
Digital Freedom Fighter Kim Dotcom Faces Extradition From New Zealand After 12-Year Battle with U.S. Government​

By Jim Hᴏft Aug. 15, 2024 1:40 pm0 Comments

(Photo by Hannah Peters/Getty Images)
The New Zealand government has approved the extradition of Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload, to the United States.
On Thursday, New Zealand Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith announced that he had signed the extradition order for Dotcom, who has been embroiled in legal disputes since his arrest in 2012 during a dramatic FBI-led raid on his Auckland mansion. The charges against him include racketeering conspiracy, copyright infringement, and money laundering.
Dotcom, who has consistently maintained his innocence, said that Megaupload was merely a file-sharing platform, arguing that he had no control over the content uploaded by its users.

However, the U.S. Department of Justice alleges that he and his associates facilitated a ‘vast piracy operation’ that cost Hollywood elites’ film studios and record companies more than $500 million, generating over $175 million in revenue from illicit activities.


Wonder if he will try to get asylum in Russia?
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i wonder who they want instead. :unsure:

We know they want Newsom/Gretchen Whitmer; they may put in less radical Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelly for appearances sake to make the steal look less obvious. I also saw Susan Rice on the news circuits recently - if they need to keep a black woman on the ticket. She actually is much more intelligent and has more practical experience than Kamala too.
It's not just blue cities. Money hungry GOP members here in N. Alabama have sold out to this too. I still cannot figure out the need for over 20,000 new apartment units since COVID, and TONS of new cookie cutter homes (aka, all with same design) with almost no yard...just enough to meet fire codes.
sounds like many municipalities i see here in FL. but,FL has always been that way. and yes,quite corrupt in allocation of development areas.
Everybody knows that people who produce goods and foods will be all to happy to produce those things at a loss. Because the .GOv put price controls in place!:rolleyes:
Just another attack on middle class and lower working class people! All part of the plan to collapse the economy and the country! Commies gonna commie!
remember nixon's use of those? included wage controls which the management class loved. if harris gets in and does that,you can bet some kind of attck on working class wages is planned. prob higher taxes to try and hide the control.

Digital Freedom Fighter Kim Dotcom Faces Extradition From New Zealand After 12-Year Battle with U.S. Government​

By Jim Hᴏft Aug. 15, 2024 1:40 pm0 Comments

(Photo by Hannah Peters/Getty Images)
The New Zealand government has approved the extradition of Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload, to the United States.
On Thursday, New Zealand Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith announced that he had signed the extradition order for Dotcom, who has been embroiled in legal disputes since his arrest in 2012 during a dramatic FBI-led raid on his Auckland mansion. The charges against him include racketeering conspiracy, copyright infringement, and money laundering.
Dotcom, who has consistently maintained his innocence, said that Megaupload was merely a file-sharing platform, arguing that he had no control over the content uploaded by its users.

However, the U.S. Department of Justice alleges that he and his associates facilitated a ‘vast piracy operation’ that cost Hollywood elites’ film studios and record companies more than $500 million, generating over $175 million in revenue from illicit activities.


Wonder if he will try to get asylum in Russia?
that is not as crazy as it sounded in the 70s
Everybody knows that people who produce goods and foods will be all to happy to produce those things at a loss.
Just as insidious...
The government subsidizes the farms that produce the food even more than they are now so they do not operate at a loss.

The farms become totally dependent on the subsidies the same way leeches and ticks are dependent on SNAP, welfare, SSI and other freebies.
Then of course, the government can control what farms stay viable and which ones wither on the vine.
Voila' - Government control of the food supply.

BREAKING REPORT: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Approved Operation to Blow Up the Russian Gas Nord Stream Pipeline to Europe​

By Jim Hoft Aug. 15, 2024 12:45 pm61 Comments

Gas hits the surface after the Nordstream Pipeline was blown up by Western forces – who then blamed it on Russia.
Breaking: Volodymyr Zelensky approved the operation with US allies to blow up the Russian Nord Stream Pipeline to Europe.
Via Euro News:
• German prosecutors on Thursday issued the first arrest warrant in their investigation into the undersea explosions in 2022 that blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines to Europe.

• German media outlets reported in a joint report that federal prosecutors obtained an arrest warrant in June against a Ukrainian national who may be living in Poland.
• The individual was identified as Volodymyr Z. (what a strange coincidence?)
• The explosion caused 800 million cubic meters of gas, equivalent to about 3 months of Danish gas supplies, to escape.
According to reports: The CIA knew Ukraine blew it up – and the CIA and Biden regime lied to the American public for two years now!
bullshit. the cia/biden planned it,approved it and likely supervised it. that is without any doc proof,which will never be available. but,i believe it and some german kabuki event will never change my mind

prob twisted reasoning but increasing the incompetence in the dod is likely a good thing. dod can't take any peer opponent-china,russia. prob not iran and its proxies for that matter. they can't/won't defend the border. maybe they will be unable to suppress the citizenry when called to do so. and they will be. only way they can win against china or russia "over there" is to go nuc. that is not winning. per mr.putin then everybody dies.
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and you gotta wonder why anyone would travel there...especially a woman.

