Biden just quit



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So buddy of mine (who has no inside knowledge at all, but is often very astute in predicting things) said to me today that he doesn't think Harris will get the nomination.

He thinks they will run Whitmer and Warnock for VP.

Obama is in charge of the party. He does not like Harris. And Gretchen and Warnock are his 'peeps.' Moreover, they will give a woman lead and a black VP... both hardcore communists.

I'm not saying my buddy is right. But I always listen when he has a hypothesis. Because he is right more than wrong.


So buddy of mine (who has no inside knowledge at all, but is often very astute in predicting things) said to me today that he doesn't think Harris will get the nomination.

He thinks they will run Whitmer and Warnock for VP.

Obama is in charge of the party. He does not like Harris. And Gretchen and Warnock are his 'peeps.' Moreover, they will give a woman lead and a black VP... both hardcore communists.

I'm not saying my buddy is right. But I always listen when he has a hypothesis. Because he is right more than wrong.



Biden threw a monkey wrench in that when he endorsed Harris. He's pissed that he got pushed out (for a second time) and now he's going to force Harris on them. They're going to lock Harris in with that virtual convention. If Biden thinks Obama is going to thwart that, he'll just resign the presidency. There is ZERO change they try and push out the first "woman of color" president. The far-left base would go ballistic! Harris will pardon his family in exchange for that.
Biden threw a monkey wrench in that when he endorsed Harris. He's pissed that he got pushed out (for a second time) and now he's going to force Harris on them. They're going to lock Harris in with that virtual convention. If Biden thinks Obama is going to thwart that, he'll just resign the presidency. There is ZERO change they try and push out the first "woman of color" president. The far-left base would go ballistic! Harris will pardon his family in exchange for that.
While I agree with you that seems like the most likely path...

Harris' numbers suck. Noone likes her. Not even the black community.

Interested in how the mechanics of the 'convention' or virtual convention work? Is there now going to be no physical convention in Chicago in three weeks?

With Biden's 'endorsement' of Harris, do his delegates now automatically have to vote for her in the first round? Are the 'Superdelegates' so bound? How do they get to vote or have their say? After the first round? Do they 'supercede' the regular delegates?

What happens if the convention is a total crap show? We could be on the verge of the first contested primary since.... '68? IIRC that went until 2 or 3 in the morning and LBJ considered flying to Chicago and jumping back in, but the USSS said they could not protect him given the violence there.

How does the convention play out?

Literally, not asking these rhetorically. I have NO idea how the DNC works. The RNC is pretty straight forward. The DNC seems to have all kinds of 'un-democratic' loopholes that let the power structure pick 'their' king or queen. And the delegates are sort of a formality or a sop to the masses who think they are all 'democratic?' because they are Democrats (HA!!!)!!

So please.. folks who are familiar with the mechanics of the Democratic Party's nominating process jump in. Please explain how the next 3 - 4 weeks work... so we can understand it.

Oh and what happens to campaign funds? From what I saw today, the FEC chair said that donations to Biden.... have to be returned. So how does Kamala and ???? even begin to raise money? Or does it go into a slush fund and she can use it? Are the big donors going to even try and line up behind her? Or sit this one out and just let Trump win (and pull the rug out from under him economically and bureaucratically) so they can ensure victory in 4 years?

What's Obama and Dean and the other Democratic Socialist's plan? They are not going to sit by idly? And while Harris is their lapdog and will be another Biden taking orders... do they think she can win? Or is she a useful idiot who needs to be cast off in favor of one of the party faithful (like Warnock or Whitmer or that NY Bimbo).

Someone above said 'this is not a good day for conservatives.' And I am 100 percent agreement. But is it a terrible day? And how to mitigate it?

Inquiring minds want to know!


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Biden doesn't care if they loose. He's got his bags of money, or whatever he's been given to quit and Kamala will pardon his family members. He's going to stick them with a candidate that can't win to punish them.

The fact that he made his statements on X and hasn't been seen since is telling. He's likely so blinded with rage that they're afraid to put him in front of a camera.
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So buddy of mine (who has no inside knowledge at all, but is often very astute in predicting things) said to me today that he doesn't think Harris will get the nomination.

He thinks they will run Whitmer and Warnock for VP.

Obama is in charge of the party. He does not like Harris. And Gretchen and Warnock are his 'peeps.' Moreover, they will give a woman lead and a black VP... both hardcore communists.

