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Exploding Pagers neutering terrorists.. Mossad operation?


Que Chimba
Full Member
Mar 20, 2002
Jacksonville FL
download (1).png
Either this is some tech that is beyond the beyond for 2024, or this is going to be an Argo level story in fifty years when it's declassified.

It will be interesting to see if they somehow placed a small shaped charge in all the units Hezbollah bought, or if they were able to detonate the batteries somehow...

If it was the batteries I wonder if my faraday bags would defeat whatever they used to detonate them?

I'm thinking it must have been a charge. Otherwise why wouldn't all the LiPo batteries in Lebanon explode? How did they target just the Party of God's pagers if it wasn't a physical explosive device in all of them? Seems likely some Mossad corporate espionage operation like what they did to the Siemens controllers on the Iranian centrifuges with Stuxnet. Go tricky Joos!
Either this is some tech that is beyond the beyond for 2024, or this is going to be an Argo level story in fifty years when it's declassified.

It will be interesting to see if they somehow placed a small shaped charge in all the units Hezbollah bought, or if they were able to detonate the batteries somehow...

If it was the batteries I wonder if my faraday bags would defeat whatever they used to detonate them?

I'm thinking it must have been a charge. Otherwise why wouldn't all the LiPo batteries in Lebanon explode? How did they target just the Party of God's pagers if it wasn't a physical explosive device in all of them? Seems likely some Mossad corporate espionage operation like what they did to the Siemens controllers on the Iranian centrifuges with Stuxnet. Go tricky Joos!
I think it was a epic long term play with a small charge with programming to detonate when paged with a certain code or something. Use an inside man to get them distributed, then when they have enough of them out there, beep beep boop kaboom!

Well played whoever planned and executed this *cough* israel *cough*
I'm sure those guys with exploded pagers were truly disappointed. Poor bastards. They trained and bragged for most of their miserable lives to wear an instant vaporization vest and all that happened was a little pager charge. Poor bastards. They weren't able to inflict all sorts of collateral damage. Poor bastards. Gotta figure their quota of virgin canines available in the afterlife will be limited now. Poor bastards.
I think the pagers in question might have been two way.
Can send pages as well as receive them.
Very small charge could pierce LiPo battery and set it off.
Special code sent to pager. Boom.
Now, how hard would it be to capture a LARGE shipment of iPhones and install this, or just swap them out?
Gov. could take out anyone at will.

Could exploding Laptops be test cases?
Either this is some tech that is beyond the beyond for 2024, or this is going to be an Argo level story in fifty years when it's declassified.

It will be interesting to see if they somehow placed a small shaped charge in all the units Hezbollah bought, or if they were able to detonate the batteries somehow...

If it was the batteries I wonder if my faraday bags would defeat whatever they used to detonate them?

I'm thinking it must have been a charge. Otherwise why wouldn't all the LiPo batteries in Lebanon explode? How did they target just the Party of God's pagers if it wasn't a physical explosive device in all of them? Seems likely some Mossad corporate espionage operation like what they did to the Siemens controllers on the Iranian centrifuges with Stuxnet. Go tricky Joos!

My best bet is that the terrorists wanted a source for comm devices that they thought would keep them safe from the prying eyes of the NSA/CIA and Mossad, so they sourced their devices from a specific manufacturer. This saga probably began 2-5 years ago. However, the Izzies got wind of their plans, intercepted their cargo, planted the mini shaped charges in them Eldest Son style, repacked them, and sent them on their way. And today, a mass text message or other coded correspondence that triggers the smart detonators was sent out by the Mossad and "HI JACK! BYE JACK!" 😂

Both the ancient Israelites and the Byzantine Empire, whom had faced enemies that outnumbered and surrounded them, had made extremely effective use of trickery and traps in this fashion.
My guess is those are charges detonating, at least in part. Lithium Ion batteries can store a bunch of energy, yes, but I don't think there's any way to release it quickly like this without physically damaging the cells. I'm sure there will be a bunch of misinformation going around now to hide the source and keep people scared, so who knows when we'll get the truth.
Either this is some tech that is beyond the beyond for 2024, or this is going to be an Argo level story in fifty years when it's declassified.

It will be interesting to see if they somehow placed a small shaped charge in all the units Hezbollah bought, or if they were able to detonate the batteries somehow...

If it was the batteries I wonder if my faraday bags would defeat whatever they used to detonate them?

I'm thinking it must have been a charge. Otherwise why wouldn't all the LiPo batteries in Lebanon explode? How did they target just the Party of God's pagers if it wasn't a physical explosive device in all of them? Seems likely some Mossad corporate espionage operation like what they did to the Siemens controllers on the Iranian centrifuges with Stuxnet. Go tricky Joos!
Um, that’s not how things work. Pagers are like phones and have numbers and signals you can trace. They more than likely shorted the lipo remotely somehow, or they became the supplier and added a little bang for delivery.
The article I read said that the hack caused the lithium batteries to overheat and explode but that does not seem sufficient for the damage received

The article is geared towards the general public with almost no knowledge of munitions and energetics and hope that the common reader will be content in the explanation, go "oooh cool!", and stop looking further and go back to watching the Kardashians, Meghan Markle, or whatever the fuck they follow 24/7. They were small shaped charges made of most likely a polymer explosive in dense slime form. The damage seen here are pure detonations, every single chemical bond oxidizing and turning into gas in the fraction of a microsecond. In order for detonation to occur in a compound, there must be a matrix in the structure where a ready-to-use oxygen source such as a nitrate or perchlorate compound and the fuel source is bonded in 1:1 ratio. Under the right circumstances, pressures, and distribution of an initial energy source, both black powder and smokeless powder can be detonated. Not gasoline, fuel gas by itself in a 100% rich environment, or the electrolytes in a battery though, because these substances do not have oxidizers inside their mixture bonded to them in a molecular fashion. A catastrophic lithium battery "explosion" occurs in the following steps:

1. A short circuit or overheating ruptures the battery exposing it to air, causing a steady exothermic chemical reaction with the lithium containing electrolytes/anodes that releases hydrogen gas.

