Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Seal oil if done right should be clear and no flavor. It's easy to burn and turn rancid though. Still part of the diet here for the old timers. They dip the hard smoked fish into the oil to replace the natural oils lost during the cooking.
Even when clear, it has a flavor. I've tried to like it many, many times. Liquid at room temp.

You gotta figure that at some point in the past, everyone was starving to death and they remembered burying some guts. They dig them up and survive so it became a celebratory meal. I don't know what the numbers are but maybe a dozen folks a year don't make it after eating stink flipper.
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That's the coolest thing I've seen in a while, I wonder if they need any paint or supplies.
Fucking awesome job. Just when I'm getting ready to blurt out , everybody fucking sucks, someone does something nice like this.
Damn, it's hard being a big ole meanie when fuckers are doing good like this.

I'd donate money to his cause as this is awesome
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My twins were in helmets like those. We have the modern luxury of making sure our children don't have screwed up looking heads. Those are strictly for helping shape the skull through a brief period of development. In our case, the boys were very premature due to no longer having room to grow in the woom. I will say those things are stinky as hell...