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Ok… let’s say Pedo Joe drops out…

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Big Mike being the Democrat Presidential candidate
The biggest voter fraud in history, (to dwarf even 2020)

Are the only two things that will keep a Democrat in the Whitehouse
Remember how unhinged a lot of them were in 2008 when the party rigged the primaries for bathhouse Barrack Hussein over Hillary? Imagine the cognitive dissonance in the mind of a hardcore group of 3rd-wave feminists and lesbians, post-menopausal schoolteachers with butch cuts, and angry old ladies from the 1960s who’ve been fighting the patriarchy as an excuse for their insufferable personalities and no prospects of landing a decent man.


The DNC responded by going Wet Works on 2 of Hillary’s superdelegates after she launched the birth certificate attacks against Obama. DNC infighting is not only nasty, but very deadly and the murders never get reported widely. You would think people might like to hear if a Hillary superdelegate, DNC Chairman of Arkansas, and long-time politician was murdered during campaign season before the convention, right?

Some random 50yr-old Democrat nutbag left his job at Target one day, then drove to Bill Gwatney's office, and blasted him to the face, head, and neck with a pistol, then went on a high-speed chase with Arkansas LEOs until they ran him down and mag-dumped him. Gwatney had pledged to go to Convention in Denver and demand an open-floor look into why Obama wasn’t on the ballot in several States, since he didn’t meet the DNC requirements according to the Clinton loyalists, yet was somehow anointed over Hillary.

Motive still unclear 10 years after Arkansas Dem Part Chair was Murdered


The other Superdelegate who pledged to go stir things up at Convention was a black lady Democrat named Stephanie Tubbs Jones who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage while driving her car.


The Marxist lunatics are sick, mentally-ill, unstable people with deep trauma and radical ideas about how the US works, and how it should work. It’s the main reason they hate the people owning firearms, because they want a monopoly on political violence to be executed by the state. They’re so deranged, they recognize within themselves that they can’t be trusted around firearms, which is why they don’t own them in general. Most of them would suck-start a pistol or shotgun in one of their fits of rage, and they fundamentally know this, hence their desire for police and military to be the only ones with guns. Like the Congressional baseball shooter, they have no problems with one of their own gunning people down even within their party if that persona doesn’t align with their wishes.

You see how all this is about information control though. Why anyone would even give the corporate brothel presstitutes their time is still beyond me. This stunt from CNN to host the debate was just a Hail Mary trying to get viewership back. They’re nothing without Trump to whip daily. They internally forced themselves to run a fair debate just for the views, thinking the cocktail would animate Biden’s corpse enough for him to get some great one-liners in, and he shat the bed massively instead, with no shock to any of us with 2 eyes and ears who saw the emperor had no clothes decades ago.
Um, I live in Michigan, and there's absolutely NO WAY I would partake of that cum guzzler draining my balls.

Not even when Madonna offered to suck a Dem (sorry, I can't remember who it was) into office was I anywhere close to interested.

She'd have to blow the entire state of Michigan...

Not saying she won't... But it's not going to be easy!

Remember how unhinged a lot of them were in 2008 when the party rigged the primaries for bathhouse Barrack Hussein over Hillary? Imagine the cognitive dissonance in the mind of a hardcore group of 3rd-wave feminists and lesbians, post-menopausal schoolteachers with butch cuts, and angry old ladies from the 1960s who’ve been fighting the patriarchy as an excuse for their insufferable personalities and no prospects of landing a decent man.


The DNC responded by going Wet Works on 2 of Hillary’s superdelegates after she launched the birth certificate attacks against Obama. DNC infighting is not only nasty, but very deadly and the murders never get reported widely. You would think people might like to hear if a Hillary superdelegate, DNC Chairman of Arkansas, and long-time politician was murdered during campaign season before the convention, right?

Some random 50yr-old Democrat nutbag left his job at Target one day, then drove to Bill Gwatney's office, and blasted him to the face, head, and neck with a pistol, then went on a high-speed chase with Arkansas LEOs until they ran him down and mag-dumped him. Gwatney had pledged to go to Convention in Denver and demand an open-floor look into why Obama wasn’t on the ballot in several States, since he didn’t meet the DNC requirements according to the Clinton loyalists, yet was somehow anointed over Hillary.

Motive still unclear 10 years after Arkansas Dem Part Chair was Murdered


The other Superdelegate who pledged to go stir things up at Convention was a black lady Democrat named Stephanie Tubbs Jones who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage while driving her car.


The Marxist lunatics are sick, mentally-ill, unstable people with deep trauma and radical ideas about how the US works, and how it should work. It’s the main reason they hate the people owning firearms, because they want a monopoly on political violence to be executed by the state. They’re so deranged, they recognize within themselves that they can’t be trusted around firearms, which is why they don’t own them in general. Most of them would suck-start a pistol or shotgun in one of their fits of rage, and they fundamentally know this, hence their desire for police and military to be the only ones with guns. Like the Congressional baseball shooter, they have no problems with one of their own gunning people down even within their party if that persona doesn’t align with their wishes.

You see how all this is about information control though. Why anyone would even give the corporate brothel presstitutes their time is still beyond me. This stunt from CNN to host the debate was just a Hail Mary trying to get viewership back. They’re nothing without Trump to whip daily. They internally forced themselves to run a fair debate just for the views, thinking the cocktail would animate Biden’s corpse enough for him to get some great one-liners in, and he shat the bed massively instead, with no shock to any of us with 2 eyes and ears who saw the emperor had no clothes decades ago.
IMHO... the dems didn't rig it against Hillary.

But at the time the Dem party was undergoing a massive Civil War. You had the Clinton wing (generally conservative... or at least a lot more Conservative than they are today.) And you had the Howard Dean Wing. Which was full-bore communist idealists. Their Manchurian Candidate, sponsored by the far left was a 'came out of nowhere' community organizer with dreamy biceps and a couple of terms in the Illinois legislature, part of a term as a US Senator (cheated in)... and the guy was a media darling. He was a rock star. He was young and swarthy and 'spoke whitely.'

Hillary was always a disliked-angry crone who noone even liked when Bill was president. And Bill was wildly popular! Admit it... he was really popular. He had a smile and a personality and an Aw Shucks way about him and even though he was hated by the right... he was wildly popular.

EVERYONE hated Hillary. The Healthcare czar (gave us HMO's and took away our doctors.) The fake cookie baking. The pants-suits. The FUGLY daughter and her "Stand by my man fakery' that was sooooo obvious.

In 1998 when Monica scandal broke... Hillary was given a choice. She could bail on Bill and probably the Presidency would be over, and she would be living on a small pension in Arkansas for the rest of her life. Or she could stand by her man 100 percent... and she would be President. That was the promise to her. You, Hillary, will be President.

