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Ok… let’s say Pedo Joe drops out…

Um... being totally serious.... as a current printer with over 45 years in the industry, one press and two weeks would give the 90 million necessary. There's a lot of "depends" to that statement but doable.
Absolutely, but you missed your window. I have other jobs on the press now. Typical customer has now idea about production. Sure we could get it done if we didn't have anything else on the press, but you only show up every 4 years, what about my 'good' customers.... waves $10M in my face.... we can get that done by tomorrow afternoon. (hey guys, I need some overtime tonight)
If I were Kamala Harris, I would be staying inside. If Biden steps down, only Kamala can legally take the $85m in the campaign. But, if Kamala dies of a sudden heart attack, Biden replaces her with the actual candidate. After the candidate is in the VP slot, Biden withdraws.
To think that is now an 8 year old clip… such a crone!!!!

She probably gets shot full of the same joy juice as Biden before every talk!

Man… Bill should have ditched her line a hot rock the day after Bush was inaugurated…. Think of all the pooter he could have had over the years!

But nope… he chose power over a good life!

What......you think he wasn't getting all that "pooter" on the side any way..................Monica was the only one he was "caught" with...........................
Absolutely, but you missed your window. I have other jobs on the press now. Typical customer has now idea about production. Sure we could get it done if we didn't have anything else on the press, but you only show up every 4 years, what about my 'good' customers.... waves $10M in my face.... we can get that done by tomorrow afternoon. (hey guys, I need some overtime tonight)
If you go to R R Donnelly, overnight. Sure.
Biden has to either chose to step down, die, or...there's a clause in the DNC that allows them to replace a candidate due to a disability.

If any of the above happens before the DNC convention, it will be a "brokered convention", which sounds like a shit show of a time.

If it happens after the convention when Biden is formally the nominee once the delegates all place their votes, then I think the DNC just gets to coronate their new nominee.
One other very important detail: all that money Biden raised cannot simply be transferred to the new contender. He will have to give it all back to original donor who can then "re-donate" to the new person. That won't happen overnight, if much at all.
I'd been saying since the day I heard there was going to be a "Special Council" looking into Hunter Butwipen that they'd set the council, find some things, tell creepy Joe "Hey, this looks bad, but we can make it all go away if you agree to stand aside, let Newsome be 'the guy' and we'll talk to Kamala about standing down after being handsomely rewarded." To which he'll say "Ifn the uh we can think of the great... Ice cream. I WANT ICE CREAM".
Then, it'll be all the backup vote ballots they alrwady have all the illegals filling out in a sweat shop type hell hole in trade for future citizenship that swings the tally in the late hours of counting.
But it was awesome that the cnn type reporter said "Big Mike" accidentally when refering to Mees-hell.
All the talk about campaign money is a joke,, right?
What is that money spent on? TV air time? Traveling around the country for events? ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN etc are all in the bag (Pravda) for the communist/Marxist agenda. They will fund the destruction of Trump for free. The potato already proved that they can stay at home in the basement and win an election. Mark Zuckerberg will squash all things Trump as will Google and probably Twitter will also. It's a different world.
Pedo Joe can't drop out. If he is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve out the remainder of his term in office. He will be removed and kumalia takes over if he drops out of the race.

The main reason is they already have the fradulent ballots with Pedo Joe's name on them. Joe's debate performance really fucked up the fake ballot count. Its going to be hard to know how many votes that cost Joe state by state.
All they need is “plausible deniability”.

The last election was such a farce but people were willing to accept “ Well the odds were long but maybe he did get 100% of the votes at 0230.”

Trump was the first President to ever publicly say the word “shlonged” but the other team does it to us after pulling out of some stanky ass.
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All the talk about campaign money is a joke,, right?
What is that money spent on? TV air time? Traveling around the country for events? ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN etc are all in the bag (Pravda) for the communist/Marxist agenda. They will fund the destruction of Trump for free. The potato already proved that they can stay at home in the basement and win an election. Mark Zuckerberg will squash all things Trump as will Google and probably Twitter will also. It's a different world.
Since musk has already called out kamala for lying on his platform I don't think Twitter or x will be in that group and I think it will be a lot harder to pull off the various lies for Fakebook and Google, because of musk. He loves busting their butts and he sees the real problems. He also has enough money to not be afraid of them.
All the talk about campaign money is a joke,, right?
What is that money spent on? TV air time? Traveling around the country for events? ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN etc are all in the bag (Pravda) for the communist/Marxist agenda. They will fund the destruction of Trump for free. The potato already proved that they can stay at home in the basement and win an election. Mark Zuckerberg will squash all things Trump as will Google and probably Twitter will also. It's a different world.
10% for the big guy
I think it’s a mistake to believe the Dems have it all figured out. They are not organized, logical, or focused under pressure.
Also, Joe had been mentally incompetent for years, and yet someone has been running the country, so someone new could be put in exactly the same situation. Big Mike, Kamala, etc.
Notice that Obama and Bill Clinton were the first ones to come to Joe’s defense, insisting that the Party continue to back the geriatric pedophile.

