New MDT ACC Gen 2 - Rimfire Focused


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Nov 8, 2023
Portland, OR
Just watched Impact Shooting's video on the new MDT ACC Premier Gen 2. When he's talking to Paige from MDT she mentions Rimfire in almost all the features. Seems like they really designed this with the Vudoo, RimX, and B14R (and other R700 Rimfire actions) in mind.

Key features mentioned:
  • Lower Price: $999.00 USD
  • Shorter Forend - I know a lot of people are running 24-25 inch barrels these days, but for those still running 20-22 inch it will definitely look and feel better.
  • Stiffer Forend vs ACC Premier Gen 1
  • Threaded Forend Holes - Can use the ACC Elite Mirage Shield and NV Bridge
  • Larger Barricade/Bag Stop
  • Uses same ACC Weights
  • Added Mag Well Dowels - for better fitment with Rimfire Mags (RimX & Vudoo mentioned)
  • Wider Thumb Shelf/Rest

I think this is a cool update to a great chassis. Not sure if I love that they shortened the forend by 3 inches, but it definitely makes it a little more appealing to those running "shorter" 20-22 inch barrels. The fact that the feature are so focused on Rimfire is great news for the rimfire community. I'm sure we'll see them come out with a CZ 457 version pretty quickly as well. I think this might actually be the chassis CZ is going to be offering in their new CZ 457 MDT they showed at Shot Show.

Edit: I originally thought they might already have it and showed it with the 457 in the CZ booth, but looked at the video and it's definitely the Gen 1 ACC there.
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When are these chassis builders designing something that isn't tail heavy? How hard can that be?

I'm assuming it still has a lot to do with Centerfire. A 26-28 inch Heavy Profile Barrel will weigh around 7-8 lbs (plus 5-8 oz for a brake). At that point you want a bit of weight in the butt for balance. Most I've seen still use weights to refine the balance, but since most Chassis and Stock builders offer butt stock weights I'm assuming it's mainly rimfire shorter barrels that have the major balance issues (outside of those running 24+ inch Truck Axles). My R700 (26 inch varmint barrel) in an ACC balances almost perfectly with 0 weights. On the other hand, my 10/22 (20 inch bull barrel) is like 2 lbs butt heavy in an Oryx Chassis.

Honestly though this new ACC might balance better. Since beefed up the front and it's close to the same weight at the original ACC it could be a tad more forend heavy, though the shorter length might completely offset that.
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If they shortened the rail and were mostly talking about rimfire I'd suspect otherwise.

Since it's a butt stock, they should offer a skeletonized version for the rimfire guys.

I have a 25" 1.2" barrel and still needed a few weights in front. They can do it if they wanted to.

Same thing as having the aluminum rear weight being something you need to call for and pay extra for, one top of the chassis. Make it an option.
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If they shortened the rail and were mostly talking about rimfire I'd suspect otherwise.

Since it's a butt stock, they should offer a skeletonized version for the rimfire guys.

I have a 25" 1.2" barrel and still needed a few weights in front. They can do it if they wanted to.

Same thing as having the aluminum rear weight being something you need to call for and pay extra for, one top of the chassis. Make it an option.

I know they say the shortened forend was a feature for Rimfire, but there are plenty of centerfire guys out there running shorter forend on stocks and chassis. But I see what you're getting at. If they're saying this chassis is targeted rimfire guys with shorter barrels, the problem of balance is exacerbated. I agree it would be nice if they offered a skeletonized lightweight butt stock for those who don't want a 20+ lb rifle, but maybe they just don't think the market is there. Maybe all of us in the rimfire community need to ask for that.

I'm sure in their head they're think "they can always add weights", but then we come back to:
If they do that who would buy their front weights?

I'm sure the goal isn't to be malicious, but who knows. I plan to try out a Manners TCS at one point just to see if I like the lighter weight and feel. I have one for our CZ 457 and love it so far. Only has an Area 419 weighted rail and balances great with the factory 20.5" MTR barrel.
I like that it'll be a penny under $1000. ;) That takes the ACC Elite completely out of the running for me--though what are the odds I'll make up the difference buying more weights? :)
Question for you guys that have used the previous Premier or Elite. I got a 50% cert for an MDT chassis and am trying to decide what to get.

