Ron Unz - Everything you know about WW2 is wrong


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Oct 12, 2019
Yep, I no longer believe any of the history that was taught to me as a kid in school. I always wondered, even as a kid, if these people were all so horrible, why did millions follow them. Maybe they were horrible? Don't know, but I have seen our country do some fucking horrible things.

I used to be a die hard "support our soldiers" person. I don't feel that anymore. I'm concerned we were used as pawns for the advancement and wealth of others. Obviously we are the greatest country in the world, more opportunities than any other nation, but I'm afraid we have done some horrible shit to claim that crown. Then again, I think all countries are full of men doing horrible shit to call themselves leaders.

There is a reason that honorable and morale men never attain "greatness" or a mass amount of wealth. Morale and honorable men will always be closer to the bottom than the top.

Another shitty thing about getting older.......wisdom!
Well.....I am not so sure....

I will read the entire article, but already there are issues.

Hitler’s final demand, that 95% German Danzig be returned to Germany just as its inhabitants desired, was an absolutely reasonable one, and only a dreadful diplomatic blunder by the British had led the Poles to refuse the request, thereby provoking the war. The widespread later claim that Hitler sought to conquer the world was totally absurd, and the German leader had actually made every effort to avoid war with Britain or France. Indeed, he was generally quite friendly towards the Poles and had been hoping to enlist Poland as a German ally against the menace of Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Are you going to say the same thing about the Sudetenland, or all of Czechoslovakia, the Rineland, Austria? Granted Hitler did not think they would go to war over Poland, they had not gone to war over any of the other things, in face "blessed" them. But there was a classic "false flag" operation with that radio station.

Make no mistake, there are plenty of "back room" dealings going on with the start of that war. The "west" goes to war with Germany for invading Poland, but not the USSR? They did the exact same thing. And rest assured the USSR was just as horrid, if not MORE horrid then the Germans. Case in point:

You can arm chair quarterback everything in that war almost 100 years after its start, and when do you want to say it started, Poland, Ethiopia? Before? Poland is just easy to point to.

Was there the same things going on then as there is now, yes and no. Remember Ike's final address, plowshares into swords is something that is gone forever. Now there is a full time industry to war.

Years of left rule did one thing in the 1930's. Gutted the wests military. The opening events of WWII show just what happens, and history has shown it to happen again and again, when the military is called upon to do its REAL job. Not ready, and holding out hope and doing all the back room BS so common today to get the US into the party. Things like the USS Greer that for years the US people are told was "clearly marked as a US ship" turned out to be total bullshit. Even back then they played games, always has always will.
Always follow the money. Always.

Also, @Bullfrog08 spot on, but “Moral” … Moral men inspire morale. Yes, I’m that guy, sorry.

You'll never convince me the Nazis weren't pure evil. Unfortunately I think we took over for them after the war. Some of the most interesting reading is about life in Germany leading up to the war. The good guys never have brown shirts or censor others.
We live in a time where you can watch “live” events and be told hours later they happened differently than you saw them. It’s hard for me to believe the histories, as we know them, have been handled any more accurately.
Without knowing what I know you presume to tell me that what I know is wrong. You've lost the credibility to ask me to consider some article you like.

My childhood was spent in the company of Grunts, aircraft mechanics and sailors who served when Roosevelt was tyrant. I heard what they saw. It had little resemblance to what I heard in school.

I've never met a wwii vet who had a kind word for McArthur. Though I've heard many who would have followed Nimitz to the gates of hell and back.
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Also it doesn't help to import "german scientists" after wwII and leftovers of defeated army to "educate" you about true nature of Eastern front. But as demonstrated by herr Adolf cousins of the West rarely hold a grudge decades long as clearing lebensraum on the East is always top priority - even today same shit different wrapping, coveting riches of the East (minerals, fertile soil, cheap labor slaves). Unfortunately we Slavs are pretty dumb folks always enough traitors and idiots to assist, wanting piece of the "West" (the one from commercials not realizing that real West is pretty shitty place nowadays and bar for the few it has always been).
You can arm chair quarterback everything in that war almost 100 years after its start, and when do you want to say it started, Poland, Ethiopia? Before? Poland is just easy to point to.
Well the problem with history is that it started like thousands of years ago, realistically I'd put the lead up to ww2 at around the late 1700s to early 1800s but we could also go to the 1400s with the rise of the ottoman empire.
"I think it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so." Ron Unz

He sounds like quite a wack job
Wooden doors. Fake chimneys. Use of a calculator. Typhus. "Death" camps entirely in USSR captured zones and they totally never lied or embellished anything ever about every war they've been in.

