Shots Fired At President Trump's Butler PA Rally!

What seems odd to me is before any shots rang out, BOTH baseball hat CS are obviously looking at the same thing. They're not panning around, or looking in different directions.
Unclear what boonie hat CS were looking at, but if one of them made the shot then ALL 4 CS were on that one target BEFORE any shots were taken.
So they all knew the shooters location before he opened fire.
ASGH but Mayorkas should get crucified for this…. Impeached, then thrown in jail and prosecuted for treason

And then dropped ten miles off the Florida coast with nothing but an innnertube, paddle and a compass and told "Cuba is that way. Good luck."
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MSM keeps with BS headlines


Would report like this


But India MSM takes the cake with their headline ,
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Another reason I do not think this is deep state and is just the actions of goofball and the ineptitude of the security is because JFK in Dallas achieved the objective.

As others pointed out, the SS and other agencies have become more worried about DEI than actually doing the job. I realize the response team on the roof could not see the shooter at first. But, again, that is failure in proper security to check all buildings and yes, the water tower should have been used. One guy up there with a .300 WM could have simplified a lot of this.

Nope, this is your tax dollars at work.

If I were Trump, I would hire, if he has not already, a team of mercs who can actually do the job.

Also, I agree with Frank. No doubt, this forum is on a list and they are just aching to bust some "bugaloo" action.

Sorry, glowies, I don't even own a hawaiian shirt. But I do listen to Jimmy Buffet.

"I wish I had a pencil thin moustache,
The Boston Blackie kind.
A two-tone Ricky Ricardo jacket.
An autographed picture of Andy Devine..."
I just saw a CBS video stating the Butler SO Deputy was hoisted by another officer to get onto the roof to investigate the report of the shooter on the roof. As he was pulling himself up, Crooks aimed at him and he let go to avoid getting shot before he was on the roof. Crooks then crawled toward the peak and started firing.
What seems odd to me is before any shots rang out, BOTH baseball hat CS are obviously looking at the same thing. They're not panning around, or looking in different directions.
Unclear what boonie hat CS were looking at, but if one of them made the shot then ALL 4 CS were on that one target BEFORE any shots were taken.
So they all knew the shooters location before he opened fire.
I believe the guys in baseball caps could not see the shooter due to the trees.
again, speculation or truth?

In my mind, the shooter being essentially incompetent makes the possibility of government involvement about nil.
If this were a coordinated attempt, they would've used someone who wouldn't have missed and willing to die for their "cause".
Thank God this wasn't the case- prayers for the loved ones of the innocent man who was killed and speedy recoveries for those injured.

Maybe- just maybe- the DemoRats and virulent leftists will refrain from the "Hitler", "Threat to our Democracy" etc etc etc rhetoric, but I won't hod my breath. They're seeking violent confrontation, and if they continue down this road I fear they'll get it.
The pictures support this being the case. Watching the video of them coming off glass and resetting their tripod looks consistent with trying to see what the commotion was about.
And that makes sense if they are obscured by the trees. Which is all the more reason someone should have considered that scenario.

Trump twitched at the right moment.
In my mind, the shooter being essentially incompetent makes the possibility of government involvement about nil.
If this were a coordinated attempt, they would've used someone who wouldn't have missed and willing to die for their "cause".
Thank God this wasn't the case- prayers for the loved ones of the innocent man who was killed and speedy recoveries for those injured.

Maybe- just maybe- the DemoRats and virulent leftists will refrain from the "Hitler", "Threat to our Democracy" etc etc etc rhetoric, but I won't hod my breath. They're seeking violent confrontation, and if they continue down this road I fear they'll get it.
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It wasn’t a bad wind call by that shooter. I like Erik prince, but he’s wrong on that. At 150 yards it would have been a pretty healthy wind to drift a 223 bullet that far. The kid rested his rifle on the ridge of the roof with no kind of sand bag or rear support and the target was moving around. A 2” miss left is actually not at all surprising

Prince is just trying to score himself a lucrative contract.
a rundown on what most hope for
DJT is not assassinated despite deep states continued efforts
he is elected president despite the pre printed ballots,reprogrammed machines and votes of the dead and illegal
he gets into office and not obstructed on day 1
he closes 20 gov bureaus and fires 2mil gov workers,arrests 5k politicians,judges and gov drones for treason
now the bad news
those gov scum will revolt,shutdown everything they can get to,start a revolution of the deep state,release the viruses they have ready
muslim,chinese and cartel fighters will start their attacks
there will be no reliable public force to contest the above 2
economy will totally collapse
gov LEO will violently assist deep state takeover
military and local LEO will be totally unwilling and unable to protect the country
stuff trump needs to do if he can,but a big devastating uphill fight with little help
the deep state isn't going quietly they will resist violently as we have seen.
nor are the cartel,chinese,muslim fighters already here going to not act
most will likely think above is ravings of a mad man but a lot of problems
Supposedly dingbat tried out for the bethel park rifle team (Anschutz 22LR), but was such a bad shot, and made some odd comments so didnt last past day 1

If you can't do at least NRA Sharpshooter with 3-4 bars at 50ft small bore with an Anschutz and properly fitted loop sling.... you fucking suck.
This reminded me of a previous trip to DC I was being watched at the fence with a camera with a BIG Telephoto lens.
I watched him, he watched me :)
View attachment 8459197
And probably kept watching you for another week after that, and now all of our phones are tapped, data completely compromised..

The left, Cenk of the TYT, here admits defeat: that this is an act of submission, unilateral surrender, a result of when your ideas are too weak on its own but it has to resort to end you physically, and that he often called Trump a coward but here he was a brave hero and can't deny these two facts.

I can't stand Cenk. Despise him actually.

But I begrudgingly respect this statement.