Unfortunately... While she was doing her thing in the Senate, waiting for Dubya to end his term... along came a wildly popular communist freak from Vermont named Howard Dean. Not initially elected to Governor's office... he was Lt. Governor to Dick Snelling who came 'back' as Governor to fix the complete progressive bullshit that Medeline Kunin had caused in Vermont... massive taxes, bureaucracy, gay marriage... she was the progressive POS that sold out Vermont to the Commies. Dean was one of her Acolytes... and ended up as Lt. Gov. under Snelling.

Who died next to his pool a few months into his term. Making Howard Dean the Governor. And he proceeded to pander to everyone and everything. Became "America's Most Popular Governor." But in his 'closet' were some nasty secrets. His brother was a communist who went to Cambodia to live with the Khmer Rouge. And disappeared. Dean blamed the Govt. He was a socialist. A commie. A POS... an infiltrator with a nice smile and a medical degree. And he translated that into a run for President in 2004.

Which ended in a terrible scream as he melted down on national TV. And left the Democratic party to run John "Swiftboat" Kerry... a Clinton Democrat who was even less popular than Hillary.

After Kerry lost, Dean maneuvered to become chair of the Democrat Party. Wresting it away fromt the "Clinton" wing which was more about enriching them selves off the system. While the Dean Wing were the true fanatics... the Shining path Communists. And shortly after the "Dean" wing took over... look what happened. Schumer was elevated to Senate Presidentt. and Pelosi to speaker. The hard corre left from Feinstein to Bernie were suddenly "In" power and after 2006, they gutted Bush in Congress... especially using Katrina... to win big majorities.

Then came 2008... and the Dean Wing was waiting with a totally Groomed Kenyan/Hawaiian/Mulatto who sounded perfectly reeasonable. Against Casper the Friendly Ghost. Oh and right before the election... Schumer crashed the economy with his "THe banks are about to fail" letter sent out Labor Day 2008... just in time to tank the economy before November and ensure McCain could not win.

Hillary, in the mean time... was screwed. She had been promised 2008. But had the rug pulled out from under her by Dean.

"BUt shut up, said the Dems." We will make you secretary of state (While giving her senate Seat to another uber-liberal). And then she spent years as a complete cluster fuck as Sec State. But who would have cared? The press covered for her. Because after being first Lady, A Senator and Sec. State... she was groomed like noone else for the Presidency! Everyone knew it. She knew it. Bill knew it. The press knew it. And all she had to do was 'show up.' The deal was done... Oh but the deal included one other little thing... A huge Pivot Left. She would be Howard Dean's Bitch if she wanted to be President. "Ok! Sounds good to me, Uncle Howard. Just as long as I get to be President I'll do anything."

But then, in 2015.... when Hillary was guaranteed the Presidency... down the gold Escalator comes Trumpster! The total dark horse. A joke. Hillary will beat him in a heartbeat. In fact... we'll help Trump beat all the other primary candidates, said the press and other Dems, So that Hillary can whip him in November... and she'll have a Landslide. And a historic victory. ANd you'll humiliate that crass real-eastate tycoon.

Bah ah ahhah ahah a... Hillary hid in her basement. She was mean. She looked fat, tired and sick. She fell down. Nobody liked her. She faked hoaxes about Trump that noone believed. Her campaign was corrupt. She was stealing from Haiti. World leaders thought she was an idiot. Blacks hated her. Hispanics hated her more. She may have been a pandering feminist. But if noone LIKES you... you won't win.

And the rest is history. She had a meltdown on election night. Threw a glass ashtry at Bill and had to be subdued by the secret service. She was sedated. Someone else showed up at the Victory Party' to tell folks to go home. And the next day her communist friends energized the Swamp.

So... it wasn't that the the Dems 'stole' from Hillary... she was A. an unlikeable worthless candidate. And B. The Clinton wing of the party "lost" the Civil War to the Communist Wing of the Democratic Party. And that's where we stand today... With a shell of a party being mastermanded behind the green curtain by Howard Dean, Bernie, Soros, ChiComs, Tech Executives, That Indian Democratic Socialist (communist) who put the squad in place... Obama (who was supposed to be good little Boy like Biden... but proved to be very, very smart and dangerous)... and dozens of fanatical billionaires who think that they won't be the first ones lined against the wall if the Socialists Triumph (Just as Lenin suggested and proposed.)

Well, pardon the rant...

Oh and... Let's go Brandon!!!!



PS... other than that one line... your post is right on. And technically, that line is right on. Just that there was a bit of history behind the 'rigging.' Done by a bunch of riggers. ;-)
IMHO... the dems didn't rig it against Hillary.

But at the time the Dem party was undergoing a massive Civil War. You had the Clinton wing (generally conservative... or at least a lot more Conservative than they are today.) And you had the Howard Dean Wing. Which was full-bore communist idealists. Their Manchurian Candidate, sponsored by the far left was a 'came out of nowhere' community organizer with dreamy biceps and a couple of terms in the Illinois legislature, part of a term as a US Senator (cheated in)... and the guy was a media darling. He was a rock star. He was young and swarthy and 'spoke whitely.'

Hillary was always a disliked-angry crone who noone even liked when Bill was president. And Bill was wildly popular! Admit it... he was really popular. He had a smile and a personality and an Aw Shucks way about him and even though he was hated by the right... he was wildly popular.

EVERYONE hated Hillary. The Healthcare czar (gave us HMO's and took away our doctors.) The fake cookie baking. The pants-suits. The FUGLY daughter and her "Stand by my man fakery' that was sooooo obvious.

In 1998 when Monica scandal broke... Hillary was given a choice. She could bail on Bill and probably the Presidency would be over, and she would be living on a small pension in Arkansas for the rest of her life. Or she could stand by her man 100 percent... and she would be President. That was the promise to her. You, Hillary, will be President.

Unfortunately... While she was doing her thing in the Senate, waiting for Dubya to end his term... along came a wildly popular communist freak from Vermont named Howard Dean. Not initially elected to Governor's office... he was Lt. Governor to Dick Snelling who came 'back' as Governor to fix the complete progressive bullshit that Medeline Kunin had caused in Vermont... massive taxes, bureaucracy, gay marriage... she was the progressive POS that sold out Vermont to the Commies. Dean was one of her Acolytes... and ended up as Lt. Gov. under Snelling.

Who died next to his pool a few months into his term. Making Howard Dean the Governor. And he proceeded to pander to everyone and everything. Became "America's Most Popular Governor." But in his 'closet' were some nasty secrets. His brother was a communist who went to Cambodia to live with the Khmer Rouge. And disappeared. Dean blamed the Govt. He was a socialist. A commie. A POS... an infiltrator with a nice smile and a medical degree. And he translated that into a run for President in 2004.

Which ended in a terrible scream as he melted down on national TV. And left the Democratic party to run John "Swiftboat" Kerry... a Clinton Democrat who was even less popular than Hillary.

After Kerry lost, Dean maneuvered to become chair of the Democrat Party. Wresting it away fromt the "Clinton" wing which was more about enriching them selves off the system. While the Dean Wing were the true fanatics... the Shining path Communists. And shortly after the "Dean" wing took over... look what happened. Schumer was elevated to Senate Presidentt. and Pelosi to speaker. The hard corre left from Feinstein to Bernie were suddenly "In" power and after 2006, they gutted Bush in Congress... especially using Katrina... to win big majorities.

