Exploding Pagers neutering terrorists.. Mossad operation?


Figured that was obvious…. These were not battery explosions!

Octol (ONC)… a little dab’ll do ya!!!

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My guess is those are charges detonating, at least in part. Lithium Ion batteries can store a bunch of energy, yes, but I don't think there's any way to release it quickly like this without physically damaging the cells. I'm sure there will be a bunch of misinformation going around now to hide the source and keep people scared, so who knows when we'll get the truth.
Unintentionally funny. Damage the cell? It blew them the fuck up.
The article is geared towards the general public with almost no knowledge of munitions and energetics and hope that the common reader will be content in the explanation, go "oooh cool!", and stop looking further and go back to watching the Kardashians, Meghan Markle, or whatever the fuck they follow 24/7. They were small shaped charges made of most likely a polymer explosive in dense slime form. The damage seen here are pure detonations, every single chemical bond oxidizing and turning into gas in the fraction of a microsecond. In order for detonation to occur in a compound, there must be a matrix in the structure where a ready-to-use oxygen source such as a nitrate or perchlorate compound and the fuel source is bonded in 1:1 ratio. Under the right circumstances, pressures, and distribution of an initial energy source, both black powder and smokeless powder can be detonated. Not gasoline, fuel gas by itself in a 100% rich environment, or the electrolytes in a battery though, because these substances do not have oxidizers inside their mixture bonded to them in a molecular fashion. A catastrophic lithium battery "explosion" occurs in the following steps:

1. A short circuit or overheating ruptures the battery exposing it to air, causing a steady exothermic chemical reaction with the lithium containing electrolytes/anodes that releases hydrogen gas.

2. The hydrogen gas is ignited by the sparks from the battery and a fire results.

3. Under specific circumstances, the battery vents in an enclosed space like inside a vehicle where the hydrogen happens to mix with surrounding air in just the right proportions to detonate under ignition. VERY rare. Most battery failures just result in very hot, fast moving fires which by themselves are incredibly deadly, but does not cause the effects seen in these videos.

If batteries contained actual oxidizer compounds bonded to fuel sources and capable of such effects under any circumstances, they would be categorized as explosives and their transportation, retail, and possession would be subject to the most extreme restrictions and red tape that there is.
Last paragraph: like Mosaad is going to get a permit!
And people thought that Apple were being dicks for not giving the government the back door access to their phone after the San Bernardino shooting.

The Irony is that this harkens back to Project Eldest Son…

But now, the Hezbollah’s won’t have one!!!


Looks like Israel intercepted the pagers and put a small amount of explosives in them. They intended to use this to cause chaos and incapacitate if there was a large scale confrontation with them. However, the plot was discovered and Israel decided to go ahead and detonate them.
Somewhere I read
What baffles me is why this was not immediately followed by a full blown assault. I mean, the chaos it created was a perfect opportunity to really stomp Herzbollah into the ground
Somewhere I read that was the plan, but the op.was compromised, so they detonated them early. Who knows. Still a pretty effective outcome.
I read an article about a pager exploding in a politician's office.
Was it in Michigan? Anyway, can't find ANY reference to it now.
The politician said the pager was sent to her by "a freind".
Video showed the pager going off sitting on a desk/table.
Was it AI propaganda, or stripped from the news?

I think maybe fake. Pagers operate on different frequencies than cell phones. They require a radio transmitter that sends data in the 1200/2400 baud range on radio frequencies not used for cell traffic. To cover a large area multiple transmitters must be staggered. While cell data can be relayed to the pager transmitters it still requires the transmitter to be local. Like sending a page from Houston to New Orleans requires a New Orleans pager company to receive and re-transmit the short range signal. BTDT.
IF a pager was sent a detonate signal in the US, that would be a big problem.
How did the pager signal make to our soil? An internet connection from the middle east to a pager transmitter here?
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I just read they hit them again but this time through their radios. I bet they are questioning all of their forms of electronic comms now.
What baffles me is why this was not immediately followed by a full blown assault. I mean, the chaos it created was a perfect opportunity to really stomp Herzbollah into the ground
The original plan was to 'make the call' during another Hezbollah attack, causing mass confusion, panic.

Too bad hospitals and triage units are off limits, at least for good guys.