Build is going to be a Rim-X with 22-24" 1.25" barrel. I want to get the best chassis that isn't going to require a ton of extra weights to make it balance best. I am just a weekend warrior shooter who shoots NRL sometimes for fun. I shoot Rimfire BR competitively so am well versed in 22's, but these chassis are out of my scope of knowledge. I understand the general concept of balance being pretty important.

So I am considering 3 options and am not concerned about overall weight, but main balance and aesthetics. A) MDT Elite, B) MDT Premier, C) MDT Premier Gen 2 outlined above.

My main concern with the Elite is the forearm length and buttstock weight if I go with a 22" barrel. The 22" barrel with that long of forearm also looks kind of dumb to me. I would like to keep the barrel a little shorter just for maneuverability, but can go longer if the elite is really gaining me something. The Gen 1 Premier is an inch shorter that the Elite and it would seem maybe a little lighter in the buttstock so the 22" barrel may work better. With the Gen 1 I would lose compatibility with the Elite accessories the Gen 2 supports. And the forend isn't as robust. Last would be to wait for the Gen 2 premier and lose even more buttstock weight, but gain the shorter, more robust forend and ability to use the elite bridge for hand placement. It also doesn't have tool free adjustments but that doesn't bother me much. I will set it and forget it as it is just me shooting it.

Any major recommendations between the 3 options. As I have the 50% coupon, cost isn't the major concern, but $300 between the Elite and Premier Gen-2 doesn't hurt. Leaning towards waiting for the Gen 2, but wondering if I should just go with the Elite and longer barrel. I should add, it will be a couple of month wait for the new Gen 2 according to MDT.

Question for you guys that have used the previous Premier or Elite. I got a 50% cert for an MDT chassis and am trying to decide what to get.

Build is going to be a Rim-X with 22-24" 1.25" barrel. I want to get the best chassis that isn't going to require a ton of extra weights to make it balance best. I am just a weekend warrior shooter who shoots NRL sometimes for fun. I shoot Rimfire BR competitively so am well versed in 22's, but these chassis are out of my scope of knowledge. I understand the general concept of balance being pretty important.

So I am considering 3 options and am not concerned about overall weight, but main balance and aesthetics. A) MDT Elite, B) MDT Premier, C) MDT Premier Gen 2 outlined above.

My main concern with the Elite is the forearm length and buttstock weight if I go with a 22" barrel. The 22" barrel with that long of forearm also looks kind of dumb to me. I would like to keep the barrel a little shorter just for maneuverability, but can go longer if the elite is really gaining me something. The Gen 1 Premier is an inch shorter that the Elite and it would seem maybe a little lighter in the buttstock so the 22" barrel may work better. With the Gen 1 I would lose compatibility with the Elite accessories the Gen 2 supports. And the forend isn't as robust. Last would be to wait for the Gen 2 premier and lose even more buttstock weight, but gain the shorter, more robust forend and ability to use the elite bridge for hand placement. It also doesn't have tool free adjustments but that doesn't bother me much. I will set it and forget it as it is just me shooting it.

Any major recommendations between the 3 options. As I have the 50% coupon, cost isn't the major concern, but $300 between the Elite and Premier Gen-2 doesn't hurt. Leaning towards waiting for the Gen 2, but wondering if I should just go with the Elite and longer barrel. I should add, it will be a couple of month wait for the new Gen 2 according to MDT.


I own a Gen1 ACC Premier and it's a good chassis, but it definitely a bit more centerfire focused in terms of balance and the forend is definitely not as sturdy as I would like. That was one of the more noteworthy improvements on the Gen2. I think if you want to run a shorter 20-22 inch barrel then the Gen 2 makes a lot of sense. The ACC Elite and Gen1 Premier are really long and look a little funny with anything shorter than a 22 inch barrel (in my opinion).

ACC Premier Gen 1 with 20 inch barrel

ACC Premier Gen 1 with 22 inch barrel

I would completely rule out the Gen 1 ACC at this point. It just doesn't have the features or benefits of the Gen2 or Elite that would be good for Rimfire (Namely the forend rigidity/weight, magwell dowels, and larger barricade stop). The longer forend of the Elite would be nice if you're running a 22 inch barrel and still need weights for balance. Since you can get them further out, you won't need as many for balance (unless you want a 20lb rifle). I had my 24 inch 1.20 straight barreled Vudoo in a MPA Matrix Pro (similar weight as the ACC Elite) and it still required some weight out front to balance. Made the rifle a full 20 lbs. The ACC Elite does has a longer forend than the Matrix Pro (16 inches) and ACC Premier (gen 1 - 18 inches & gen 2 - 15 inches) at 19 inches. That extra length is just weight out front which is always good for balance.