Then came 2008... and the Dean Wing was waiting with a totally Groomed Kenyan/Hawaiian/Mulatto who sounded perfectly reeasonable. Against Casper the Friendly Ghost. Oh and right before the election... Schumer crashed the economy with his "THe banks are about to fail" letter sent out Labor Day 2008... just in time to tank the economy before November and ensure McCain could not win.

Hillary, in the mean time... was screwed. She had been promised 2008. But had the rug pulled out from under her by Dean.

"BUt shut up, said the Dems." We will make you secretary of state (While giving her senate Seat to another uber-liberal). And then she spent years as a complete cluster fuck as Sec State. But who would have cared? The press covered for her. Because after being first Lady, A Senator and Sec. State... she was groomed like noone else for the Presidency! Everyone knew it. She knew it. Bill knew it. The press knew it. And all she had to do was 'show up.' The deal was done... Oh but the deal included one other little thing... A huge Pivot Left. She would be Howard Dean's Bitch if she wanted to be President. "Ok! Sounds good to me, Uncle Howard. Just as long as I get to be President I'll do anything."

But then, in 2015.... when Hillary was guaranteed the Presidency... down the gold Escalator comes Trumpster! The total dark horse. A joke. Hillary will beat him in a heartbeat. In fact... we'll help Trump beat all the other primary candidates, said the press and other Dems, So that Hillary can whip him in November... and she'll have a Landslide. And a historic victory. ANd you'll humiliate that crass real-eastate tycoon.

Bah ah ahhah ahah a... Hillary hid in her basement. She was mean. She looked fat, tired and sick. She fell down. Nobody liked her. She faked hoaxes about Trump that noone believed. Her campaign was corrupt. She was stealing from Haiti. World leaders thought she was an idiot. Blacks hated her. Hispanics hated her more. She may have been a pandering feminist. But if noone LIKES you... you won't win.

And the rest is history. She had a meltdown on election night. Threw a glass ashtry at Bill and had to be subdued by the secret service. She was sedated. Someone else showed up at the Victory Party' to tell folks to go home. And the next day her communist friends energized the Swamp.

So... it wasn't that the the Dems 'stole' from Hillary... she was A. an unlikeable worthless candidate. And B. The Clinton wing of the party "lost" the Civil War to the Communist Wing of the Democratic Party. And that's where we stand today... With a shell of a party being mastermanded behind the green curtain by Howard Dean, Bernie, Soros, ChiComs, Tech Executives, That Indian Democratic Socialist (communist) who put the squad in place... Obama (who was supposed to be good little Boy like Biden... but proved to be very, very smart and dangerous)... and dozens of fanatical billionaires who think that they won't be the first ones lined against the wall if the Socialists Triumph (Just as Lenin suggested and proposed.)

Well, pardon the rant...

Oh and... Let's go Brandon!!!!



PS... other than that one line... your post is right on. And technically, that line is right on. Just that there was a bit of history behind the 'rigging.' Done by a bunch of riggers. ;-)
Damn, fkng excellent post!! Top notch history lesson there. I did not know that stuff about Dean, always thought of him as a lot mouth bully that never really did or accomplish anything.
Hillary wasn't the only one who didn't learn from Bill how to win, Gore behaved more like Hillary, trying to talk and be tough instead of being nice/charming like Bill did to win.
Before we go one step further on hillary conspiracies or murder, you need to consider this.

I have personally spent time with professional men and women who had to work directly with hillary clinton. They report that she is the meanest, nastiest living thing that ever had XX chromosomes.

That thing that calls itself Hillary Clinton, is the double definition of mean and failure.
I think, we as a country, need to start figuring out how to take this country back, period. It’s pretty clear things are not for the people and haven’t been for quite some time, no matter who is in office. But at least in the past you had a voice, but not anymore. Half the country is brainless idiots and the other half is getting railroaded by a rogue gov. At some point that can’t continue!
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I think, we as a country, need to start figuring out how to take this country back, period. It’s pretty clear things are not for the people and haven’t been for quite some time, no matter who is in office. But at least in the past you had a voice, but not anymore. Half the country is brainless idiots and the other half is getting railroaded by a rogue gov. At some point that can’t continue!

It's not going to happen without it all hitting bottom and going to the wall really hard.
The good folks are not going to do the needful until they have lost everything, lost their comfort and realize they might as well meet their fate on their feet rather than on their knees.

We are a long way from that happening.
Good folks still "just obey", "just follow the law", "just worship the police", "just worship the military," "vote harder next time", The good folks still spend more time fighting over who isn't perfect and being too lazy and comfortable to risk anything.

That is always the cycle of history, there have never been any shortcuts, sometimes the wheel of time slows down a bit by the efforts of some and other times it's sped up, but once the decline starts, you don't get to the rebuilding upside until you go all the way down to the bottom.
Before we go one step further on hillary conspiracies or murder, you need to consider this.

I have personally spent time with professional men and women who had to work directly with hillary clinton. They report that she is the meanest, nastiest living thing that ever had XX chromosomes.

That thing that calls itself Hillary Clinton, is the double definition of mean and failure.

Before we go one step further on hillary conspiracies or murder, you need to consider this.

I have personally spent time with professional men and women who had to work directly with hillary clinton. They report that she is the meanest, nastiest living thing that ever had XX chromosomes.

That thing that calls itself Hillary Clinton, is the double definition of mean and failure.

How ironic (but fitting) is the declaration by Secret Service that the worst assignment possible for a Secret Service Agent (and often the very assignment used to "punish" an agent for wrong doing) is to be put on Hillary Clinton's protection detail. 🤮
It's not going to happen without it all hitting bottom and going to the wall really hard.
The good folks are not going to do the needful until they have lost everything, lost their comfort and realize they might as well meet their fate on their feet rather than on their knees.

We are a long way from that happening.
Good folks still "just obey", "just follow the law", "just worship the police", "just worship the military," "vote harder next time", The good folks still spend more time fighting over who isn't perfect and being too lazy and comfortable to risk anything.

That is always the cycle of history, there have never been any shortcuts, sometimes the wheel of time slows down a bit by the efforts of some and other times it's sped up, but once the decline starts, you don't get to the rebuilding upside until you go all the way down to the bottom.
I’m not sure we ever get there. They are building $660,000,000 high rises to give the homeless a place to live. Now I’m all for nobody in this country being homeless as there are a lot of empty buildings in this country. But I’m not ok with giving people $2mil condos. Most working people that can’t hardly make it as are going to wonder why they are working. Then there is the issue of these people completely trashing the newly given condos. They need to address the other problems first. At any rate my point is, I don’t think it’s going to get to the point where the pendelum swings back. You are right it has to get there first but I don’t think it ever will and even if it does, I’m not convinced the people of these generations have what it takes to rebuild. So where do we go? I’m also very curious where all the Uber wealthy think they are going to go once it collapses cause if the US goes, thee world goes.
How ironic (but fitting) is the declaration by Secret Service that the worst assignment possible for a Secret Service Agent (and often the very assignment used to "punish" an agent for wrong doing) is to be put on Hillary Clinton's protection detail. 🤮

Yet the Pretorian Guard has no problem with protecting the worst of the worst while their cohorts go hard after anybody good.
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IMHO... the dems didn't rig it against Hillary.