There have been a lot of reports about these women that have been warned NOT to travel alone to these countries. What do they do? Travel alone to these countries. I am not condoning the behavior of the animals committing these crimes BUT come on, don't take the risk.
remember nixon's use of those? included wage controls which the management class loved. if harris gets in and does that,you can bet some kind of attck on working class wages is planned. prob higher taxes to try and hide the control.
Which is/was in the top 3 of Nixon's worst legacy issues...price controls.
prob twisted reasoning but increasing the incompetence in the dod is likely a good thing. dod can't take any peer opponent-china,russia. prob not iran and its proxies for that matter. they can't/won't defend the border. maybe they will be unable to suppress the citizenry when called to do so. and they will be. only way they can win against china or russia "over there" is to go nuc. that is not winning. per mr.putin then everybody dies.
At this point, it's questionable if we could take...hold it...Canada. (sorry Sean)
I like your posts but don’t be stupid and divisive, we are fighting men as you are. Just because we have cuck politicians don’t think that the British fighting man is your enemy, that shit died a long time ago.
For fucks sake, are you serious? IF, and that is a big IF, British soldiers were sent to the US to arrest and deport American citizens back to the UK you would defend the British troops? If so then I have to laugh at your position.
For fucks sake, are you serious? IF, and that is a big IF, British soldiers were sent to the US to arrest and deport American citizens back to the UK you would defend the British troops? If so then I have to laugh at your position.

No retard, I’m saying it would never happen because nobody serving in their right mind would obey such a ridiculous order.
That is not what you in the least bit. God damn you are stupid, no wonder the meme went over your head. Do you even undertstand what meme's are, or you just got sand in your cunt today?

The point I was making was that we have shared a lot of spilt blood and dead friends over the last few decades. Just because one prick in my country writes cheques his ass can’t cash, it doesn’t make us suddenly your enemy. These people do not speak for us, we aren’t your enemy.
The point I was making was that we have shared a lot of spilt blood and dead friends over the last few decades. Just because one prick in my country writes cheques his ass can’t cash, it doesn’t make us suddenly your enemy. These people do not speak for us, we aren’t your enemy.
I honestly don't give two fucks about your point at this juncture of the discussion. If you stated that to start off with I would have been fine with it. Instead your got your cunt in a knot and wanted to throw insults instead of having a discussion so I am now at your level. Based on how you spelled "cheques" and your replies I am guessing you are English. A meme is jest and if you cannot figure that out then you lack the minimum amount of maturity needed to spend time on the internet.

Since you seem to take meme's seriously, if you come to the US looking for posters then you would be the enemy and would be treated as a foreign invader. Unlike you lot we can legally defend ourselves with weapons and will not hesitate to do so.

Now, I understand how you guys feel because it looks like a total shit show from the outside so I sympathize and hope you come out of this tits up. That being said don't be a dick because your politicians are communist assholes and want to replace white people.
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No retard, I’m saying it would never happen because nobody serving in their right mind would obey such a ridiculous order.
And your police wouldn't arrest people for reposting tweets, posting anti immigration or for protesting against a Muslim that killed three children.
They will do as they are told.
I honestly don't give two fucks about your point at this juncture of the discussion. If you stated that to start off with I would have been fine with it. Instead your got your cunt in a knot and wanted to throw insults instead of having a discussion so I am now at your level. Based on how you spelled "cheques" and your replies I am guessing you are English. A meme is jest and if you cannot figure that out then you lack the minimum amount of maturity needed to spend time on the internet.

Since you seem to take meme's seriously, if you come to the US looking for posters then you would be the enemy and would be treated as a foreign invader. Unlike you lot we can legally defend ourselves with weapons and will not hesitate to do so.

Now, I understand how you guys feel because it looks like a total shit show from the outside so I sympathize and hope you come out of this tits up. That being said don't be a dick because your politicians are communist assholes and want to replace white people.

You’re a fucking clown with a room temperature IQ. Tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but that ship has sailed now. Cram it up your arse and maybe worry about the enemy within instead of fantasizing about fighting Englishmen who will out run, out drink and out fight you anyway.
We know they want Newsom/Gretchen Whitmer; they may put in less radical Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelly for appearances sake to make the steal look less obvious. I also saw Susan Rice on the news circuits recently - if they need to keep a black woman on the ticket. She actually is much more intelligent and has more practical experience than Kamala too.
Rice is definitely smarter; but infinitely more EVIL
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