Election deniers, do you vote?

I never miss an election because NOT voting is surrender, and I'm no coward. I also know the 2020 election was stolen from Americans and Trump- there's more than enough objective evidence showing exactly how it happened. (That's a totally separate issue from the fact that even SCOTUS wouldn't hear the legal challenges to the election- for political reasons).
I vote.
We had a stupid school levy pass by 2 votes. That’s three individuals that couldn’t get up and go vote. I personally knew several that said “oh I meant to go vote but got busy”. Thanks a lot! So the rest of the county paid millions of dollars.

Voting does matter in some cases.

The counting matters just as much.
A local city council member election was within like 1% between three different low lifes. Mandatory recount got a different result. Some didn’t like it so someone forked out money and they recounted a third time. Every time they got different numbers. Keep in mind this was less that 1,000 total votes cast.
I've always looked at it this way....if you don't vote, don't bitch. Shut the fuck up because I don't want to hear your shit.
How many times did you vote for the lesser of two evils? How many times did you vote for a candidate that said all the right things before the election and then did the opposite?
It has never been about the voter, or voting it's self.

It's about the counter, or the software that counts the votes.

Please tell me you're not so dumb to have not figured this out yet.....Mr. Glownuts ?
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I believe what would be more effective than voting - would be to help “misplace” the boxes and boxes of fraudulent ballots that are to be delivered at 0300 the day after official voting ends. Don’t steal them. Just delay their delivery until enough cameras are there to witness the fraud.
I never miss an election because NOT voting is surrender, and I'm no coward. I also know the 2020 election was stolen from Americans and Trump- there's more than enough objective evidence showing exactly how it happened.
More voting in KNOWN stolen elections = I'm no coward.

No disrespect, but can you explain that further? In my head I feel like I just read "I know my wife has been cheating on me, but I still love her. I'm no coward, so I will continue to stand by her." Not being a coward TO ME......looks more like getting her out of your life via legal means or violence.

Then again, I often say or type things that get taken completely different than I intended. Sometimes my fault, sometimes others.
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I vote but I focus on local offices like county supervisor, auditor, sheriff and others that directly effect me and my life. States have lost their power because everyone pays attention to the feds who at least for me are a thousand miles away.

Flip the script, pay 80% attention to local politics, and 20 to the feds. The group that formed us is Prathers team America. The handful of us have made changes in Iowa so if you want to be involved find your states team or form one. There's a need in Missouri and Texas, and several other states.

My state representatives can be directly influenced, and because of that people in my team have pushed back hard against the carbon pipeline scam, increased the punishment and awareness of human trafficking in Iowa, were gaining ground with forming committee of safety groups for the sheriff to call on when needed, and I have even shot with my districts representative. Local elections are where a lot of bullshit can be stopped, or allowed to flourish.

Out of the 10k registered voters in my county about 2100 showed up for the primary to choose who was on the ballot, amd a couple of the people again are running uncontested because no one runs against them. That's what needs to change.
I vote because despite fraudulent elections the stats show that most of you retards don't vote and I refuse to be part of the hand sitting fucks that allow the country to continue it's downward spiral without even doing the bare minimum of voting. Not to mention, when I go vote I cast ballots for local elections.
Voting is relevant on the local scene. National, even higher profile state level....not so much. I do it anyway yet have zero faith in national elections. I think it has been so for generations (see Lyndon Johnson quotes about election cheating) but in todays real time information world it is harder to hide. I have no illusions about my vote influencing anything but local topics and races. One step further is that when we do "win" squat happens. Trump had majority in both houses first term and they did absolutely nothing. So, if your vote doesn't matter and when you do happen to get a turn nothing happens why pay any attention to national politics?
I will always vote as well. If we don't participate, we don't have the right to complain about it. Not that that would stop us, but... :ROFLMAO:

I've checked and my county seems to have the vote counting thing under control. They do require ID to be displayed both when in person and when requesting mail in ballots. They must be postmarked by election day and received no later than 10 days after election day. Wish I could say the same about other voting districts, both in and out of Florida, but...
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The people that say they won’t vote because the vote count is rigged are stupid as shit. The only reason they are able to cheat is people not voting. If 300 million votes are cast they can’t produce any fakes. If 50 million are cast they can manufacture 250 million. Enough actual votes make cheating harder. My vote won’t count anyway is the battle cry of the looser.
How many times did you vote for the lesser of two evils? How many times did you vote for a candidate that said all the right things before the election and then did the opposite?
Do you have another course of action? If not show up and vote. It takes 20 min, be a citizen
There is a margin of cheating, it has to be believable by the normies. This is t the ussr yet. The last election was stolen in 4 states in a handful of precincts. This election will be the tell if they have the balls to make us Venezuela or if you can over come the margin. They have absolutely zero chance of winning legitimately and everyone knows it
I just buy more ammo instead of wasting my time voting.
(Speaking generally and not to you in particular)

I will never fail to be amazed at how our side (the non-left) will roll over, throw hands in the air and play victim.

Pay your taxes, take out that mortgage, invest. Do all the things that keep the wheels greased ……but for fuck sake don’t vote.

