Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

There used to be a saying "Never pick a fight with a man who buys ink by the barrel." AKA going after a media tycoon.

Today, don't pick a fight with a guy who owns the most powerful social media platform on the planet!!!

Especially when the owner is also a %$#@ing genius and one of the best trolls of all time!

Bring on the popcorn!

try having 3

we had 17 or 18 many years ago. at first our mother dog was fine with them, we liked them around because they kept the mice population down. she one day clicked and chased all the cats away. thats when i had to invest in traps. now with 10 dogs and zero cats, and still have to remember to check on the traps to keep the bait stocked in them.
When I was very young I saw on a cartoon those Y-shaped sticks that were supposedly used to find water. Tried it and it didn't work! :mad:
Some can and some can’t. I’ve worked with both. What was funny was the kid with the $5000 locator wand was only 0.10 foot off from the dude with the dowsing rod (forked willow branch).