That little voice

Meh, You may be right. And I know I’m in the minority around here.

I think Trump won in 2016 only because enough Americans were sick of Washington. Trump was voted in to shake them up.

Trump shook them up, caused further divide, and by 2020, many Americans thought he was too much baggage, shit show, and a disruption. Some say as divisive as Hillary would have been.

Now, it looks like the left is so weak they have all but handed Trump another win.

Looking forward to 4 more years of Trump.

See you on the other side.

Don’t be late. Don’t be late.
Division is a good thing

I want no unity with the kid piddling subhuman degenerates on the other side.
Does anyone else have that little voice inside their head thats saying'They will never allow Trump to win?" I am hearing it louder and louder now. When Joe was in there even before his debate performance I knew something was up but didnt think they would flip to Hairyass that quickly.They knew Joe might have lost all 50 states they way things were going so they were relying on one of Trumps legal cases to derail him.When that unraveled the Crooks maybe was a surprise but maybe not either way he failed so they pulled the rug out from under Joe and now Cumallova is in.What bothers me is they do internal polls so they kinda have an idea what will work or what may work OR what they will do to get it to work.I just dont see the real people behind the election letting Trump get anywheres near the WH not even if he pays for the tour.I hope I am wrong but since they were totally caught off guard in 2016 they have upped their game and the Repubs and RINOS are just sucking wind.

Don’t be a defeatist
Geeze, guys. All doom and gloom here.

I think Trump will win in 24.

Liberal tears will again, flow.

I think our concern should be if Trump can follow through securing the border etc.
Will likely keep Chris Wray on as head of FBI if the past is predictor of future.
Meh, You may be right. And I know I’m in the minority around here.

I think Trump won in 2016 only because enough Americans were sick of Washington. Trump was voted in to shake them up.

Trump shook them up, caused further divide, and by 2020, many Americans thought he was too much baggage, shit show, and a disruption. Some say as divisive as Hillary would have been.

Now, it looks like the left is so weak they have all but handed Trump another win.

Looking forward to 4 more years of Trump.

See you on the other side.

Don’t be late. Don’t be late.
Trump won n 2016 because the commies refused to support the real commie.

If the devil worshipping communists had let the Marxist communist win Seth Rich would be in his second term of Minister of the 5 year plan.
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Not just kamaltoe.

I think Obamas pick was Mark Kelly. Mark has no donor money though.

Make Mark K VP, everyone will swoon over his military astronaut credentials and his poor wife, Kamala gets elected and has an unfortunate gag reflex and chokes to death on some meat and Kelly the communist gets the puppet masters hand up his ass.
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Not just kamaltoe.

I think Obamas pick was Mark Kelly. Mark has no donor money though.

Make Mark K VP, everyone will swoon over his military astronaut credentials and his poor wife, Kamala gets elected and has an unfortunate gag reflex and chokes to death on some meat and Kelly the communist gets the puppet masters hand up his ass.

Too complicated. Kamala will pick Buttgaygay because she needs a VP who will make her look intelligent, not to steal her limelight.
  • Haha
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Don’t be a defeatist
Its hard not to be with the deck stacked against Trump like it has been.If it was a real free and fair election they would have to go and dig up JFK to defeat him but they beat him(so they say) with a inept senile diaper wearing liar, and now they may do the same with what amounts to a hooker.
Not just kamaltoe.

I think Obamas pick was Mark Kelly. Mark has no donor money though.

Make Mark K VP, everyone will swoon over his military astronaut credentials and his poor wife, Kamala gets elected and has an unfortunate gag reflex and chokes to death on some meat and Kelly the communist gets the puppet masters hand up his ass.
The China money machine will swoop in again for him if he is the pick.
Yeah, asian indian is now the new black.

Just like, when mexicans were not considered white until George Zimmerman. Then they had to make hispanics white and that is why you see on the forms the question of white hispanic or not hispanic. Two different kind of whites?

I am so damn tired of being a second class citizen because I am white.
The fact is they want you to feel that way because they are furious they arent white.Keep your chin up my friend keep that white chin way up.