Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Lol, one of the follow-up tweets showed the camera man:

I'm with you GF at the time (now my wife) had a cat that came with her when we moved in together. Small house, the litter box was in the bathroom. One morning I was taking a shower, came out and the whole house literally smelled like shit. Apparently Mr. Kitty needed his litter box and with the bathroom closed, he proceeded to pop out a huge turd right on the heater vent in the floor. I wanted to drop kick that little fucker into the next time zone, but we laugh our asses off about it now... :ROFLMAO:
At our old house we had one of those big floor heaters. One morning after new years our dog kept coming in and jumping on the bed then leaving. The last time he went out the bedroom we hear a splat. He was always scared of fireworks and they must have given him the runs. Sprayed poop right across the floor and about half of it into the floor heater. And that instant it came on. We are frantically trying to turn it off so it's doesn't cook the poop onto the heater. It was awful.