But at the time the Dem party was undergoing a massive Civil War. You had the Clinton wing (generally conservative... or at least a lot more Conservative than they are today.) And you had the Howard Dean Wing. Which was full-bore communist idealists. Their Manchurian Candidate, sponsored by the far left was a 'came out of nowhere' community organizer with dreamy biceps and a couple of terms in the Illinois legislature, part of a term as a US Senator (cheated in)... and the guy was a media darling. He was a rock star. He was young and swarthy and 'spoke whitely.'

Hillary was always a disliked-angry crone who noone even liked when Bill was president. And Bill was wildly popular! Admit it... he was really popular. He had a smile and a personality and an Aw Shucks way about him and even though he was hated by the right... he was wildly popular.

EVERYONE hated Hillary. The Healthcare czar (gave us HMO's and took away our doctors.) The fake cookie baking. The pants-suits. The FUGLY daughter and her "Stand by my man fakery' that was sooooo obvious.

In 1998 when Monica scandal broke... Hillary was given a choice. She could bail on Bill and probably the Presidency would be over, and she would be living on a small pension in Arkansas for the rest of her life. Or she could stand by her man 100 percent... and she would be President. That was the promise to her. You, Hillary, will be President.

Unfortunately... While she was doing her thing in the Senate, waiting for Dubya to end his term... along came a wildly popular communist freak from Vermont named Howard Dean. Not initially elected to Governor's office... he was Lt. Governor to Dick Snelling who came 'back' as Governor to fix the complete progressive bullshit that Medeline Kunin had caused in Vermont... massive taxes, bureaucracy, gay marriage... she was the progressive POS that sold out Vermont to the Commies. Dean was one of her Acolytes... and ended up as Lt. Gov. under Snelling.

Who died next to his pool a few months into his term. Making Howard Dean the Governor. And he proceeded to pander to everyone and everything. Became "America's Most Popular Governor." But in his 'closet' were some nasty secrets. His brother was a communist who went to Cambodia to live with the Khmer Rouge. And disappeared. Dean blamed the Govt. He was a socialist. A commie. A POS... an infiltrator with a nice smile and a medical degree. And he translated that into a run for President in 2004.

Which ended in a terrible scream as he melted down on national TV. And left the Democratic party to run John "Swiftboat" Kerry... a Clinton Democrat who was even less popular than Hillary.

After Kerry lost, Dean maneuvered to become chair of the Democrat Party. Wresting it away fromt the "Clinton" wing which was more about enriching them selves off the system. While the Dean Wing were the true fanatics... the Shining path Communists. And shortly after the "Dean" wing took over... look what happened. Schumer was elevated to Senate Presidentt. and Pelosi to speaker. The hard corre left from Feinstein to Bernie were suddenly "In" power and after 2006, they gutted Bush in Congress... especially using Katrina... to win big majorities.

Then came 2008... and the Dean Wing was waiting with a totally Groomed Kenyan/Hawaiian/Mulatto who sounded perfectly reeasonable. Against Casper the Friendly Ghost. Oh and right before the election... Schumer crashed the economy with his "THe banks are about to fail" letter sent out Labor Day 2008... just in time to tank the economy before November and ensure McCain could not win.

Hillary, in the mean time... was screwed. She had been promised 2008. But had the rug pulled out from under her by Dean.

"BUt shut up, said the Dems." We will make you secretary of state (While giving her senate Seat to another uber-liberal). And then she spent years as a complete cluster fuck as Sec State. But who would have cared? The press covered for her. Because after being first Lady, A Senator and Sec. State... she was groomed like noone else for the Presidency! Everyone knew it. She knew it. Bill knew it. The press knew it. And all she had to do was 'show up.' The deal was done... Oh but the deal included one other little thing... A huge Pivot Left. She would be Howard Dean's Bitch if she wanted to be President. "Ok! Sounds good to me, Uncle Howard. Just as long as I get to be President I'll do anything."

But then, in 2015.... when Hillary was guaranteed the Presidency... down the gold Escalator comes Trumpster! The total dark horse. A joke. Hillary will beat him in a heartbeat. In fact... we'll help Trump beat all the other primary candidates, said the press and other Dems, So that Hillary can whip him in November... and she'll have a Landslide. And a historic victory. ANd you'll humiliate that crass real-eastate tycoon.

Bah ah ahhah ahah a... Hillary hid in her basement. She was mean. She looked fat, tired and sick. She fell down. Nobody liked her. She faked hoaxes about Trump that noone believed. Her campaign was corrupt. She was stealing from Haiti. World leaders thought she was an idiot. Blacks hated her. Hispanics hated her more. She may have been a pandering feminist. But if noone LIKES you... you won't win.

And the rest is history. She had a meltdown on election night. Threw a glass ashtry at Bill and had to be subdued by the secret service. She was sedated. Someone else showed up at the Victory Party' to tell folks to go home. And the next day her communist friends energized the Swamp.

So... it wasn't that the the Dems 'stole' from Hillary... she was A. an unlikeable worthless candidate. And B. The Clinton wing of the party "lost" the Civil War to the Communist Wing of the Democratic Party. And that's where we stand today... With a shell of a party being mastermanded behind the green curtain by Howard Dean, Bernie, Soros, ChiComs, Tech Executives, That Indian Democratic Socialist (communist) who put the squad in place... Obama (who was supposed to be good little Boy like Biden... but proved to be very, very smart and dangerous)... and dozens of fanatical billionaires who think that they won't be the first ones lined against the wall if the Socialists Triumph (Just as Lenin suggested and proposed.)

Well, pardon the rant...

Oh and... Let's go Brandon!!!!



PS... other than that one line... your post is right on. And technically, that line is right on. Just that there was a bit of history behind the 'rigging.' Done by a bunch of riggers. ;-)
100%. Hillary knew though that Obama didn’t qualify for office since he was accepted into Columbia under a foreign student exemption, as his grades at Occidental were utter trash (C average at best). So she threw a tantrum when he was favored over her in the 2008 campaign as the party darling, and pointed out technicalities like him not being on the ballot in some States and questionable citizenship status.

The Monica Lewisnki affair was a cover for all the actual corruption and high crimes from before. Hillary signed off on a bunch of skanks from Arkansas and within the DNC who were loyal enough to open, then close their mouths as directed. They brought them into the WH with the transition and made them WH staffers so Clinton could bumblebee from office to office. They were called "the graduates”. She doesn’t give a rip about him philandering because that was the nature of their relationship back at Yale, where they met during a protest.


