Secret Service 300 Winchester Magnum Ammo?


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Does anyone know what projectile the Secret Service uses in their 300 Win Mag? I've heard rumours that it could be Lehigh Defence 194gr Maximum Expansion Ammunition or a Barnes projectile of some description. Just curious as to how they mitigate Over Penetration with their ammo.


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If anyone can look up contract info more than me, it should be the middle of the contract period for whoever fulfilled solicitation 70US0922Q70092047, but /that/ is just ".300 Win Mag Duty Ammunition" that fits OAL 3.280 - 3.6", 1250 rounds per year.
If anyone can look up contract info more than me, it should be the middle of the contract period for whoever fulfilled solicitation 70US0922Q70092047, but /that/ is just ".300 Win Mag Duty Ammunition" that fits OAL 3.280 - 3.6", 1250 rounds per year.

Here is a link to how won the contract for the ammo, LINK. The link to their webpage, LINK.

My best guess is the 300 WM is going to be similar to MK248 MOD 0 or MOD 1 in load and ballistics. For the 308 WIN, it is going to be similar to M118LR or MK316 MOD 0 in load and ballistics.
Hard agree. Even if they have a handful of rifles that's not very much shooting with them, and it's my impression they have a few dozen of them at least so... they mostly gather dust? They practice with some other guns? ???
More likely training ammo and operational ammo.
I run the 110s in a blackout. Got invited to shoot some rabbits with a mate and his dad at their farm. I don't think his outrage after my first shot was justified. How was I supposed to know he wanted to eat them?

That’s hysterical. When I was 13 I shot a jack rabbit in the neck with a 7 mag at about 30’; almost severed its head. I tried to eat the legs…….wow, now I know why coyotes reportedly won’t touch them. Nasty flavor besides chewy. Cottontails, on the other hand, are tasty.

Ok….back to trying to figure out what bullet took out the assassin.
That’s hysterical. When I was 13 I shot a jack rabbit in the neck with a 7 mag at about 30’; almost severed its head. I tried to eat the legs…….wow, now I know why coyotes reportedly won’t touch them. Nasty flavor besides chewy. Cottontails, on the other hand, are tasty.

Ok….back to trying to figure out what bullet took out the assassin.
Young jacks are mighty tasty.
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I saw some of the Secret Service ammo contracts a few years ago. Based on the contract size It would look like there are less than 20 shooters who are not shooting that ammo often. They may have access to larger DOD or DHS contracts as well but i was surprised by the small size of the solicitation and contract.

If I had to guess, they don't shoot a ton of the 300WM in training, as it would burn up barrels (and those legacy guns look like reworked 700s's, so probably no prefits and long down time for rebarrels, which makes sense why they are trying to move to a prefit capable system) and contract ammo too fast. Probably a lot more .308 shooting for training and the Win Mags for operational.

We have guys here who know and are in that world, but I doubt they would comment, so its hard to know for sure.

I would still fire the entire agency for incompetence. They have a long history of failures and letting Principles get killed/shot.

Someone like Eric prince would unfuck the agency in a heartbeat. They never lost a protectee/principle in 20+ years of operating in the most dangerous places in the world.
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which makes sense why they are trying to move to a prefit capable system) and contract ammo too fast. Probably a lot more .308 shooting for training and the Win Mags for operational.
I saw an RFQ about new SS rifles, and it looks like they are swapping to a switch barrel system.
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