2. The hydrogen gas is ignited by the sparks from the battery and a fire results.

3. Under specific circumstances, the battery vents in an enclosed space like inside a vehicle where the hydrogen happens to mix with surrounding air in just the right proportions to detonate under ignition. VERY rare. Most battery failures just result in very hot, fast moving fires which by themselves are incredibly deadly, but does not cause the effects seen in these videos.

If batteries contained actual oxidizer compounds bonded to fuel sources and capable of such effects under any circumstances, they would be categorized as explosives and their transportation, retail, and possession would be subject to the most extreme restrictions and red tape that there is.
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The article I read said that the hack caused the lithium batteries to overheat and explode but that does not seem sufficient for the damage received
You haven’t seen many lipo batteries go off then. My 6000mah 4S packs will fuck you up. Even small lipos contain a surprising amount of energy when they experience thermal runaway.

During thermal runaway temps of 1800* can be hit in less than a second, and they are self oxygenating to an extent. All of my lipos are stored in ammo cans with no seal to contain any bang/major flame, but vent the magic smoke.

In a sealed container they can go boom
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Unless the plastic case is strong, a runaway Li-Po battery probably wont explode with a lot of force.
Most have a protective circuit right at the battery to prevent overload and excessive temperature.
This is not part of the pager, phone, laptop but part of the battery.
This could have been modified.

Where Li-ion or Li-Po batteries are most dangerous is Hard cases that can contain pressure until rupture OR
where the battery is physically compromised, like a puncture shorting many layers at once. Most Li-Po cells have a foil outer pouch that will swell, popping a case apart, burst and maybe explode from overheating. Puncture all layers and it's much more violent.

It would take a small charge to drive a conductive pin or edge into the battery to cause rapid deconbobulation (maybe after a short thermal effect).
Puncture and explosive gases are rapidly released.
The pager software/firmware could be remotely modified to trigger the charge with a predetermined signal but installing the charge would require actual physical access to each device.
Since pagers send out individual signals to each unit it would take some time to send individual pages to a couple thousand units.
Reports say the explosions happened over the course of an hour or so.
That indicates individual addressing.

You can find second hand units of this model on ebay.
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Taiwan, a U.S. friend, makes this model of pager.
Just think if this mod was a free upgrade to the iPhone 16 pro. :eek:

One of the great side benefits of this op is that now all communications are going to be 'untrustworty.'

How do you know that a tiny charge is NOT in your iPhone? It's super easy to do. And can sit unused for years!

How these got into the 'supply chain' will be fascinating. If we ever find out. Honest Rafeek's cut rate pager store? Or were they supplied in bulk from Iran? Which had no idea that they were 'loaded.'

This is one of the best ops since Stuxnet! Bravo!

Unless the plastic case is strong, a runaway Li-Po battery probably wont explode with a lot of force.
Most have a protective circuit right at the battery to prevent overload and excessive temperature.
This is not part of the pager, phone, laptop but part of the battery.
This could have been modified.

Where Li-ion or Li-Po batteries are most dangerous is Hard cases that can contain pressure until rupture OR
where the battery is physically compromised, like a puncture shorting many layers at once. Most Li-Po cells have a foil outer pouch.

It would take a small charge to drive a conductive pin or edge into the battery to cause rapid deconbobulation (maybe after a short thermal effect).
Puncture and explosive gases are rapidly released.
The pager software/firmware could be remotely modified to trigger the charge with a predetermined signal but installing the charge would require actual physical access to each device.
Since pagers send out individual signals to each unit it would take some time to send individual pages to a couple thousand units.
Reports say the explosions happened over the course of an hour or so.
That indicates individual addressing.

You can find second hand units of this model on ebay.

Most likely the Izzies intercepted the process from manufacture to delivery somewhere along the supply chain. They became aware of the Hezbollah plan to acquire the devices, made preps beforehand, rerouted the deliveries through Israel or perhaps an unmarked and unflagged ship somewhere where IDF tech experts quickly installed tiny payloads and their circuitry, and then they were sent along en route with no paper trail of the slight delay.

This reminds me of the time when the Internet lolcow and pederast Chance Wilkins (Cyraxx) had a friend from overseas send him a USB drive full of illegally pirated XBox games. However, trolls convinced the "friend" to cancel the delivery to this repulsive clown and instead, they took over and sent him a USB Kill Stick loaded with capacitors, which destroys any electronic device they are plugged into by discharging a burst of high amperage current into the device. Cyraxx, thinking that he was getting free games, plugged the Kill Stick into his XBox with hilarious, livestreamed results. The XBox was irreparably destroyed once the Killstick was plugged in:

If anybody doesn't know who this guy is and feel bad for him, don't. He is a repulsive character who does nothing but threaten people online and has sent perverted content to numerous underage minors.



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