Obama, Clinton excuse Biden’s debate performance to fend off Democratic meltdown

Makes perfect sense since Putin and China’s CCP have been funding them all for decades.

Clintons have been on Soviet payroll since no later than the mid-1980s with the PROMIS scandal (selling the NSA’s bank surveillance and asset seizure program codes to threat nations for years). They also took Chicom money for both campaigns in 1992 and 1996, with those scandals being in the corporate news even at the time. Chinagate/Campaign Financegate

Biden was literally installed in the Senate with Council for a Livable World money and influence in the Delaware election of 1972. He was a nobody piece of trash, scumbag pedophile whose in-laws hated him and his kiddy-fondling. After the campaign, their daughter (Biden’s wife) and granddaughter Naomi were killed in a car accident, while Beau and Hunter survived. Biden found a new love after that who looked unusually young for her age.


Council for a Livable World also was influential in getting the divorce records unsealed for a bathhouse fag and Black Bolshevik’s bid into the Senate in Illinois. His name was Barrack Hussein Obama, whose mother worked for US Agency for International Development. After graduating Columbia, Obama worked for a CIA financial services and analysis company called BIC.

As a young Senator, Obama worked hard to disarm Ukraine further already back in the 2000s.

There is no other meaningful connection between Obama and Biden, which is why Biden was selected/assigned as Obama’s running mate in 2008.

The Obamas and Clintons needed a stooge with enough adult family members to run the shell companies to launder Putin and the CCP’s bribes. Enter fumbling mumbling Joe Biden and clan. They couldn’t have direct connections to Obama for the laundering apparatus.

When Hillary was SECSTATE, she took $363 million from Putin into the Clinton Global Initiative, which would of course need to be distributed with Obama. Biden clan took in millions from Putin and CCP as well, run through the various Rosemont Seneca shells that Hunter and James sat on as COOs/CEOs. Same with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz (son of deceased father Senator Henry Heinz III).

If the Biden clan is ousted from the current Democrat traitor establishment, Putin and Xi lose their main anchors at the top levels of the US Government. Since Biden was marked as a pedophile already back in Syracuse Law in the 1960s, the Soviets knew he would be very cheap to bribe. That’s why they chose him to back with CFALW in 1972 into the Senate.

This is my assessment as to why Obama and Clinton immediately came to Biden’s defense.
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These treasonous pieces of trash don’t give a rip about partisan politics or ideology. They just like sitting back and collecting Russian, Chinese, Israeli, Saudi, Pakistani, and other bribes from nations who don’t have the US’s best interests in mind. The Biden family has been a long-standing means to that end and will be extremely difficult for the ideologues and younger Democrats to mess with.

Checking upon his cold? Or looking for effects of the cocktail that didn't work?
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I see assorted headlines of dems in a desparate and panicky tone needing Joe to drop out of the race.

We knew when he was a candidate that he was already cognitively compromised. And they have lied and covered it up for so long. But there is nothing to cover up a puppy crapping in the middle of the living room in front of everyone.
Michelle or Big Mike, isn't going to run. He hates politics and I don't think he wants trumps team digging into his past. Biden is going to be the guy. Will they have other scams and schemes to defraud the American people? Yes, I'm sure they will, but it will be with biden. In a few weeks they will all be saying how "anyone can have a bad night" and " Joe is sharp and has good people around him...."
Michelle or Big Mike, isn't going to run. He hates politics and I don't think he wants trumps team digging into his past. Biden is going to be the guy. Will they have other scams and schemes to defraud the American people? Yes, I'm sure they will, but it will be with biden. In a few weeks they will all be saying how "anyone can have a bad night" and " Joe is sharp and has good people around him...."
I think you just hit on it.

The "Michelle" facade is pretty thin.
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They literally went full retard when they installed Biden in the first place.
I disagree. They got exactly what they wanted and needed. A absent brain dodler who would do nothing while these behind the scene folks instilled the kind of government any sexually deviant, Constitution hating person would aspire to live in.

Now what really scares me is the people waiting in the wings to take his place. Gavin Newsom, Big Hips Old Mama, Good ole, get em dead hill - er - ee. The leadership in the Democratic Party has to be the low point in the history of the nation. And, anyone who is even close to moderate is drummed out of any position of influence within the party.
To think that is now an 8 year old clip… such a crone!!!!

She probably gets shot full of the same joy juice as Biden before every talk!

Man… Bill should have ditched her line a hot rock the day after Bush was inaugurated…. Think of all the pooter he could have had over the years!

But nope… he chose power over a good life!

Without the Rodham name, Slick Willy would have been nothing more than a Roger.
Biden has always been a low IQ dipshit. Several of his colleagues labeled him as the dumbest motherfucker on Capitol Hill many years running. He has lied and grifted his entire life, having graduated near or at the bottom of his class but claiming repeatedly that he was the top man. He has plagiarized and had to drop out of running for POTUS when things were not yet so under control by the media. I am not going very far out on a limb by saying even his mother thought he was stupid sonofabitch. But the stupid sonofabitch was re-elected over and over and over by other stupid motherfuckers.