Regardless, much of what people have been taught is dog water and questioning official narratives is a literal crime in some countries. There are a metric fuck ton of myths about WWII from tanks to guns to battle statistics and as some of the videos I posted discussed, even the very events leading up to the war.

Do you also believe that the great pyramid was a tomb?
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Well the problem with history is that it started like thousands of years ago, realistically I'd put the lead up to ww2 at around the late 1700s to early 1800s but we could also go to the 1400s with the rise of the ottoman empire.
I would agree if you said WWI, can't agree with WWII however.
Wooden doors. Fake chimneys. Use of a calculator. Typhus. "Death" camps entirely in USSR captured zones and they totally never lied or embellished anything ever about every war they've been in.

Regardless, much of what people have been taught is dog water and questioning official narratives is a literal crime in some countries. There are a metric fuck ton of myths about WWII from tanks to guns to battle statistics and as some of the videos I posted discussed, even the very events leading up to the war.

Do you also believe that the great pyramid was a tomb?
Wasn’t it a giant 1.5volt battery? 😂
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Wasn’t it a giant 1.5volt battery? 😂
There's a theory it was a massive piezoelectric generator. Or that it could have been used as one utilizing the flow of water from the Nile that back when it was probably built would have been below it. The structure has some pretty odd acoustical qualities as well. We really don't know why it was built and a lot of the writing about it has dubious accuracy. The pharaoh it was attributed to is definitely not who it was built for (his name is basically just graffiti in one chamber).

Nothing was ever found in any of the Egyptian pyramids IIRC as far as using them as tombs. But then again there's a lot buried under the sand in that area that remains unexcavated. It's highly likely that the great pyramids were built much further back than they were originally stated to be by the Brits. If they were built well over 10,000 years ago (some estimates are as far back as 20,000 years) than we really have no idea what their original purpose was.

Hell we don't even know HOW it was built. Or how the hell the architects were able to mathematically make it match the earth's dimensions on a factor of 43,200. The whole thing is a mystery and we probably will never solve it.
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Wooden doors. Fake chimneys. Use of a calculator. Typhus. "Death" camps entirely in USSR captured zones and they totally never lied or embellished anything ever about every war they've been in.

Regardless, much of what people have been taught is dog water and questioning official narratives is a literal crime in some countries. There are a metric fuck ton of myths about WWII from tanks to guns to battle statistics and as some of the videos I posted discussed, even the very events leading up to the war.

Do you also believe that the great pyramid was a tomb?
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There's a theory it was a massive piezoelectric generator. Or that it could have been used as one utilizing the flow of water from the Nile that back when it was probably built would have been below it. The structure has some pretty odd acoustical qualities as well. We really don't know why it was built and a lot of the writing about it has dubious accuracy. The pharaoh it was attributed to is definitely not who it was built for (his name is basically just graffiti in one chamber).

Nothing was ever found in any of the Egyptian pyramids IIRC as far as using them as tombs. But then again there's a lot buried under the sand in that area that remains unexcavated. It's highly likely that the great pyramids were built much further back than they were originally stated to be by the Brits. If they were built well over 10,000 years ago (some estimates are as far back as 20,000 years) than we really have no idea what their original purpose was.

Hell we don't even know HOW it was built. Or how the hell the architects were able to mathematically make it match the earth's dimensions on a factor of 43,200. The whole thing is a mystery and we probably will never solve it.
How they built it?
Slave labor, wooly mammoths, and water levels. 😆

Yeah it really is a fascinating mystery. And the granite blocks on elephantine island? Looks like a cnc made portions of it. And the sharp internal corners in granite? Holes bored flush against a flat surface, in a difficult to access spot?

Some amazing old stuff over there that we can’t replicate with modern methods.
How they built it?
Slave labor, wooly mammoths, and water levels. 😆

Yeah it really is a fascinating mystery. And the granite blocks on elephantine island? Looks like a cnc made portions of it. And the sharp internal corners in granite? Holes bored flush against a flat surface, in a difficult to access spot?

Some amazing old stuff over there that we can’t replicate with modern methods.
Yeah some of the guys who have studied the pyramid have said there's no fuckin way slaves could have built it.

