Biden just quit

The word is out that this is all big donor money redirected through a huge number of fake individual donors, as was done in 2020 and 2022. A few journalists looked at individuals who had donated the max in several donations, looked up their residences, and approached older, poorer folks who had supposedly donated... and they had no idea about any donations.
They should say their donations can't be switched to the bitch and they want all their money back

One old guy had $110K in donations in his name.
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They fomented the summer of love. What are you talking about?

I think what he means is that they are not afraid of repubs because we don't act like marauding apes in the jungle. But others do and even if they did foment, they definitely did what they could do to keep their distance.
What @Ronws said. Also, I believe that it got more out of hand than they likely thought and imo are lucky it ended with what/where it did. Trust me, they are scared of losing control and at some point they will. Republicans/conservatives/true libertarians, whatever you want to call yourself will continue to get railroaded, until they don’t. Nobody knows when sure will be! But if it don’t happen soon, you will get ran over.
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Trying to see the big picture, Trump gets shot and Biden follows up with dropping out of the race. Trump received the media spotlight after the attempted assassination that dramatically changed with Biden quitting and Harris taking up the democratic candidate position. Trump being shot may have been unforeseen with the Biden out Harris timeline
but it was still a planned and executed to cool Trumps momentum with media attention. They planned on ditching Joe all along just moved the timeline up.
The election results this November, if they abused the last presidential election what makes you believe they don’t plan on doing it again? should she win, Don’t think Harris will be in charge or President full term, she just doesn’t have the backing and that’s why the selection process for her VP is taking so long, Obama needs the proper player. Nothing dramatic with Harris stepping down think of Nixon and Watergate.
Reflecting on what other’s have posted concerning we are not voting ourselves out of this, truly becomes apparent after the past couple of weeks.
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The election results this November, if they abused the last presidential election what makes you believe they don’t plan on doing it again? should she win, Don’t think Harris will be in charge or President full term, she just doesn’t have the backing and that’s why the selection process for her VP is taking so long, Obama needs the proper player. Nothing dramatic with Harris stepping down think of Nixon and Watergate.
Reflecting on what other’s have posted concerning we are not voting ourselves out of this, truly becomes apparent after the past couple of weeks.
That's why Trump is saying that 2024 is the last time you vote. It is not him becoming a dictator. It is the evil horde doing away with anything resembling a fair election.

But the last thing to spring forth from Pandora's Box was hope, without which, Man has nothing.

The hope is based in the realization that people get fed up with tyranny. And the monkey wrench in the cogs this time is the armed populace that other dictators have not had to face.

At least, that is what I hear. I lost my firearms in a boating accident. I rented out a ship called the Titan....
“You won’t have to vote anymore”.
In the previous weeks the democrats have a media campaign declaring Trump is going to be a dictator if re-elected.
Trump, being Trump decides while in front of an audience of conservative Christian’s to say “you won’t have to vote anymore”. Are you fing Kidding me what a jackass.
Now Trump goes on Fox News for damage control and still look like a fool. Trump 45 needs to clean up his public speaking image and fast his vocabulary will not hold up, he needs hard numbers and statistics when articulating key issues.

Hope; hopefully Trump gets elected and a smooth transition will occur, the reality of that is to be seen, time will tell.
“You won’t have to vote anymore”.
In the previous weeks the democrats have a media campaign declaring Trump is going to be a dictator if re-elected.
Trump, being Trump decides while in front of an audience of conservative Christian’s to say “you won’t have to vote anymore”. Are you fing Kidding me what a jackass.
Now Trump goes on Fox News for damage control and still look like a fool. Trump 45 needs to clean up his public speaking image and fast his vocabulary will not hold up, he needs hard numbers and statistics when articulating key issues.

Hope; hopefully Trump gets elected and a smooth transition will occur, the reality of that is to be seen, time will tell.

if Trump get elected, there will be violence like youve never seen in america. soros groups will pay and mobilize their rioters again.

if kamala cheats and gets in, the conservatives will sit back and take it, take care of their jobs and family, and not do a damn thing but bitch on the internet. mark it.
if Trump get elected, there will be violence like youve never seen in america. soros groups will pay and mobilize their rioters again.

if kamala cheats and gets in, the conservatives will sit back and take it, take care of their jobs and family, and not do a damn thing but bitch on the internet. mark it.
I see that you got the drop on that bitching on the internet thing.
if Trump get elected, there will be violence like youve never seen in america. soros groups will pay and mobilize their rioters again.

if kamala cheats and gets in, the conservatives will sit back and take it, take care of their jobs and family, and not do a damn thing but bitch on the internet. mark it.

Well, until the "Po-Po" shows up at their doors to confiscate their guns.... Then, there might be a few fireworks!
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if Trump get elected, there will be violence like youve never seen in america. soros groups will pay and mobilize their rioters again.

if kamala cheats and gets in, the conservatives will sit back and take it, take care of their jobs and family, and not do a damn thing but bitch on the internet. mark it.
I hate to say that you are probably right.
if Trump get elected, there will be violence like youve never seen in america. soros groups will pay and mobilize their rioters again.

if kamala cheats and gets in, the conservatives will sit back and take it, take care of their jobs and family, and not do a damn thing but bitch on the internet. mark it.
Sounds like a business opp!