Trump attends the National Association of Black Journalists and takes no sh*t.


Two Star General
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Jul 20, 2020
Man, this guy is amazing, completely fearless. He gets attacked by a 'nasty' lady journalist over the fact people say Cumala Harris is a DEI hire and fires back. His answer was great. Even the audience cheered.

I mean, the guy took an assassin's bullet to the side of the head. You think he's afraid anything?

I heard one opinion on the 'net that she has no African American blood- that her mother is Indian, and her father is Indian with a bit of Irish.
Her father Donald Harris is actually Jamaican, FWIW.
Trump did as best anyone could have done in that situation. He went into the 'hood, alone.

Those people don't like white people, especially conservative white men.

He took no shit off that hate filled woman that attacked him at the beginning, thinking they would pile on and beat him down like he was some lone little blonde girl on a school bus, and instead he put her in her place like the insubordinate, uppity bitch she was.

Notice one of those racist jezebels addressed him as "MR. Trump", instead of Pres. Trump, which, as a former president, is his title.
Her fucking job was to interview. She's not supposed to have a dog in this fight. If she thinks he's answering stupidly, let him give his answer and move on to the next question. The whole world will see how he answers. It's very clear she came with an agenda. She was there to try to make President Trump look bad and attack him with questions that could have bad answers for him. Trump played it off well and in the end, it only exposed her bitch ass as looking like the bad one.
There's a pic making the rounds of cumala in full Indian garb, red dot and all with her mother also decked out in same.
Trump should have called her "Chameleon" Harris, after the lizard that changes colors depending on the evironment it's in.

I thought of that just now, btw. Someone needs to send it to Trump's people. He can use that at his rallies.
Look at the diffrence in the skin tone of her father in the two pictures.

I think that might be her grandfather but regardless her family is Indian and that's how she was raised. Trump is right she only turned "Black" because it plays better at the national level.
Sounded like a bunch of howler monkeys, especially at the end.

And these were supposedly the educated ones.

They were 35 minutes late and gave no apology. Disrespectful.

I guess they were on 'black time' and that should have been expected.
Colored people time

It must be real if the left allows it to exist on leftopedia
Yes, she changed her accent to sound more Wisconsiny when she was in Wisconsin late last month also. She ain’t foolin’ no one with that bushit.
Oh, thats just great. A Wisc. accent in a nasal tone.

I broke up with a woman from Wisc. because I couldn't deal with that accent. It's something a southern man just can't get used to.
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Sounded like a bunch of howler monkeys, especially at the end.

And these were supposedly the educated ones.

They were 35 minutes late and gave no apology. Disrespectful.

I guess they were on 'black time' and that should have been expected.
Not black time but CPT which Bill DeBlasio and Hilary Clinton said was Colored Peoples Time when they were late for an event with mostly a black audience.Did they get canceled for it?No of course not because the left has dumbed down the black population so well they put themselves right back on the plantation.
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So, will Pres. Trump ever play the trump card in a debate with the Indian black whore when she accuses him of looking down on blacks and he points out to the listeners that she comes from a family of Indian slave traders that always looked down on blacks and saw them only as dumb animals to be used and exploited?

And then follow up with a throatpunch to her big thick neck with 'and you're still trying to use and exploit them.'

Expect her makeup to suddenly become noticeably more black, like Biden's post debate bronze look.
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Here is her birth certificate....mother India & Caucasian. Father Jamaican.
That's either a fake image, or they made an error on her birth cert, because all credible reports say her father is mostly Asian Indian with some Caucasian/Irish lineage, and that he has no Black in him. Another error- it's also known her mother is full Asian-Indian and not Caucasian.

The error for the Father's info is that "Jamaican" isn't a "Race", it's just a place where someone can be born or raised. Plenty of NON-Black people have been born in Jamaica.

It's also known that her father's family were one of the biggest slave owners in Jamaica.
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That's either a fake image, or they made an error on her birth cert, because all credible reports say her father is mostly Asian Indian with some Caucasian/Irish lineage, and that he has no Black in him. Another error- it's also known her mother is full Asian-Indian and not Caucasian.

The error for the Father's info is that "Jamaican" isn't a "Race", it's just a place where someone can be born or raised. Plenty of NON-Black people have been born in Jamaica.