The stone there also shows signs of water erosion. Like ocean tier erosion. Who knows how it all looked when it was built. It must have been magnificent.
Absolute Horse Shit.

Let summarize for your tin foil hat idiots who won't trust the govt but will trust random asshat links on the internet

"Hitler was a just a reasonable guy cornered and provoked by the west"


And then the "evidence" of holocaust denial: "Well Ike, and Churchill didn't write about it"


and clearly this assfuck is telling the truth--clearly is an anti-western agitator--citing communist agitators from the 1930s. How can you idiots miss that?

Take both brain cells, rub them together and try for a spark. I got about a fucking generation who went/fought/experienced ww2. They ALL were fooled? And maybe those acadmenics disappeared BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKING QUACKS!

Damn you guys are dumb some times.
How they built it?
Slave labor, wooly mammoths, and water levels. 😆

Yeah it really is a fascinating mystery. And the granite blocks on elephantine island? Looks like a cnc made portions of it. And the sharp internal corners in granite? Holes bored flush against a flat surface, in a difficult to access spot?

Some amazing old stuff over there that we can’t replicate with modern methods.
And from what I’ve heard no Egyptian hieroglyphics discussing how they built them either.

Some say the ancient Egyptians didn’t even build them but rather inherited them from a previous high civilization,
LOL haha... You have No answers for the Pyramids ?? . The blame for your history shortcomings probably goes all way back to those fucking Arab Muslims burning down the ancient Library of Alexandra that held any knowledge to the beginning of civilization 5000 years ago, and possible history recorded of the Pyramids. Burning it all down in the name of Allah. It's Just another prime example of organized religion fucking it all up for the rest of us.
History has been lost, burned, buried hidden. There is some truth, but only what they want you to know. Yes schools have taught their own history garnered by the Gov. Everyone thought that the internet would open so much up. Don't get me wrong it has....but they are locking down considerably to push the narrative. We are all starting to discard books and reaching for google instead. Conditioned so that we go there for info, but with a quick edit to the interwebs the truth is gone.

I watched X files again last night sorry.
I'm not even going to get into this argument of evidence or "denial" but the Communists were the ones that shouted the loudest about it at the time actually. And all the "death" camps were in Communist held areas.

And who were the Germans primarily concerned about? Communists.

So claiming someone is an anti-west communist agitator when the Communists were the ones who first even talked about it makes no sense.
There's a theory it was a massive piezoelectric generator. Or that it could have been used as one utilizing the flow of water from the Nile that back when it was probably built would have been below it. The structure has some pretty odd acoustical qualities as well. We really don't know why it was built and a lot of the writing about it has dubious accuracy. The pharaoh it was attributed to is definitely not who it was built for (his name is basically just graffiti in one chamber).

Nothing was ever found in any of the Egyptian pyramids IIRC as far as using them as tombs. But then again there's a lot buried under the sand in that area that remains unexcavated. It's highly likely that the great pyramids were built much further back than they were originally stated to be by the Brits. If they were built well over 10,000 years ago (some estimates are as far back as 20,000 years) than we really have no idea what their original purpose was.

Hell we don't even know HOW it was built. Or how the hell the architects were able to mathematically make it match the earth's dimensions on a factor of 43,200. The whole thing is a mystery and we probably will never solve it.
You might find this interesting

Not sure what to think. Error? New humanoid species? Practical joke?

Entertaining though.
I'm not even going to get into this argument of evidence or "denial" but the Communists were the ones that shouted the loudest about it at the time actually. And all the "death" camps were in Communist held areas.

And who were the Germans primarily concerned about? Communists.

So claiming someone is an anti-west communist agitator when the Communists were the ones who first even talked about it makes no sense.
Then lets propose a theory: There is a silent conspiracy to cover up history

Why is this guy allowed to publish and live?

Hillary woulda suicided this guy by now. Look into his behavior and past associates. Dude is batshiat crazy and has been for a while. Keep your dick outta the crazy. If you don't trust govt WHY TRUST A GUY IN GOVT!! (He's run for office!) let along a crazy holoccaust denier. (Your grandparents were all brainwashed!!! Its a conspiracy!!)

So my grandparents generation was lied to and covered up by a multinational conspiracy, through systematic elimcation of the facts, elimination of historians and this one guy has uncovered it and exposed the lie.

