That little voice


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Mar 27, 2022
Does anyone else have that little voice inside their head thats saying'They will never allow Trump to win?" I am hearing it louder and louder now. When Joe was in there even before his debate performance I knew something was up but didnt think they would flip to Hairyass that quickly.They knew Joe might have lost all 50 states they way things were going so they were relying on one of Trumps legal cases to derail him.When that unraveled the Crooks maybe was a surprise but maybe not either way he failed so they pulled the rug out from under Joe and now Cumallova is in.What bothers me is they do internal polls so they kinda have an idea what will work or what may work OR what they will do to get it to work.I just dont see the real people behind the election letting Trump get anywheres near the WH not even if he pays for the tour.I hope I am wrong but since they were totally caught off guard in 2016 they have upped their game and the Repubs and RINOS are just sucking wind.
Yeah, your "voice" is kinda famous.

Any one hear that little voice saying hey you're a public servant and you're not a multimillionaire yet. What are you doing wrong. Oh I know I'm not invited to the " party". Either of them. Back to work biotch and make sure you pay your fair share.
well, when "they" say things like "end of democracy" and "he will kill gay people" and "outlaw abortion nationally" or "bring back slavery" with a serious face, you have to believe there are people desperate and crazy enough to try...
and that is not even including "the deep state" that probably does more than just create these lies...
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As resolute as the demons, I mean democrats, but that is redundant, may be, they are at least incompetent.

Yes, they have been trying to stop Trump. Let's say, for gits and shiggles, that the shot at Trump was orchestrated or LIHOP.


That is a 3 ring circus clown show, whether organic or created, including the female SS agents bouncing around like labs waiting to see a duck.
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We might end up with two presidents, one for the free states and one for the Democratic People's Republic
I wish. Lets split it up. We are at odds never to mended anyway.Any registered R gets the benefits of the R states and D gets the Ds crap.BUT each have to fund their own side no joint treasury.I bet they go belly up in under 5 years.
I have sometimes wondered if we are headed for balkanization, as shown in the book "Friday," by Robert A. Heinlein.
I'm not sure about Balkanization, only because I question the devotion of the left when it comes to putting themselves in harm's way, but I often wonder how states like Alabama and Mississippi can coexist with states like California and New York. Not because Alabama and Mississippi will try to force their way of life on Cali and NY, but because the latter will never allow the former to just do their own thing. Totalitarians can't abide non-compliance.
I wish. Lets split it up. We are at odds never to mended anyway.Any registered R gets the benefits of the R states and D gets the Ds crap.BUT each have to fund their own side no joint treasury.I bet they go belly up in under 5 years.
The big sticking point in the divorce will be who gets custody of the national debt. I'm all for a "pay to leave" experiment.
I'm not sure about Balkanization, only because I question the devotion of the left when it comes to putting themselves in harm's way, but I often wonder how states like Alabama and Mississippi can coexist with states like California and New York. Not because Alabama and Mississippi will try to force their way of life on Cali and NY, but because the latter will never allow the former to just do their own thing. Totalitarians can't abide non-compliance.
In the book that I mention, Texas becomes its own sovereignty again, plus parts of other states.
Suburban women are gonna be the ones to turn it to Harris or at least that is the demographic the MSM will claim gave her 94 million votes.The original grab em by the pussy story , the E Gene Carroll fake abuse trial and verdict the appointment of Kavanaugh and Comey which in essence ended Roe V Wade all are gonna put suburban women in the Harris camp.
Everybody stay steady in the boat. The fix is in. Trump is going to win.

91 million votes!...but wait, there's more. :(

All kidding aside, do you really think the deep state will allow Trump back into the WH?
Actually I do. That little voice in my head is screaming that we're all being played. They did take a shot at him though. It'll be interesting to see how the coming months play out.

If anything, they'll let him back in just so he can preside over the collapse. Then the finger pointing will start.
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No. One debate will crush Kam (who is using much darker makeup today) but most people know Trump was a great President and all we gotta do is prevent election fraud. Volunteer to be a monitor.
Yeah, asian indian is now the new black.

Just like, when mexicans were not considered white until George Zimmerman. Then they had to make hispanics white and that is why you see on the forms the question of white hispanic or not hispanic. Two different kind of whites?

I am so damn tired of being a second class citizen because I am white.
You know all the moronic women are going to vote for the first black WOMAN to be President. Stupid black and white men as well. I actually believe China will invade Taiwan the following day if that ever happens.
Yeah, asian indian is now the new black.

Just like, when mexicans were not considered white until George Zimmerman. Then they had to make hispanics white and that is why you see on the forms the question of white hispanic or not hispanic. Two different kind of whites?

I am so damn tired of being a second class citizen because I am white.
You are now a minority. Get used to it
My little voice says if he does win it’s because he is part of the plan.

No one is coming to save us.
Some have known this all along, and tried to warn others to no avail.
If the people of this country are that lazy, weak & stupid they deserve everything that is coming for them. Some of those who can think for their selves are going to get caught up it the stampede, but retribution will be theirs long before its their time,...
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Geeze, guys. All doom and gloom here.

I think Trump will win in 24.

Liberal tears will again, flow.

I think our concern should be if Trump can follow through securing the border etc.
No doom and gloom really just the facts. We all know as imperfect a candidate he is that he still is far ans away better than Harris.Its just reality that we know the Dems will never relinquish power without doing everything and anything they can to hold onto it.I mean just look at 2020.A senile diaper basement dwelling loser gets more votes than anyone in the history of Presidential elections and becomes President and what was done about it.The few hundred that did do something though not anything illegal were thrown in jail for longer than career criminals.The act that nothing was dont about all those mail in ballots and the fact the election for the first time lasted weeks after election night with no consequences just opened the door for it to be done again.Nothing gloomy about that its just the facts and probably will be again.They had Haarris in the on deck circle for months just waiting for the right time.
Meh, You may be right. And I know I’m in the minority around here.

I think Trump won in 2016 only because enough Americans were sick of Washington. Trump was voted in to shake them up.

Trump shook them up, caused further divide, and by 2020, many Americans thought he was too much baggage, shit show, and a disruption. Some say as divisive as Hillary would have been.

Now, it looks like the left is so weak they have all but handed Trump another win.

Looking forward to 4 more years of Trump.

See you on the other side.

Don’t be late. Don’t be late.
How does that change anything about fixed elections?

Cheated to win.
Tried to discredit him.
Tried to arrest him.
Tried to kill him.
Back to cheating to win.
It doesn't.

But what all of that other bullshit does is make him more popular than ever, and they know it.

Only going back to '20 & '22, how many sheep refused to believe in the steals? How about now? Look around, a whole bunch of sheep have opened their eyes. Even the MSM is letting it slip out.

Now, are TPTB going to try and completely tank the country on Trumps watch? Yeah, probably.
Meh, You may be right. And I know I’m in the minority around here.

I think Trump won in 2016 only because enough Americans were sick of Washington. Trump was voted in to shake them up.

Trump shook them up, caused further divide, and by 2020, many Americans thought he was too much baggage, shit show, and a disruption. Some say as divisive as Hillary would have been.

Now, it looks like the left is so weak they have all but handed Trump another win.

Looking forward to 4 more years of Trump.

See you on the other side.

Don’t be late. Don’t be late.
Hope you are right but with 100 days lsft there are a few mor "surprises' on the way from both sides.