Exploding Pagers neutering terrorists.. Mossad operation?

ion, people still use pagers.

Actually pagers were considered totally secure because they were such antiquated technology. The tango's didn't think anyone would pay attention to a pager network. So that was how they communicated.

Unfortunately... when they are all wearing pagers on their belts or checking them or spotted with them... in an era of cell phones... it's a clue! And was an easily-exploited piece of technology. There is lots of extra real-estate in a pager... and not much iin a modern phone! Because it's old tech.

All quite brilliant!


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My best bet is that the terrorists wanted a source for comm devices that they thought would keep them safe from the prying eyes of the NSA/CIA and Mossad, so they sourced their devices from a specific manufacturer. This saga probably began 2-5 years ago. However, the Izzies got wind of their plans, intercepted their cargo, planted the mini shaped charges in them Eldest Son style, repacked them, and sent them on their way. And today, a mass text message or other coded correspondence that triggers the smart detonators was sent out by the Mossad and "HI JACK! BYE JACK!" 😂

Both the ancient Israelites and the Byzantine Empire, whom had faced enemies that outnumbered and surrounded them, had made extremely effective use of trickery and traps in this fashion.
I like this, although those are broad strokes. Here, are some of mine, by no means the way it was actually done...

Yes, you must have a way to intercept deliveries so that you only harm the enemy and not innocent civilians.

Then the explosive should be something commonly used by terrorists so it would be hard to trace. Say like "the mother of Satan" - Triacetone triperoxide (TATP) for short.

Pagers are very sophisticated, better than cell phones in many of ways, and very well encrypted. Doctors all use pagers because the higher frequencies they use allow messages to go through concrete walls and steel. Most hospitals are hardened.

OK, so once programmed by end users they would be very hard to make them to blow up on command, all at the same time using the pager network.

This means a separate radio detonator would be needed, using the same frequency as the pager because it has much better reception than cell phones. This with a different encryption.

That means two "pagers" inside one enclosure, both using the same antenna and power, except the second receiver (the detonator) spies on the enemy and then blows them up using and encrypted command.
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One of the great side benefits of this op is that now all communications are going to be 'untrustworty.'

How do you know that a tiny charge is NOT in your iPhone? It's super easy to do. And can sit unused for years!

How these got into the 'supply chain' will be fascinating. If we ever find out. Honest Rafeek's cut rate pager store? Or were they supplied in bulk from Iran? Which had no idea that they were 'loaded.'

This is one of the best ops since Stuxnet! Bravo!

Israelis need to offer them free pay phones. And rig those too.
Israelis need to offer them free pay phones. And rig those too.

I wonder what is in the free phones we are giving migrants?

You know, if you rip open those phones, you can find the small diamond used to power the special cell chip.

Most people don't know there is a valuable diamond inside their cell phone, which is why companies always want them back!