And lived.


reminds me of the quacks who email physics list about how Quantum Mechanics is wrong through some half-assed theory. Yup and I'm just gonna ignore 70 years of data.


As to the pyramids, its well known that there was a professional work force, not slave labor (so that right off is a clue no one has a fucking clue) and since their ARE Hieroglyphics and graffiti describing the workforce. I'm not saying we know everything, but can you at least get something right before you go full retard?

I think there are open questions about em (including the sphynx) but a reminder than Cleopatra was closer to us than she was Ancient Egpyt Pyramid time. Lotta shit has gone missing in that 5000 (approx) years.

I need a fucking full superconducting Faraday cage for this thread.
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Not sure what to think. Error? New humanoid species? Practical joke?

Entertaining though.
There's all kinds of weird shit coming out of South America lately it seems like. Entire huge cities buried in the jungle. Lost history. Bizarre mummies.

Not to mention the massive artwork on the mountains down there that don't make a ton of sense when there wouldn't have been a good way to view them unless you were up in the sky.

I'm thoroughly convinced these days that there's a massive amount of lost history and probably technology that humanity isn't collectively aware of. Aliens? Doubtful. Considering how much esoteric stuff has been swept under the rug over the centuries I don't think it's a stretch to believe that there's something missing in human history.
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There's all kinds of weird shit coming out of South America lately it seems like. Entire huge cities buried in the jungle. Lost history. Bizarre mummies.

Not to mention the massive artwork on the mountains down there that don't make a ton of sense when there wouldn't have been a good way to view them unless you were up in the sky.

I'm thoroughly convinced these days that there's a massive amount of lost history and probably technology that humanity isn't collectively aware of. Aliens? Doubtful. Considering how much esoteric stuff has been swept under the rug over the centuries I don't think it's a stretch to believe that there's something missing in human history.
All im saying is that that whole weird mummy thing is entertaining.
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How they built it?
Slave labor, wooly mammoths, and water levels. 😆

Yeah it really is a fascinating mystery. And the granite blocks on elephantine island? Looks like a cnc made portions of it. And the sharp internal corners in granite? Holes bored flush against a flat surface, in a difficult to access spot?

Some amazing old stuff over there that we can’t replicate with modern methods.
I saw that movie as well. Not horrible.
There's a theory it was a massive piezoelectric generator. Or that it could have been used as one utilizing the flow of water from the Nile that back when it was probably built would have been below it. The structure has some pretty odd acoustical qualities as well. We really don't know why it was built and a lot of the writing about it has dubious accuracy. The pharaoh it was attributed to is definitely not who it was built for (his name is basically just graffiti in one chamber).

Nothing was ever found in any of the Egyptian pyramids IIRC as far as using them as tombs. But then again there's a lot buried under the sand in that area that remains unexcavated. It's highly likely that the great pyramids were built much further back than they were originally stated to be by the Brits. If they were built well over 10,000 years ago (some estimates are as far back as 20,000 years) than we really have no idea what their original purpose was.

Hell we don't even know HOW it was built. Or how the hell the architects were able to mathematically make it match the earth's dimensions on a factor of 43,200. The whole thing is a mystery and we probably will never solve it.
Ah seen it on this documentry i watched called Star Gate!

Yea, it's well sourced EXCEPT for a few key points, like the UK started unrestricted bombing of German cities before the Blitz, when the reality is that at first they couldn't even stop the German bombers with the few Hurricanes they had, and heavy bombing of Germany didn't start till the American B-17s and B-24s entered the conflict. All the Limeys had were plywood constructed light bombers that could do tactical damage, but no strategic damage.

This part of his narrative really pisses me off, and there are no attributions or sources to it. He just claims that Churchill started bombing cities to piss the Nazis off. This is simply not true, and it is simply to deny mountains of evidence, film footage, and eye witness testimony from hundreds if not thousands of regular soldiers when the death camps were liberated...

I find this narrative no more compelling that Howard Zin's History of the Americas told from a die hard communist point of view.

It isn't the narrow and peculiar narratives that matter. It's the big ones that everyone agrees upon. The only thing he says that I know is true is that the entire New Deal and all of the left's socialism is what made a typical American recession (which happen from time to time with regularity) into The Great Depression. Even FDR's own cabinet admitted that the New Deal was a total failure and mired the country in depression. So he's right that if it weren't for WWII FDR would probably be considered the worst US President ever instead of it being Jimmy Carter and Joseph Biden.
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