Saying you are buying ammo instead of voting is like saying I’m gonna take a piss this morning instead of eating breakfast. They’re not related. If you’re not buying ammo already, I don’t know what to say. But just because I didn’t eat breakfast, doesn’t mean I won’t have to take a piss.

Voting is a completely optional birthright in this country. If you choose not to participate, that’s your right. And people who say you can’t bitch they’re wrong. Having said that, if you think voting the only thing keeping things going, you’re delusional.

Instead, sit on your couch in your underwear, eating Cheetos mumbling to yourself “well when the civil war comes”. Civil war?? You got a be to work at 8am on Monday. You can’t go hunting for a full day because the wife needs you home by noon…..😳 You can’t even out smart the Democrats at the election box and you’re gonna win a Civil War???

The whole mindset of “well, I’m not gonna vote because it doesn’t matter because the Democrats have taken control of that”, eludes me. As fighters and patriots we should be saying we’re gonna learn from those Democrats because they’re making us look like little pussies and we’re gonna do what they do, but we’re gonna do it fucking better, harder faster…… FIGHT!
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Not voting is the dumbest fucking thing you can do. It's litteral retardation.

The cheating in concentrated to districts that can flip a state. If you don't vote then you are making it that much easier for the enemy to win.

They cheated their asses off in 2016 as well...Trump still won becuase they underestimated how much cheating they needed and at a certain point...it's impossible to do.

So get your fucking asses out...get everyone you know who will vote R to vote and not only put Trump back in office but give him the house and senate so he can do what needs to be done. That cuck Paul Ryan is gone and whoever is speaker is going to fall in line this time or get the boot.

All this I'm not voting ...is a bunch of faggot defeatist bullshit that the dems are banking on. You might as well chop your cock off and dye your hair blue. Stop being a pussy and vote. Your ancestors bled for you to have this right. Not voting is a disgrace and makes you an un American piece of shit.
The people that say they won’t vote because the vote count is rigged are stupid as shit. The only reason they are able to cheat is people not voting. If 300 million votes are cast they can’t produce any fakes. If 50 million are cast they can manufacture 250 million. Enough actual votes make cheating harder. My vote won’t count anyway is the battle cry of the looser.
Wrong! Proven in several places where more votes were cast than registered voters.
Wrong! Proven in several places where more votes were cast than registered voters.
You don’t get it do you? For every real vote cast, one fake is needed to nullify that and two are needed to take a lead. They only have so much capacity to cheat. Will they cheat? yes. Can they cheat enough to overcome a flood of Trump votes? Only if idiots like you stay home. But keep shilling your bullshit like Big Mike wants and stay home. Some can’t. Be reached
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Not voting is the dumbest fucking thing you can do. It's litteral retardation.

The cheating in concentrated to districts that can flip a state. If you don't vote then you are making it that much easier for the enemy to win.

They cheated their asses off in 2016 as well...Trump still won becuase they underestimated how much cheating they needed and at a certain point...it's impossible to do.

So get your fucking asses out...get everyone you know who will vote R to vote and not only put Trump back in office but give him the house and senate so he can do what needs to be done. That cuck Paul Ryan is gone and whoever is speaker is going to fall in line this time or get the boot.

All this I'm not voting ...is a bunch of faggot defeatist bullshit that the dems are banking on. You might as well chop your cock off and dye your hair blue. Stop being a pussy and vote. Your ancestors bled for you to have this right. Not voting is a disgrace and makes you an un American piece of shit.
If everybody on the right that likes to say, "I don't vote" voted we would win every election by a landslide. Really. Do the math. Oh, and even if you think it won't matter..... just fucking hoist yourself up and vote anyway. Every time. Be a patriot. Don't suck. Pull your weight.
"Election deniers." 🤣🤣🤣 OK glowie🤣🤣🤣 They have to make it believable this time. 🤣🤣🤣There were Trump trains running up down streets all over the country and staduims of city people chanting fuck Joe Biden at the mention of the most popular president in American history. Believable. 🤣🤣🤣 They do not care if you know they are lying to you. They will lie just the same. The most honest thing Obama ever said. "We lied."
You know what it means.

Term used to get a rise out of the thin skinned. Did it work?
You sound like a thin skinned liberal. Sure you are on the right site?

None of your posts are related to actual shooting. So you just exist in the Pit to stir up political bullshit. Either you have a really fucking boring life or your one of the many paid trolls from the likes of shareblue and open societies. Maybe even a dataminer, but you don't come off as intelligent enough for that.
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There is a margin of cheating, it has to be believable by the normies. This is t the ussr yet. The last election was stolen in 4 states in a handful of precincts. This election will be the tell if they have the balls to make us Venezuela or if you can over come the margin. They have absolutely zero chance of winning legitimately and everyone knows it
I’m curious, what are people going to do when they steal it again, blatantly? And then the next time? I’m sure the glowie that started the thread will love this but I’m genuinely curious what people are going to do when said voting system clearly no workie no more. I go vote as a civic duty and to pay the respects to those the brothers that lost their lives to give us that right. It’s more out a respect thing to me than anything because I’m under no illusion that national voting is legit anymore. But, we better be figuring out how to make it legit again, real fast. At some point, people are gonna come unglued.