month now that I have some experience at the oddly shaped turkey targets at 400m, I went 3/5 on those. I cleaned everything else. If I could actually read wind I'd have gotten 20/20. Also if I had one of those fancy benchrest rest things like everyone else, I might've gotten the extra 2 points.

These "chicken" targets were about 60% smaller than I thought they would be LOL

Still went 5/5 at 200m on these guys


The bench was higher or seat was lower than I expected, so here's my awesome position.. rear bag under the trigger guard LOL