
Indeed , i fail to see why they would be entitled to anything , if i remember correctly they were fired for this BS and text were just part of the evidence .

So its just rewarding the behavior elite wants, if these same messages went against Biden with allong with investigation made o basis of BS ,wiretaping etc ,there would have been no stettlement
You know, you surprise me.

When you first came here I didn’t know what to make of your EuroTrash self.

I could give a fuck about your Eastern European ideas and beliefs

Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps you are Victor Orban or that pollack Gad Gannowicz and there is something redeeming about you.

I’m man enough to say I am wrong.

The settlement is probably just a minor pocket change for them , the real reward was paid on MSM circuit , a book deal ''"Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J Trump." , a teaching gig at Georgetown Uni for him and MSM job at MSNBC and NBC for Her which will likely be followed up by a well-paid positions or consulting contracts at some silicon valley tech firm , just look at the commiefornia tech companies , all of them are staffed with federales of one sort or another even tough we all know these kinds of federales are of little to no practical use to a company aside from good graces of the political establishment.
Book deals are the new cash in an envelope.

They get millions up front for the book. It sells zero copies. Everyone is happy.

Look what it did to Amy Coney Barrett.

Everyone paid millions to read the exciting details of her life and she has been commie ever since that bit of capitalism.
The anti Christian communists believe in Hod more than the Christians

They are better versed In the imagery and history.

Proof is in Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

If you need proof God exists take a look at who is attacking.
Absolutely correct. Demons believe, and are afraid.

Yellen says $3 trillion is needed each year to fund climate transition​

So now the money person is also a meteorologist? I assume she has an advanced degrees in both meteorology and geology? (As well as accounting and economics)

Well the Muslims are taking over France, maybe they will do what the Christians should have done long ago...

Never thought of it that way. One way or the other its gonna be a bloodbath.
About 6 years ago I had a long discussion with two atheist friends where I tried to tell them this same thing. But my argument was bigger than Christianity, it was religion globally. They believe the world is better off without religion and not understanding that it is literally the only thing keeping things held together.

They are well mannered, decent, and treat people good with a healthy dose of sympathy, they can't see beyond themselves to understand that the majority of people need a guiding compass. This tweet above makes me want to revisit that conversation with them.
The people that want to destroy Christianity actually believe in it more than those that claim to be Christian.

It’s existence is a threat to their own desire to be omnipotent and all knowing.
Wait this would mean Obama runs the country?

Why wouldn’t he just invite Joe out for some paddle boarding?
The people that want to destroy Christianity actually believe in it more than those that claim to be Christian.

It’s existence is a threat to their own desire to be omnipotent and all knowing.
I think there needs to be a careful line drawn between those that claim to be Christian and those who actually are. The reason I say it like that because your words are correct for those that claim to be believers but are not.

Those that do want to destroy Christianity leave a question hanging out in the ether: if it is stupid or you don’t believe it why do you push so hard against it? Ignoring it would be the same option. Unless it’s actually real. And those that oppose it actually are in league with the enemy, whether they realize it or not.

It is not sane to hate a thing that doesn’t exist. If atheists hate any who follow any religion that means they hate the people that believe. That’s the only target there is if God doesn’t exist. If that is what is occurring it doesn’t take a mental heavyweight to see where this goes. Which looks a lot like the last book. Which brings everything full circle.
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I think there needs to be a careful line drawn between those that claim to be Christian and those who actually are. The reason I say it like that because your words are correct for those that claim to be believers but are not.

Those that do want to destroy Christianity leave a question hanging out in the ether: if it is stupid or you don’t believe it why do you push so hard against it? Ignoring it would be the same option. Unless it’s actually real. And those that oppose it actually are in league with the enemy, whether they realize it or not.

It is not sane to hate a thing that doesn’t exist. If atheists hate any who follow any religion that means they hate the people that believe. That’s the only target there is if God doesn’t exist. If that is what is occurring it doesn’t take a mental heavyweight to see where this goes. Which looks a lot like the last book. Which brings everything full circle.

If you look at who those type hate the most, you'll get a pretty quick indication of what is actually true.

Now there are some who call themselves atheist who are actually just agnostics and don't believe in anything or care about anything (or so they claim)

But the vast majority of "atheists" don't care about the Jews, don't care about the Muslims, don't care about the Hindus or the Buddhists or all the rest. BUT the name of Jesus Christ sends them into a burning seething rage and they do everything they can to fight against Him and those that believe in Him.

As the Bible says, "The fool hath said in his heart there is no god", and very few intelligent folks are that much of fools to be that blind.
Rather like John 3:19-20 says:

"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
Book deals are the new cash in an envelope.

They get millions up front for the book. It sells zero copies. Everyone is happy.

Look what it did to Amy Coney Barrett.

Everyone paid millions to read the exciting details of her life and she has been commie ever since that bit of capitalism.
Was kinda wondering how that best seller tag is being sold these days, I remember back in the day publishers literally paid for x amount of books to be bought in the first week or so to get past 'best seller' threshold, the same thing worked in music , bought enough of your own records to get the ball rolling on the radio as top of the pops.

Although in these ' political reward' deals its all about cash upfront unrelated to book that is always written by a ghostwriter based on an interview anyway.

To be honest the speaking circuit its no different is just bribes legalized and everyone pretends its not , legalized by writing an invoice for a speech no one gives a fuck about, least of them the bankers that are mostly writing those checks.
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Border Tsar Kamala ................ safe and effective 🤪

Cartel bosses fly themselves into custody

Joaquin Guzman Lopez, son of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, allegedly tricked drug lord and #Sinaloa Cartel co-founder Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada to get on a jet that he thought was heading to southern #Mexico, but actually flew to an airport outside of El Paso, #Texas, where DEA agents were waiting, according to the WSJ and Fox, who cited US and Mexican officials.Guzman reportedly surrendered willingly while Zambada was apprehended.

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