The Dems have a real problem.

Joe has an outsized sense of worth. He thinks he is the shit. His ego will never allow him to step down. He will have to be removed under duress. His wife is the same. She is the wife of the President of the United States of America and she is loving it. The fame. Her name is going to be written in the history books. Future generations will know her name. No way the Biden crime family is going to step aside willingly.

Even the Dems do not want the Kamala show.

Newsome is PROBABLY their next best hope but the nation sees the cesspool he created in Kalifornia. There is a large block of voters no longer living in Kalifornia that would NEVER vote for him.

Mike Obama can't afford the scrutiny of having the balls to drown his lovers chef.

The hag Hillary is no longer even relevant.

The spoiler is RFKJR. He has said he'd swap back to Dem. He just might be able to swing the Dems and some Independent votes and take the win. For me, that is scary as fuck. He is not the guy this nation needs. Also, I am tired of the dynasty type shit. Bushes, Kennedy's, Roosevelts.

All you fuckers write in my name and I'll do what I can to straighten all this shit out. Now, realize that I may need 8 years so re-elect me. I will get so much shit done, your heads will spin but your grandchildren will be more free than you are.

Oh, and buy the book and be sure you pay full price for the movie.

Aftermath for POTUS.


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The spoiler is RFKJR. He has said he'd swap back to Dem. He just might be able to swing the Dems and some Independent votes and take the win. For me, that is scary as fuck. He is not the guy this nation needs. Also, I am tired of the dynasty type shit. Bushes, Kennedy's, Roosevelts.
RFK Jr. has another problem, his VP running mate is 100% Soros funded/WTF backed.
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So the first Congress-weenie (a 30 year douche bag from Lyndon Johnson’s district) has called for Pedo Joe to step aside.

Ok.. I like to think of myself as somewhat well-versed.

But how does that happen with legal frameworks? Or is the party not covered by
Legal frameworks?

What about states where Pedo-boy is already on ballot? Can it be changed?

Is Kamala the slave-owner (well her granddad) automatically elevated? I think not. But… what?

What happens if pedo Joe suddenly has dirt on Hillary? How does that get replaced?

Can Big Mike or Oprah just suddenly… step in?

Someone step in, please and walk through the machinations.


PS… what about them special “superdelegates? Can everyone hit switch in Chicago? Curious and a bit… looking for insight!

- Democrat party at state and national level will make emergency rules changes as necessary

- Anyone stepping in will get the votes of democrats currently not planning to vote Brandon

- They will do pretty much as they please and the “republicans” will grumble, wink and let it happen to ensure the machine keeps getting oiled by insiders
Several of those Governors want to run for President in 2028. They want Kamala out of the way.
One of the most interesting, rarely-discussed aspects of these scumbags is game theory and the political races.

The ones who really take it seriously and start scheming for the White House at an early age are constantly positioning for the final card. Take Jeb Bush for example, or Cory Booker and Gavin Newsom.

This is the real reason why the establishment hacks hate Trump so much, because he disrupted the natural flow of soulless sell-outs and their behind-the-scenes king-makers. He took away their power in one surprise swoop that even billions of dollars from Google and other donors could not overcome.

They had been telling Hillary, “Don’t worry. We’ve got it all wrapped-up. You will be queen Nov 8, 2016, no question about it."

Now their whole schedule is messed-up and in chaos with a geriatric pedophile rambling and stumbling around, with a kill-switch ditz of a VP as his insurance policy to scare Dems into supporting Biden.

They can’t even run a false flag hit on Biden because it still leaves Kamala in the seat.

It’s all terrifying and hilarious to watch at the same time, like clowns tearing apart the engines of your airliner as you go down in flames.
One of the most interesting, rarely-discussed aspects of these scumbags is game theory and the political races.

The ones who really take it seriously and start scheming for the White House at an early age are constantly positioning for the final card. Take Jeb Bush for example, or Cory Booker and Gavin Newsom.

This is the real reason why the establishment hacks hate Trump so much, because he disrupted the natural flow of soulless sell-outs and their behind-the-scenes king-makers. He took away their power in one surprise swoop that even billions of dollars from Google and other donors could not overcome.

They had been telling Hillary, “Don’t worry. We’ve got it all wrapped-up. You will be queen Nov 8, 2016, no question about it."

Now their whole schedule is messed-up and in chaos with a geriatric pedophile rambling and stumbling around, with a kill-switch ditz of a VP as his insurance policy to scare Dems into supporting Biden.

They can’t even run a false flag hit on Biden because it still leaves Kamala in the seat.

It’s all terrifying and hilarious to watch at the same time, like clowns tearing apart the engines of your airliner as you go down in flames.

^^^^this right here, spot on.