Old salt, I guess you have been in this type of situation before and would of acted totally Clint Eastwood cool. I smell a keyboard commando.
Oh so because I am not a woman, I can’t have an opinion on abortion???

Let me be perfectly clear. I have never been on a Secret Service team while people are shooting at me and I have absolutely no idea how I would react.

No, I did not produce the resume, go through the purported rigorous training to become a member of one of the supposed most elite protection teams in the world.

An organization that is well documented to have seriously slipped during and post the Obama administration. An organization that is on record for their AGGRESSIVE woke DEI hiring practices as of late. Who has a female DEI head, that a lot of smarter people than me are calling for her to step down because she is grossly unqualified for the job.

I am however a tax paying citizen that pays their salaries. I am also a supporter of the man that was just almost killed on their watch. Yes, I sincerely believe that this was a egregious lapse of security in this matter. At least one former SS member has publicly said the same exact thing.

If you want to counterpoint, feel free. If you think the was a job well done then say so.

But questioning the legitimacy of me having an opinion regarding this matter is absolutely ludicrous. I’ve never said I was right. I simply stated my opinion and the opinions of others that I have linked directly to.

I smell geezer piss.
The enemy missed and are now running scared.

They are showing they are the despicable cowards we knew them to be; the kid on the playground that attacks another kid from behind and then runs to the teacher for protection.

View attachment 8459160
Lefties use violence like a volume knob from 0-10. Sometimes they go from 1-3, up to 5-6 with riots, etc.... the left knows, deep down, the Right has no knob we can turn up and down. It's either off, or at fucking 11. No in-between.

My Boi, Augusto Pinochet approves this message from his helicopter 🚁 🥰
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Perhaps one goal was to trigger some form of civil war / retaliation by the right

Wasn't that the goal of the indictments and prosecutions?

I think if "they" really wanted to kill him yesterday they would've made it happen. At some point before the election, you do know they're gonna make a real attempt by someone who actually knows what they're doing, not just someone willing to take a chance. They had nothing to lose letting this play out.
I just saw a CBS video stating the Butler SO Deputy was hoisted by another officer to get onto the roof to investigate the report of the shooter on the roof. As he was pulling himself up, Crooks aimed at him and he let go to avoid getting shot before he was on the roof. Crooks then crawled toward the peak and started firing.

I just got a similar report from a reliable source. Apparently shooter saw the officer and it startled him and may have made him move and/or rush his first shot.

The reports that “an officer confronted him and backed away” don’t reflect that he was likely doing an initial “peek” and did confirm a shooter and made Radio call moments before the first shot.

The video I pasted below at tells it all. Look at the vid with Trump and the SS snipers in the same frame (about the 4th one down the page.) SS snipers are watching the Trump shooter. The Trump shooter shoots first, the SS sniper breaks eye contact with his scope, taking his eye off the target! His backup SS spotter DROPS HIS RIFLE AND DUCKS! The Trump shooter gets off two more shots before the primary SS sniper re-acquires his target and begins firing.

You have to ask yourself: were they really that incompetent?

Link here to
The TMZ video shows what you say for the breaking eye contact, ducking, but there is nothing on that video about "the primary SS sniper re-acquires his target and begins firing." That is not on the video at all.
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At the end of the day, does it all come back to being presidential securities 'space shuttle challenger' moment?

I mean conspiracy theories will abound, but it would be pretty easy for it to happen with a few ridiculously incompetent team leaders. Imagine the conversation over the radio:

Sniper team to team leader: 'We have a guy with a rifle on that building. Requesting permission to engage....'
Secret Service team leader to sniper team: 'Uhhh standby, I'm not sure who's sector that is......I don't want a friendly fire incident'
Secret Service team leader to Police chief: 'Is that guy on that building yours?'
Police chief to Secret Service team leader: 'Uhhh negative, I thought that was your sector?'
etc, etc

The question is now is if anyone is held responsible....
Red headed spectator said they were looking at him with binos, as he pointed in fuitility at the shooter crawling across a roof with a rifle.
All true, but it does not take into account perspective. The persons pointing him out from the ground were on the side of the building. They could see him. He was crawling low, and the snipers could not see over the peak of the roof until he crawled up to the peak to look over and take his shot. Two different vantage points.

If you look at the photos from the crowd of the shooter on the roof, you can see what I mean.
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Lefties use violence like a volume knob from 0-10. Sometimes they go from 1-3, up to 5-6 with riots, etc.... the left knows, deep down, the Right has no knob we can turn up and down. It's either off, or at fucking 11. No in-between.

My Boi, Augusto Pinochet approves this message from his helicopter 🚁 🥰

Reminds me of a couple old poems

Norman and Saxon
The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon
I just got a similar report from a reliable source. Apparently shooter saw the officer and it startled him and may have made him move and/or rush his first shot.

The reports that “an officer confronted him and backed away” don’t reflect that he was likely doing an initial “peek” and did confirm a shooter and made Radio call moments before the first shot.

If there was no one (CA team) supposed to be on that roof, then SS was paid to make sure no one was there. But what if two local officers were supposed to be there and were bribed to let this guy use their ladder/position. They may have 'confronted' him to throw investigators off the trail.

Imagine the scenario where a team was supposed to be there. It would explain the other teams hesitation to take him out. Especially if the two 'cops' were on the radio saying they were moving into position.

The one team on the roof that looked incompetent reminded me of someone startled or taking fire. Maybe they thought he was legit since they had obstructed view through the trees, and were genuinely shocked (came off the scope) when he started shooting?
Or was there a spotter on the ground shooting at them to buy him time?

I don't trust the guy saying he tried to warn SS. With snipers on other roofs, the only way he knew the shooter wasn't more security was if he knew what was about to happen. Check his background for antifa and or fbi ties and you'll find he was the ground spotter for the shooter.
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