She would scare away all the tail he was smashing and remain in his orbit to talk politics. That’s all he saw in her: a chic who was conversant enough to debate on an intellectual level, while he abused other girls for their femininity. She would then chase them off so he could move to the next hump-and-dump. It was a very beneficial exploit for him and she knew he was going places politically, though she turned down his initial offer for marriage after he passed the bar. She was waiting to take the DC bar and just assumed she would pass, so she let him fly back to Arkansas and make it out on her own. She of course failed the DC bar and then went crawling back to him in AR, adopted a Southern accent, and got into the Rose Law Firm since Bill was State AG.

The whole Monica-Clinton marriage troubles hoax was a charade to distract from all the original crimes that warranted the Independent Counsel in the first place, only about 1.5 years into the Clinton Presidency. Before the Inauguration in Jan ’93, they had 14 major criminal referrals for high crimes that had already been committed from the Governor’s mansion in the 1980s, treason and espionage being some of the worst ones, followed by suborning of murder, narcotics smuggling, obstruction of justice, falsifying causes of death through the AR Medical Examiner’s office, money-laundering through State agencies Bill created, basically ran the place like a banana republic, all with the blessing and help of CIA.

But yeah, Hillary was wretched in the public and private eye for sure. She’s just not a likable person, very vile in her conduct towards others. I was stationed in DC in those early years of the Clinton Presidency with regular access/proximity to those circles as part of my duties. I did my own freelance investigation into one of the murders on my spare time since I was right there.
The whole Monica-Clinton marriage troubles hoax was a charade to distract from all the original crimes that warranted the Independent Counsel in the first place, only about 1.5 years into the Clinton Presidency. Before the Inauguration in Jan ’93, they had 14 major criminal referrals for high crimes that had already been committed from the Governor’s mansion in the 1980s, treason and espionage being some of the worst ones, followed by suborning of murder, narcotics smuggling, obstruction of justice, falsifying causes of death through the AR Medical Examiner’s office, money-laundering through State agencies Bill created, basically ran the place like a banana republic, all with the blessing and help of CIA.
"American Made" with Tom Cruise.
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Damn, fkng excellent post!! Top notch history lesson there. I did not know that stuff about Dean, always thought of him as a lot mouth bully that never really did or accomplish anything.
Hillary wasn't the only one who didn't learn from Bill how to win, Gore behaved more like Hillary, trying to talk and be tough instead of being nice/charming like Bill did to win.
Billy got that from his adoptive family, whose name he took. His birth name was William Jefferson Blythe III. His bio father supposedly died in a car accident with some route he ran regularly between Arkansas and Chicago. His mom married into a Buick dealership family, who had 3 of them, the Clintons.

Grandpa Clinton would quiz the grandchildren with memory games after they sat down to read Little Golden Books, and little Billy had the best memory adaptation of them all. He was taken out to the dealer lots to watch the salesmen screw over people and learn their smooth-talking’ ways. That’s where his memory and speaking skills came from.

He had a convertible Buick at age 16....in one of the poorest States in the Union:


Imagine the social life he was accustomed to in the Deep South in high school, before even going off to college. It’s one of the factors in why he moved so quickly to rape and other deviant behaviors. Dude is a slime ball who can remember details of social situations decades later, which really helped him in politics for certain. To him it was all about getting chics and partying all the time. Hillary is more rigid ideologically, but also became quickly acclimated to Soviet, Chicom, Israeli, Pakistani, Saudi, and other threat nation bribes and the lifestyle that allowed them.
Billy got that from his adoptive family, whose name he took. His birth name was William Jefferson Blythe III. His bio father supposedly died in a car accident with some route he ran regularly between Arkansas and Chicago. His mom married into a Buick dealership family, who had 3 of them, the Clintons.

Grandpa Clinton would quiz the grandchildren with memory games after they sat down to read Little Golden Books, and little Billy had the best memory adaptation of them all. He was taken out to the dealer lots to watch the salesmen screw over people and learn their smooth-talking’ ways. That’s where his memory and speaking skills came from.

He had a convertible Buick at age 16....in one of the poorest States in the Union:


Imagine the social life he was accustomed to in the Deep South in high school, before even going off to college. It’s one of the factors in why he moved so quickly to rape and other deviant behaviors. Dude is a slime ball who can remember details of social situations decades later, which really helped him in politics for certain. To him it was all about getting chics and partying all the time. Hillary is more rigid ideologically, but also became quickly acclimated to Soviet, Chicom, Israeli, Pakistani, Saudi, and other threat nation bribes and the lifestyle that allowed them.
Another good history lesson.
"American Made" with Tom Cruise.
It was just a short re-hash for those of us who knew about and studied Barry Seal for decades.

The film was originally titled Mena and in 2014 was featured on The Black List, a survey showcasing the best unproduced screenplays in Hollywood. On January 14, 2015, it was announced that Tom Cruise and Edge of Tomorrow director Doug Limanwould reunite for what was originally titled Mena.

Would have been better to cast Lance Barber as Barry Seal though, but I doubt he has Cruise’s piloting skills. Cruise filmed the stunt with the plane on auto-pilot as he kicked out cocaine bundles to the smuggling network nodes, just like Seal did in real life.

“Lance, we’ve got a role for you, but you’re gonna need to put on a few pounds, grow your double chin out."


This is still kabuki theatre. Kam is going to run or else that campaign money has to be returned. Trumps going to win and the lefts going to burn it down in protest economy going tits up under Trump will be their 2028 way to get Gavin in there.
This is still kabuki theatre. Kam is going to run or else that campaign money has to be returned. Trumps going to win and the lefts going to burn it down in protest economy going tits up under Trump will be their 2028 way to get Gavin in there.
No way that campaign money gets returned, it'll just disappear into thin air.
Should Trump win, they'll be something worse than Covid this time in his presidency to crash the economy or our country.
What they don't do to destroy the country under Trump, Newsome will find a way to take the U.S. over a cliff.
Before we go one step further on hillary conspiracies or murder, you need to consider this.

I have personally spent time with professional men and women who had to work directly with hillary clinton. They report that she is the meanest, nastiest living thing that ever had XX chromosomes.

That thing that calls itself Hillary Clinton, is the double definition of mean and failure.
True, a buddy of mine was Marin 1 for quite a while.

On second thought, I'll just keep my opinions to myself and not participate in elder abuse one way or another. I'll say that we deserve better collectively but, nah I'm out of this argument.

View attachment 8454760

On second thought, I'll just keep my opinions to myself and not participate in elder abuse one way or another. I'll say that we deserve better collectively but, nah I'm out of this argument.

It’s not elderly abuse if he’s a pedophile and a traitor. There was a recent video of him kissing a grandkid on the mouth and the kid immediately went into a fit of sadness and tried to wipe the stank of his face. If you watch how children respond to Biden, they almost always recoil in fear and discomfort.

His comments to his Syracuse Law roommate about being a pedophile, his child sex abuse of Hunter and Ashley, Hunter’s naming of him on his Apple Contact list as “Pedo Peter”, and his open physical contact behavior around children all point to the fact that he’s a pedophile.

