Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

The cylinder he’s pushing up has an explosive charge in it. I believe they’re designed to explode if there is to much current. I’ve heard the one in my yard go off and it sounds like a very large rifle. It looks like they had some flammable gas present.
I believe transformers are filled with oil.
The cylinder he’s pushing up has an explosive charge in it. I believe they’re designed to explode if there is to much current. I’ve heard the one in my yard go off and it sounds like a very large rifle. It looks like they had some flammable gas present.

He is seating a fuse with a fiberglass pole. Heard them called hot sticks by the local guys that come out to replace those fuses. They seated one a couple times that blew up and sounded like a 12ga.
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The cylinder he’s pushing up has an explosive charge in it. I believe they’re designed to explode if there is to much current. I’ve heard the one in my yard go off and it sounds like a very large rifle. It looks like they had some flammable gas present.
Sorry.....but no. It's strictly a fuse holder. The top of the fuse has a flange....the tail wraps around a bolt held with a spring for tension. During a melts and the spring helps pull it apart and the door falls open. They do sound like a rifle shot. Bigger the fuse the louder the bang.
That transformer probably vented during the fault. Arc lit the oil off.......not that I've ever seen that happen😬

No, it won't. And "they" know that.

They aren't after the criminals. Their goal is to disarm the law abiding public so they can control them. Again, don't think "Sandy Hook" or "Las Vegas" or any tragedy like that. Think "Ruby Ridge..." Think the "Bundy Ranch."

That's what they really fear.

I'm not sure how to interpret this. I gather it's a "B1," right? Are those white puffs bombs that already landed and detonated, or are they targets for the bombs currently being dropped? And, if their true target is that little patch at the end of the main road, something tells me they need a bit more practice at "aiming." :rolleyes:
I'm calling BS on the "fire" imagery. Concerning everything else, yes.


I don't recall where on YouTube it is, but I saw a video of people in India riding atop an electric train (they do that when it's overcrowded). And, for whatever reason, this gentleman wasn't looking where he should have and got zapped by the catenary lines. 25K Volts. It was a loud pop/buzz and a brief flame, but very brief. And then a huge "Thud" as the poor man fell to the roof of the train car. Instant Death! All within a second or so. At least the train was at a station stop and not moving.

Darwin at its best (or worst).
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Drogue Chute
. Allow an aircraft to clear the blast area, especially if the weapon has a very large explosive or dropped at low levels.
Allow for speed critical munitions to deploy at a certain speed. This would include certain types of fuel-air bombs, chemical weapons dispensers, or mine/smart munitions deployment.
Allow for airburst weapons at specific height in destroying specific target types (soft structures or minefields for example)
I'm not sure how to interpret this. I gather it's a "B1," right? Are those white puffs bombs that already landed and detonated, or are they targets for the bombs currently being dropped? And, if their true target is that little patch at the end of the main road, something tells me they need a bit more practice at "aiming." :rolleyes:
I'm not sure how to interpret this. I gather it's a "B1," right? Are those white puffs bombs that already landed and detonated, or are they targets for the bombs currently being dropped? And, if their true target is that little patch at the end of the main road, something tells me they need a bit more practice at "aiming." :rolleyes:
Modern version of Snakeyes.
Drogue Chute
. Allow an aircraft to clear the blast area, especially if the weapon has a very large explosive or dropped at low levels.

Ah, gotcha! Technology the "Enola Gay" probably could have used! Although, the timing would have to be perfect as the drop/detonation can't be so delayed as to allow ground forces to take the bomb out in the air via an anti-aircraft gun or SAM or something (did they even have SAMs yet back then?).

Allow for speed critical munitions to deploy at a certain speed. This would include certain types of fuel-air bombs, chemical weapons dispensers, or mine/smart munitions deployment.
Allow for airburst weapons at specific height in destroying specific target types (soft structures or minefields for example)

Something somewhat akin to "Depth Charges," underwater, which detonate at a certain depth (and therefore a certain pressure).
I rarely ever comment in this thread…..mostly just enjoy the pics and jokes. This thread is packed full of absolutely gorgeous women. I usually scroll right on by most of them. I’ve been with, dated, and divorced multiples of what most men consider “10’s” Very few of them actually catch my attention anymore. However, this woman made me stop scrolling. If she were single, I’d travel great distances just to see this woman face to face and ask her to dinner. It would be a delightful evening to see if the rest of who she truly is matches what I draw mentallty from this one image of her.

***If she is AI, then I guess that’s my new thing.
So, I'm pretty sure that's Cheryl Crow.

If it is, well, after hearing all that, you sure missed your calling Mr. Holmes. And good luck.

Lemme know though, cause I got drinks for you if you win. Pics or it didn't happen.