It's also known that her father's family were one of the biggest slave owners in Jamaica.
Much you say is True, .... that, I already heard.
But this was the birth certificate posted, on TV, for people to look I reposted for discussion purposes.
Details I got was mother was Irish/ India decent. Father is Jamaican/ British...
Jamaica is a place one could be any race or combination of races.
The story is, her grandparents on her fathers side, were large slave owners on a large Jamaica sugar plantation, back in the day...her ancestors were black slave owners. Research that...
So he came from money... and why he was going to the university in California where he met her mother...and Harris was an anchor baby...neither parent was an American citizen, at the time of her birth.
That may disqualify one from being president, as the Constitution was meant to give Native Americans, & slaves citizenship.
But no one goes by the constitution, so anchor babies can be president today.
This birth certificate has been posted, several times, and all have the Jamaica entry...
Culture appropriation? Indian, who now claims to be black... Probably.
This identity politics crap, is very important to the left.
But it's really a waste of time...but unfortunately it gets votes.
Forcing discussion.
That's either a fake image, or they made an error on her birth cert, because all credible reports say her father is mostly Asian Indian with some Caucasian/Irish lineage, and that he has no Black in him. Another error- it's also known her mother is full Asian-Indian and not Caucasian.

The error for the Father's info is that "Jamaican" isn't a "Race", it's just a place where someone can be born or raised. Plenty of NON-Black people have been born in Jamaica.

It's also known that her father's family were one of the biggest slave owners in Jamaica.
"Kamala Harris's family provided jobs and free housing for many blacks living in Jamaica" - CNN
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Sounded like a bunch of howler monkeys, especially at the end.

And these were supposedly the non feral, educated ones.

They were 35 minutes late and gave no apology. Disrespectful.

I guess they were on 'black time' and that should have been expected.
It was always called “CP time”. Did they start beating on the kettle drums?

It’s cool for them to “dis” just dont be dissing back y’all.
Trump for good or bad did one thing that made him public enemy #1 in the eyes of the media and i mean all media.He outted them. He almost single handedly destroyed CNN and is close to doing the same to MSNBC as well. He dented FOXs credibility as well.They had it mad ebefore he came around. Lying with impunity and no conscience about it. I once saw a interview with some talking head from some shit news network and their direct quote was "We (meaning the MSM) set policy! Thats how much they think of themselves and when DJT got everyone saying Fake News and lying media boy that just chaffed their ass but mostly their ego.Now these pompous assholes will stop at nothing to try and break him and have their revenge.
Elizabeth Warren said she was Native American...used that to get into college...and later in politics...but DNA proved otherwise.
Jamaica was a Spanish colony ...Columbus claimed it, many of the natives died from the new diseases brought by the Spanish.
So they brought in African blacks for labor. The British took over and did the same.
In 1838 the British outlawed slavery, and brought in indentured servents from India.
Which were at one time larger than the black population, then came the hoards indentured servents from China. Early it was 84% white European, then it changes throughout history as to the dominate race on the Island.
DNA test would reveal the true percentage, but black would appear to be a small percentage of her heritage, or a trace percentage, like Elizabeth Warren, better known as, the Native American Indian, "Pocahontas." for her deception.
I thought her dad was raised in Jamaica but not actually Jamaican heritage?

The funny part is that now she has to "prove" she's black which is gonna be tough because of all the pics of her dressed like an Indian or talking about her Indian-American heritage etc. She's just a power hungry cunt who will do whatever it takes to win.
The funny part is that now she has to "prove" she's black which is gonna be tough because of all the pics of her dressed like an Indian or talking about her Indian-American heritage etc. She's just a power hungry cunt who will do whatever it takes to win.

Honestly I think Trump is better off just staying away from all of that and let others attack her with that (like black Republicans). Trump needs to HAMMER on Economy (especially with covid sugar high money petering out and recession looming), THE ILLEGALS/ Border, and this insanity of letting men into women's sports and in particular, destroying title 9, and crime. Kamie-mala has an absolutely horrible record and those are the things that black males are concerned about just like all of us are.
A baby who's born here but neither parent is a citizen and yet somehow, though it's ABSOLUTELY NOT covered by the 14th amendment, we magically call the baby "a citizen". We are the only major country who does this insanity
Ok, gotcha. Actually had to look up the 14th Amendment - section 1. says "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Looks very simple to me, basically if you were born here, you're a citizen.
Ok, gotcha. Actually had to look up the 14th Amendment - section 1. says "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Looks very simple to me, basically if you were born here, you're a citizen.
Wrong!!! That would just ignore this part. Obviously