The greatest example of mercy, kindness, and justice who ever walked the earth, Jesus Christ, said:

Luke 17: 2
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
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Oh it’s not just kids! I got a clip I’ll have to find somewhere where he is meeting a black man and you can see the excitement on the guys face, until he shakes his hand. I guess Biden found him attractive or something cause as soon as those hands locked, Biden started rubbing/caressing the dudes forearm and then you see the black man go into his WTF state but I guess felt like he couldn’t do anything with the SS around. It was an awkward 10-30 seconds.
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I’m not sure we ever get there. They are building $660,000,000 high rises to give the homeless a place to live. Now I’m all for nobody in this country being homeless as there are a lot of empty buildings in this country. But I’m not ok with giving people $2mil condos. Most working people that can’t hardly make it as are going to wonder why they are working. Then there is the issue of these people completely trashing the newly given condos. They need to address the other problems first. At any rate my point is, I don’t think it’s going to get to the point where the pendelum swings back. You are right it has to get there first but I don’t think it ever will and even if it does, I’m not convinced the people of these generations have what it takes to rebuild. So where do we go? I’m also very curious where all the Uber wealthy think they are going to go once it collapses cause if the US goes, thee world goes.
Here's a quote that I really like. Ezra Taft Benson was sec ag under Eisenhower. He said this in 1985 a month before he became our church president.

“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold [people] by changing their environment. Christ changes [people], who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature. …
“May we be convinced that Jesus is the Christ, choose to follow Him, be changed for Him, captained by Him, consumed in Him, and born again” (“Born of God,” Ensign, Nov. 1985, 6–7).
well, what you don't see in the news lately; since it's all 'will Joe be replaced'
Hunter's laptop
Illegal immigration and those that they are raping and killing
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It's not going to happen without it all hitting bottom and going to the wall really hard.
The good folks are not going to do the needful until they have lost everything, lost their comfort and realize they might as well meet their fate on their feet rather than on their knees.

We are a long way from that happening.
Good folks still "just obey", "just follow the law", "just worship the police", "just worship the military," "vote harder next time", The good folks still spend more time fighting over who isn't perfect and being too lazy and comfortable to risk anything.

That is always the cycle of history, there have never been any shortcuts, sometimes the wheel of time slows down a bit by the efforts of some and other times it's sped up, but once the decline starts, you don't get to the rebuilding upside until you go all the way down to the bottom.
This. Personally, I saw during the covid unpleasantness how much anyone really cares about me and mine. My altruistic self died then.
It’s not elderly abuse if he’s a pedophile and a traitor. There was a recent video of him kissing a grandkid on the mouth and the kid immediately went into a fit of sadness and tried to wipe the stank of his face. If you watch how children respond to Biden, they almost always recoil in fear and discomfort.

His comments to his Syracuse Law roommate about being a pedophile, his child sex abuse of Hunter and Ashley, Hunter’s naming of him on his Apple Contact list as “Pedo Peter”, and his open physical contact behavior around children all point to the fact that he’s a pedophile.

The greatest example of mercy, kindness, and justice who ever walked the earth, Jesus Christ, said:

By no means am I trying to come across as argumentative, I personally don't take any issue with your comments nor disagree with them-

I'm just frustrated with American politics in general and I'm saddened that we got to this point with our elected leaders. I know that the "good old days" weren't as "good" as we tend to remember them but on that same thread, I just don't recall the apparent grift being so blatant anymore. I expect politicians to lie their collective butts off during election years but there's still some small part of me that cringed to the belief that "just maybe" they'd be voted out in the next election if they failed to deliver on those promises to their constituents. Obviously that's a fool's belief and we have decades (if not longer) of data to support that as a fools errand.

Not to use this as a proverbial 'confessional' but I think what bothers me the most anymore- it's not any particular individual/political candidate or party, it's not whatever platform they run/campaign on, what promises they make, or who endorses who...

For me- what bothers me the most is we've reached a point where we've publicly stripped the concept of hope from an entire nation. We used to hope that things would be better for the next generation because of our efforts, we believed that the sacrifices we made during our generation's time would support that belief. We used to hope that our nation was established on a system of checks & balances and that system would weed out corruption. We believed the press would serve as our national 'watch dog' and call out any tomfoolery. We looked to the stars and said as a nation that we can accomplish what's never been done before.

And now- we argue whether a biological male is actually a woman, we have a significant portion of our citizens dependent on the dole, we gave up the notion of having borders (and chastise the belief that anyone should care about that) we've gotten to the point where 80 years ago folks believed we could accomplish anything and were the greatest country in the world to 24/7 coverage on how Country 'X' is so much better even though it's the size of Rhode Island.

Again- I do intellectually grasp that the 'good old days' weren't that 'good' but I just can't remember a time where corruption, grift, and all that comes with it was so evident and the entire system shrugs their shoulders and says 'of course it is' and all of that hope was thrown away for the 'new normal' Apologies, not to go on a rant, but this is why I was trying to opt out of this discussion because it's a macro issue with a micro focus to me. Not directed to you personally @LRRPF52

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Here's a quote that I really like. Ezra Taft Benson was sec ag under Eisenhower. He said this in 1985 a month before he became our church president.

“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold [people] by changing their environment. Christ changes [people], who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature. …
“May we be convinced that Jesus is the Christ, choose to follow Him, be changed for Him, captained by Him, consumed in Him, and born again” (“Born of God,” Ensign, Nov. 1985, 6–7).
One does not have to believe one whiff of Jesus’ Promise of everlasting life in Heaven. But, Jesus of Naserth, (sic) teachings of how to live with one’s fellow man elevates him beyond the common man. If he is not God on Earth, he is and will always remain the greatest living testament, in how humans can live and survive among each other.

Me, without taking religion but one step further, I believe.
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By no means am I trying to come across as argumentative, I personally don't take any issue with your comments nor disagree with them-

I'm just frustrated with American politics in general and I'm saddened that we got to this point with our elected leaders. I know that the "good old days" weren't as "good" as we tend to remember them but on that same thread, I just don't recall the apparent grift being so blatant anymore. I expect politicians to lie their collective butts off during election years but there's still some small part of me that cringed to the belief that "just maybe" they'd be voted out in the next election if they failed to deliver on those promises to their constituents. Obviously that's a fool's belief and we have decades (if not longer) of data to support that as a fools errand.

Not to use this as a proverbial 'confessional' but I think what bothers me the most anymore- it's not any particular individual/political candidate or party, it's not whatever platform they run/campaign on, what promises they make, or who endorses who...

For me- what bothers me the most is we've reached a point where we've publicly stripped the concept of hope from an entire nation. We used to hope that things would be better for the next generation because of our efforts, we believed that the sacrifices we made during our generation's time would support that belief. We used to hope that our nation was established on a system of checks & balances and that system would weed out corruption. We believed the press would serve as our national 'watch dog' and call out any tomfoolery. We looked to the stars and said as a nation that we can accomplish what's never been done before.