So TL;DR - I would pick the ACC Elite for the best possible balance and largest feature set. Since you're not worried about the slight cost difference, $800 vs $500 with your 50% off. I would go with a 24 inch barrel. They're not that crazy to maneuver around vs a 22 inch IMO and you'll get much better balance out of it.

This is @J_D 's rifle (Vudoo 24 inch 1.20 or 1.25) in the ACC Elite. I think he said it balanced without any weights but I forget. Maybe he can chime in on the balance and weight.
Thanks. I was kind of leaning that way (just getting the Elite), but figured I would get some opinions. The 24" barrel looks good on the Elite. No issues with that.

Update: I called to order the Elite and found out the code is only good for the Premier, so will just wait for the Gen 2. They said that it's not a problem to use it for that. It will be fine for what I am going to do with it.

Thanks again for the response.
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Thanks. I was kind of leaning that way (just getting the Elite), but figured I would get some opinions. The 24" barrel looks good on the Elite. No issues with that.

Update: I called to order the Elite and found out the code is only good for the Premier, so will just wait for the Gen 2. They said that it's not a problem to use it for that. It will be fine for what I am going to do with it.

Thanks again for the response.
Gen 2 is the smarter choice.....
Update: I called to order the Elite and found out the code is only good for the Premier, so will just wait for the Gen 2. They said that it's not a problem to use it for that. It will be fine for what I am going to do with it.
Did MDT give you any indication on how long it will be before the Premier gen 2 is on the market?
Update: I called to order the Elite and found out the code is only good for the Premier, so will just wait for the Gen 2. They said that it's not a problem to use it for that. It will be fine for what I am going to do with it.

That's a bit of a bummer, but I don't think you'll be unhappy with the Gen 2. It looks like a great chassis.

He said they were in production and estimated the end of May for actual availability.

Well, at least that's not too long a wait. Were you able to put in a pre-order for it?
Coming back to this and reading it again, one thing some may find useful is they told me the weight of the updated buttstock on the Premier Gen 2 is 8oz less than the current one. In addition there is more weight forward due to the extra width and thickness of the forend so it will hopefully help with balance easier.
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Coming back to this and reading it again, one thing some may find useful is they told me the weight of the updated buttstock on the Premier Gen 2 is 8oz less than the current one. In addition there is more weight forward due to the extra width and thickness of the forend so it will hopefully help with balance easier.

That's great information. I remember them saying the forend was heavier, but the butt stock being 8oz lighter is huge for Rimfire. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼
ACC Premier 2 on the MDT website today, avail.
Unless you're left handed. I just called them and the left handed version is scheduled for the 12th of never.

Actually they told me it would be at least a year until there was a left handed one which is about average for their left handed options on previous chassis. Time to order another JP Rifles APAC for my new build.
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There are some who seem to think that I am anti-MDT because of their business plan(s) for left-handed offerings but that is incorrect. Frustrated yes, anti no. I decided to put one of my older V-360's back into the ACC Elite Chassis and couldn't find the action screws for the ACC so I called MDT about ordering a new set, MDT won't sell me a set but they are sending a set absolutely free even though it was my fault and I was willing to pay for my mistake.

I have several MDT products and will undoubtably buy more in the future.

MDT is a class act - even if I have to wait for them to introduce two new models before making me a left-handed G2.
But what about the area of concern? Grey Birch told me the same. It can fit 1.25” but they didn’t account for the action area.

I can almost guarantee they thought of that. I'm almost 100% positive others have used a 1.25 on their Gen 1 ACCs and the inletting should be very similar. I can't find any good pictures but you can kind of see the inletting on Womfat's video where he's talking about his wife's new rifle.


You can see the V-Block ends right after the front action screw and drops down. So any oversized barrel wouldn't contact the chassis.
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Now the wait..

Rumor has it they're just finishing their production run of the first big batch. MDT won't give an official ETA, but they said it should be in the next month. Make sure you're signed up for their news letter as they'll announce it there first. There's definitely gonna be a race to get one out of the first batch.
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But what about the area of concern? Grey Birch told me the same. It can fit 1.25” but they didn’t account for the action area.