I'm not saying my buddy is right. But I always listen when he has a hypothesis. Because he is right more than wrong.


Add Susan Rice to that "team" that's in charge of the party. I'd say she's Obama's #1. That'd be a very hard combination to beat with all the cheat that's going on already. Disgusting.
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Add Susan Rice to that "team" that's in charge of the party. I'd say she's Obama's #1. That'd be a very hard combination to beat with all the cheat that's going on already. Disgusting.

It’s going to be very hard for them to get rid of karmala.

She has several states worth of delegates right now incl florida and the carolinas iirc

I'd be really surprised if anybody but her gets the nod
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So Biden hasn't been seen in several days.... Since he had Covid and conveniently moved into his basement. You know, to save lives.

Nothing from him since he dropped out. No appearance. no phone interview. Not on the porch waving. Nothing.

There is now a No Fly Zone over Delaware... Kamala is in Delaware.

Do we even 'have' a President right now?

Remember, they will go to any lengths...


So Biden hasn't been seen in several days.... Since he had Covid and conveniently moved into his basement. You know, to save lives.

Nothing from him since he dropped out. No appearance. no phone interview. Not on the porch waving. Nothing.

There is now a No Fly Zone over Delaware... Kamala is in Delaware.

Do we even 'have' a President right now?

Remember, they will go to any lengths...

View attachment 8464374

Well, under the present administration, I'd be perfectly happy with "no president".

Unless, of course, I were Taiwanese..............
Well, under the present administration, I'd be perfectly happy with "no president".

Unless, of course, I were Taiwanese..............

Well, unless he shows up or we know who is in charge... there is a word for it. I think the word is "Coup."

I mean.... they'll call it a stroke or a TIA or ???. But 'hiding with Biden' isn't funny. Or strategic. It's dangerous.

Well, unless he shows up or we know who is in charge... there is a word for it. I think the word is "Coup."

I mean.... they'll call it a stroke or a TIA or ???. But 'hiding with Biden' isn't funny. Or strategic. It's dangerous.

True. What do our enemies think? Or even "friends" who use us, I mean, rely on us?
Biden doesn't care if they loose. He's got his bags of money, or whatever he's been given to quit and Kamala will pardon his family members. He's going to stick them with a candidate that can't win to punish them.

The fact that he made his statements on X and hasn't been seen since is telling. He's likely so blinded with rage that they're afraid to put him in front of a camera.
He hasn’t made any social media statements. Staff members have posted in his name. It’s been that way for years. Pretending otherwise is not productive.
JFC, it's like a middle school girls locker room in here. Rumors, gossip, and vacuous ignorance. Maybe you ladies should stay off social media for a bit, there's pretty strong evidence that it rots the "brains" of teen girls.
It is this singular post that has saved this thread, this site, the entire internet as well as the galaxy with its wisdom. We are truly in debt to this master of prose and insight.
JFC, it's like a middle school girls locker room in here. Rumors, gossip, and vacuous ignorance. Maybe you ladies should stay off social media for a bit, there's pretty strong evidence that it rots the "brains" of teen girls.
When you remove the jocularity and look at this discussion the exchange of meaningful content is really pretty good.
Not every post being contributed needs to be earth shattering, by injecting some nonsense actually helps many of us step back and chuckle, well at least for me I shouldn’t generalize about others here. Cheers
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From NY Post,
Biden was also tentatively expected to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, but he has no plans to return to DC

If Biden shows up in public again the RNC should plant reporters with questions like “are you still in the race” and “are you excited about the upcoming convention”. Get him to say he’s back in the running.

At this point with that bullshit phone call thing I think he might be dead or locked inside a hospital somewhere.
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If Biden shows up in public again the RNC should plant reporters with questions like “are you still in the race” and “are you excited about the upcoming convention”. Get him to say he’s back in the running.

At this point with that bullshit phone call thing I think he might be dead or locked inside a hospital somewhere.

allegedly, hes going to do an address today from the Oval Office.
Don't think for a minute Kameltoe cannot win
MSM is behind her. They will make her a cross between MLK and Mother Theresa. Lots of money. The cheat factor.
And every suburban educated female already is in for the Dems. And if K wins, so goes senate and House ( in all down vote probability)

The platform: Trump is a convicted felon, End of democracy, Abortion, Trump molests women...get the point?

Kiss your freedom and rights AMF.
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