And now- we argue whether a biological male is actually a woman, we have a significant portion of our citizens dependent on the dole, we gave up the notion of having borders (and chastise the belief that anyone should care about that) we've gotten to the point where 80 years ago folks believed we could accomplish anything and were the greatest country in the world to 24/7 coverage on how Country 'X' is so much better even though it's the size of Rhode Island.

Again- I do intellectually grasp that the 'good old days' weren't that 'good' but I just can't remember a time where corruption, grift, and all that comes with it was so evident and the entire system shrugs their shoulders and says 'of course it is' and all of that hope was thrown away for the 'new normal' Apologies, not to go on a rant, but this is why I was trying to opt out of this discussion because it's a macro issue with a micro focus to me. Not directed to you personally @LRRPF52

I think if you could travel back in time, be the age you are, and have the wisdom that comes with age, youd always see the same. If not, then your standing on the wrong side of politics for that age. Native Americans probably didnt enjoy life when the white men arrived, the millions of south Americans probably havent enjoyed life under cartels. Im sure democrats hated America between 2016-2020. Everything is relative.

Too many people, with too many opinions and ideas to ever have a utopia. Someone is always on the wrong end.

Id say most everyone still has hope, otherwise our country would be in chaos......To your point, this world looks a lot more grim than it did 20 years ago, but Im also deeply conservative, so Im standing on the wrong side of politics right now.
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I think if you could travel back in time, be the age you are, and have the wisdom that comes with age, youd always see the same. If not, then your standing on the wrong side of politics for that age. Native Americans probably didnt enjoy life when the white men arrived, the millions of south Americans probably havent enjoyed life under cartels. Im sure democrats hated America between 2016-2020. Everything is relative.

Too many people, with too many opinions and ideas to ever have a utopia. Someone is always on the wrong end.

Id say most everyone still has hope, otherwise our country would be in chaos......To your point, this world looks a lot more grim than it did 20 years ago, but Im also deeply conservative, so Im standing on the wrong side of politics right now.
I really don’t have to travel back in time, In the early 2000’s, with our nation seriously involved in Afghanistan and our only son already a member of the military, Brenda and I both agreed and publicly stated, We Did Not Need to Invade Iraq. Spoke openly about it. and I must say, that was the worst decision our nation has made during my lifetime. (And I must admit, almost every administration has made at least one very serious blunder.).

Were we on the wrong side of the blunder? I suspect not. But a lot of people were. And a lot of innocent people paid for that decision which they may or may not have agreed. We can be thankful that our son survived multiple deployments flying missions over both Afghanistan and Iraq and a deployment on the ground in Iraq. Sadly, not every family can say that about their son.
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I think if you could travel back in time, be the age you are, and have the wisdom that comes with age, youd always see the same. If not, then your standing on the wrong side of politics for that age. Native Americans probably didnt enjoy life when the white men arrived, the millions of south Americans probably havent enjoyed life under cartels. Im sure democrats hated America between 2016-2020. Everything is relative.

Too many people, with too many opinions and ideas to ever have a utopia. Someone is always on the wrong end.

Id say most everyone still has hope, otherwise our country would be in chaos......To your point, this world looks a lot more grim than it did 20 years ago, but Im also deeply conservative, so Im standing on the wrong side of politics right now.
Nope. Id say a lot of my generation and the younger ones I talk to no longer have hope in the country or our system. And that’s a scary thought when you think about it. I certainly no longer have hope in our system. Seems to be heading the wrong direction and rigged on many levels by corrupt people as far as I can see. And the way people act towards one another nowadays is another example of how things are going the wrong way. I’d also argue that the country is in borderline chaos, it’s just that many fail to be able to see it.

This kind of shit has now become normalized it seems:

Is that a country of hope?

How about this one where the dude in the Jeep is just so Cavalier about getting in his Jeep after some shitbag runs through a salon killing many and injuring many more. The fact he doesn’t do anything shows what society is turning into and it’s downright scary to be honest. No, this is not the America I remember. There is something wrong here.

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superb rendering of the clinton story by lrrp and sirh. totally believable as consistent with things i know to be true from elsewhere.
my only question to them is: why are you both still alive? deep knowledge of the clinton story is often and frequently terminal.
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Nope. Id say a lot of my generation and the younger ones I talk to no longer have hope in the country or our system. And that’s a scary thought when you think about it. I certainly no longer have hope in our system. Seems to be heading the wrong direction and rigged on many levels by corrupt people as far as I can see. And the way people act towards one another nowadays is another example of how things are going the wrong way. I’d also argue that the country is in borderline chaos, it’s just that many fail to be able to see it.

This kind of shit has now become normalized it seems:

Is that a country of hope?

How about this one where the dude in the Jeep is just so Cavalier about getting in his Jeep after some shitbag runs through a salon killing many and injuring many more. The fact he doesn’t do anything shows what society is turning into and it’s downright scary to be honest. No, this is not the America I remember. There is something wrong here.

The realization is the "Law" is what is empowering it all. If the trash was allowed to taken out before 911, jail & court things might change.
By no means am I trying to come across as argumentative, I personally don't take any issue with your comments nor disagree with them-

I'm just frustrated with American politics in general and I'm saddened that we got to this point with our elected leaders. I know that the "good old days" weren't as "good" as we tend to remember them but on that same thread, I just don't recall the apparent grift being so blatant anymore. I expect politicians to lie their collective butts off during election years but there's still some small part of me that cringed to the belief that "just maybe" they'd be voted out in the next election if they failed to deliver on those promises to their constituents. Obviously that's a fool's belief and we have decades (if not longer) of data to support that as a fools errand.

Not to use this as a proverbial 'confessional' but I think what bothers me the most anymore- it's not any particular individual/political candidate or party, it's not whatever platform they run/campaign on, what promises they make, or who endorses who...

For me- what bothers me the most is we've reached a point where we've publicly stripped the concept of hope from an entire nation. We used to hope that things would be better for the next generation because of our efforts, we believed that the sacrifices we made during our generation's time would support that belief. We used to hope that our nation was established on a system of checks & balances and that system would weed out corruption. We believed the press would serve as our national 'watch dog' and call out any tomfoolery. We looked to the stars and said as a nation that we can accomplish what's never been done before.

And now- we argue whether a biological male is actually a woman, we have a significant portion of our citizens dependent on the dole, we gave up the notion of having borders (and chastise the belief that anyone should care about that) we've gotten to the point where 80 years ago folks believed we could accomplish anything and were the greatest country in the world to 24/7 coverage on how Country 'X' is so much better even though it's the size of Rhode Island.

Again- I do intellectually grasp that the 'good old days' weren't that 'good' but I just can't remember a time where corruption, grift, and all that comes with it was so evident and the entire system shrugs their shoulders and says 'of course it is' and all of that hope was thrown away for the 'new normal' Apologies, not to go on a rant, but this is why I was trying to opt out of this discussion because it's a macro issue with a micro focus to me. Not directed to you personally @LRRPF52

Part of the Soviet ideological warfare strategy was to demoralize the US through our own institutions, namely through information, schools, and the media.