Apparently I was wrong. One of the guys who runs a 1.180 on the Gen 1 ACC said he had to clearance a small hit to get it to fit.


The area marked in sharpie had to be ground down a bit. However, Matt (Womfat) said on his channel when he was reviewing his wife's build was that MDT had to change the inlet because they hadn't contemplated the increased size of barrels for the CZ platform, so they were modifying the chassis to accept 1.25 barrels without modifications.
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Good to know. Yup CZ barrels are getting thicker now just like the others.

Talked to MDT again. It sounds like they've done their best to allow for a 1.25 barrel to fit without any modifications. However, they said it will really depend on how the barrel was machined where it joins to the action. I could only get so many details, but it sounds like ones that are chamfered at the shoulder will probably fit. Some barrel manufactures will do this which definitely clears:
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Do you know if the new CZ 457 Gen 2 will allow a 457 with a 1.25” barrel to bolt down into the chassis? Pictured is the area of concern. Life would be much easier if it did.
View attachment 8475648
We have made a modification to our inlet to account for the new, threaded 1.250" diameter barrels coming out of some gunsmiths shops, however, that is not in production yet and the first run WILL NOT FIT WITHOUT MODIFICATION. We are just validating that our modification will work, then we will roll out the new revision such that all of you wanting to run larger than action diameter barrels will be able to without any machining, dremeling or otherwise required.

Side note; a 1.250" diameter barrel is not advise of you have not threaded your action as the two set screws are not adequate at holding that barrel into the action!

- Josh
@021411, @Fester47 just shared this image from @1911Shootist in a discord group that I totally missed. Gives a great view of the inletting on the new CZ 457. Given they're making some changes to the next batch, I would be pretty confident that you wouldn't need much if any modification to fit your barrel: Update: @MDT_Josh let me know that this is actually the updated inlet design. I can see how this new design gives a lot of clearance for larger barrels. We'll have to wait and see what different 1.250 barrel owner's experiences are with it down the line, but there's a good chance the 1.180 crowd won't have any issues.

MDT ACC Gen 2 for CZ 457 left (updated inlet) - MDT ACC Gen 1 for CZ 457 Right
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@021411, @Fester47 just shared this image from @1911Shootist in a discord group that I totally missed. Gives a great view of the inletting on the new CZ 457. Given they're making some changes to the next batch, I would be pretty confident that you wouldn't need much if any modification to fit your barrel: Update: @MDT_Josh let me know that this is actually the updated inlet design. I can see how this new design gives a lot of clearance for larger barrels. We'll have to wait and see what different 1.250 barrel owner's experiences are with it down the line, but there's a good chance the 1.180 crowd won't have any issues.

MDT ACC Gen 2 for CZ 457 left (updated inlet) - MDT ACC Gen 1 for CZ 457 Right
View attachment 8477089
Yeah, I was hesitant to post this in response to the question as I knew it is a pre-release chassis and these things are subject to change. MDT was generous enough to donate the chassis to NRL22 Nationals, I didn’t want to complicate things for them unnecessarily.
Yeah, I was hesitant to post this in response to the question as I knew it is a pre-release chassis and these things are subject to change. MDT was generous enough to donate the chassis to NRL22 Nationals, I didn’t want to complicate things for them unnecessarily.
You're welcome and it's cool that we can find out where our first production chassis has ended up! That cutout in front of the bedding should be plenty large enough to clear 1.250" straight barrels without any additional inletting, and provide a spot to bed the front of the receiver/barrel if you so choose as well.
There are some who seem to think that I am anti-MDT because of their business plan(s) for left-handed offerings but that is incorrect. Frustrated yes, anti no.
Right there with ya brother. I don't see why alienating 10% of your audience and maintaining 2 SKUs per chassis design is better than making bolt handle and safety notches on both sides from day one. Super frustrating. I could go buy MPA, JP, or Magpul, but I'd rather have MDT ACC Premier Gen 2.
I have several MDT products and will undoubtably buy more in the future.

MDT is a class act - even if I have to wait for them to introduce two new models before making me a left-handed G2.
Yeah, same. I have three or four MDT chassis and want to buy at least two more. Also love the Elite rings, level, timer, etc. Big fan of MDT, wish they felt the same for lefties.