Because of the luxury we have to see and learn more now when peeling back the curtain on the political elites, we tend to see lots of rot. They haven’t exactly done a great job to disabuse themselves of that stain though, and it all can’t be blamed on foreign influence.

One of the biggest failures we scored on ourselves (our great-great-great grandparents) was the Immigration Act of 1903, where Europe dumped its criminals, insane, and illiterate peasants on the US in waves. Then to make it worse, we allowed Prohibition to go into effect, once the profiteers caused massive alarm and sensationalist campaigns among the Women’s Temperance movement, who stupidly played right into their hands.

That in-turn laid the foundation for organized crime to take over the Government in the 1920s (that they didn’t already own), and we haven’t seen a purge of them since.

Most people treat each other well, but that doesn’t attract sensationalist headlines for the corporate presstitutes and their ads.
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He had a convertible Buick at age 16....in one of the poorest States in the Union:

But they sold the "grew up poor, raised by a single mother" story, the press repeated it unquestionably and the public gobbled it up.

Been telling people this story for 30+ years now and I've yet to run into one that knew the truth.
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Part of the Soviet ideological warfare strategy was to demoralize the US through our own institutions, namely through information, schools, and the media.

Because of the luxury we have to see and learn more now when peeling back the curtain on the political elites, we tend to see lots of rot. They haven’t exactly done a great job to disabuse themselves of that stain though, and it all can’t be blamed on foreign influence.

One of the biggest failures we scored on ourselves (our great-great-great grandparents) was the Immigration Act of 1903, where Europe dumped its criminals, insane, and illiterate peasants on the US in waves. Then to make it worse, we allowed Prohibition to go into effect, once the profiteers caused massive alarm and sensationalist campaigns among the Women’s Temperance movement, who stupidly played right into their hands.

That in-turn laid the foundation for organized crime to take over the Government in the 1920s (that they didn’t already own), and we haven’t seen a purge of them since.

Most people treat each other well, but that doesn’t attract sensationalist headlines for the corporate presstitutes and their ads.
a fair but different slant on early 20th cent immigration. i would say that i hold a more conventional view. seems to me that many early ones wanted to be here for the opportunity to prosper which was lacked where they came from. many of the men killed in the 2 WWs were 1st.2nd gen. last immigrant group that was patriotic and learned to love the US was the 60s cubans. after that the reason to be here was to get the freebies and be able to do crimes with less trouble. mariel started that trend. it has escalated to today's disaster. the true destruction started with dewey,wilson and fdr,IMHO. teddy R didn;t help and got some balls rolling into today. absolutely right about the volstead act. it launched and and enabled organized crime to grow and thrive. we now have gangs and cartels controlling huge chunks of our big cities. it all flows thru various paths from marxist thinking.
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But they sold the "grew up poor, raised by a single mother" story, the press repeated it unquestionably and the public gobbled it up.

Been telling people this story for 30+ years now and I've yet to run into one that knew the truth.
Just like “Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzenzinski are hard-core Democrats.” or "Lindsey Graham is a great Conservative Republican!”, or “The Bush family are strong on defense!”, etc.

Hillary was actually raised very conservative, but her United Methodist youth leader was an indoctrinated Marxist who handed out anti-war magazines published by Soviet front groups in the US. Then she went to Wellesley (lesbian college) where she got her BA, followed by attending Yale for her JD, where she met Billie either in the library studying, or during an anti-war protest fomented by the Soviets and SDS (depending on which version of their meeting timeline you look at).

At age 13, Hillary campaigned for Nixon canvassing the neighborhood in 1960, then later campaigned for Barry Goldwater against LBJ in 1964!

Same for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. He was a Young Democrat and supporter of Vietnam War protestors. He was hired to continue the investigation into the Vince Foster assassina....I mean suicide, which later turned into the sham known as the Monica Lewinsky Affair and Clinton’s impeachment for lying under oath multiple times.

There was a young law clerk on the Independent Counsel when it was first under Robert Fiske, who had been hired since there were so many criminal referrals against the Clintons in the wake of Waco, Vince Foster, Whitewater fraud, Arkansas State Trooper allegations and deaths/suicides, and numerous strange circumstances surrounding the Clintons.

Kenneth Starr (L) and law clerk (center)/and associate Independent Counsel Alex Azar (R):

Robert Fiske washed his hands of the whole thing once he saw the murders, but that law clerk was really adamant about uncovering the facts about the murder of the Deputy White House Counsel, whose body was found in an old Civil War Park about a mile north of where I was stationed in DC on the Virginia side.

Had it not been for that continued investigation into the Depth WH Counsel’s death, the IC might have been closed, but it was handed off to Ken Starr.

Who was the young legal clerk and law school graduate in the center of the above photo? Oh, just a guy named Brett Kavanaugh, current Supreme Court Justice.


Who was the Deputy White House Counsel whose body was found in Fort Marcy Park? Long-time friend of the Clintons and former Senior Rose Law Firm partner, Vince Foster:



Vince Foster had been up to some very dirty deeds for many years, and is one of the main reasons there were several high crimes referrals to the DOJ for indictments for espionage against him and Hillary already in early 1993. Foster had been flying to Switzerland 12-20x per year since the 1980s, with less than 24hr stays as the norm, servicing multiple safe deposit boxes in Chiasso. He was selling the NSA’s frequent code updates for their bank surveillance and seizure program, which grew out of the PROMIS system developed for the DOJ in the 1970s.

He was servicing accounts for himself and the Clintons, which were being filled with millions of dollars from the Soviets, ChiComs, Iranians, Pakistanis, Israelis, Saudis, and other nations who didn’t like the NSA monitoring and seizing their illicit funds. 2 weeks before Vince Foster’s body was found, he called the bank in Chiasso and learned that the accounts had been zeroed-out.

This is the same NSA/DOJ surveillance program that Robert Hansen was compromising for the Russians before he finally was caught, 20 years after his own Brother-in-Law reported his suspicious activities.

One of the Bureau’s finest, Robert Hanssen:

This stuff would attract major headlines, but they’ll never talk about it because it exposes how politicians use their access to sell sensitive information to our enemies in exchange for personal enrichment, while endangering Americans and our allies.
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Newsmax is parroting this story of Mark Halpern's, I'd much rather he stay in office. The Devil you know beats the Devil you don't know.
You got that right. As Bo Duke said it

“Better to fight the enemy you know than the enemy you don’t”.

Something else Bo said that makes a lot of sense

“Now I live here. I choose this life. Not because I don't know no better, but because I beleive it is better, and I'm gonna fight anything or anybody that pollutes the well where I drink“

How many of us, choose not to live in the heart of New York City or Las Angeles cramped and crowded in tiny apartments, that rarely even get a glimpse of sunlight and enjoy going to the opera and eating very expensive meals at exclusive restaurants.
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