Exploding Pagers neutering terrorists.. Mossad operation?

You know their entire command and control structure is in panic mode. They can't use landlines because those are for sure monitored. No cell phones. No pagers. Not even walkie talkies. Their comms network was just set back to 1920. I'd go ahead and hit them outwardly now while they are afraid to use any sort of comms device. Set good traps and leave nothing breathing.

The ones taken to hospitals are now positively identified and they know their days are now numbered. Many will run to safe havens. But others will now swear vengeance. Mossad mayhave injured 1000 but now there are 10,000 ready for vengeance.

I know...numbers are not correct. Point making. Also, I know the numbers are not actually different than before this wonderfully planned and executed op...Israel is hated by all of the Arab world, so those 10k are not a new 10k.

Also, as @Terry Cross mentioned, just the new mistrust of anything electronic has to be a serious mind fuck for all the terrorists. I think I'd be tossing out everything..TV, bluetooth speakers...the psyop of this is maybe even better than the bloodshed.

As you guys come across live action footage, post that shit up!!! I'm trying to recall that coonass on one of the shows like Swamp People that always said, "Live Action!!"

EDIT: @sirhrmechanic is on fucking fiwa!
The original plan was to 'make the call' during another Hezbollah attack, causing mass confusion, panic.

Too bad hospitals and triage units are off limits, at least for good guys.
But the info is not...

Think about exploiting all the secondary data. Who visits who in hospital. Car registrations. Family. Friends. Addresses. Associates. Workplaces. The few thousand eunechs are nothing... their circles are now 100 percent gonig to be known. And that information is exploitable.

Oh and the fact that they hit the funerals today is epic! Old British trick from the IRA days....

Bah ha hahha hah a.....

A great couple of days for Western Civilization.



PS. Until Kameltoe and Obama start using it on Americans. But... there ya go. This is why we learned stuff in Boy Scouts!
Think about exploiting all the secondary data. Who visits who in hospital. Car registrations. Family. Friends. Addresses. Associates. Workplaces. The few thousand eunechs are nothing... their circles are now 100 percent gonig to be known. And that information is exploitable.
Yeah, that's what I was saying about command and control being in a panic. They know without a doubt that those taken to the hospitals are compromised which means their entire family, little circle of friends, anyone associated. Mossad has all those numbers for certain now. Those fuckers are doomed...days are numbered. Mossad will enjoy taking them out, picking them off, more mind games.

The entire organization is severely crippled just from the intel, let alone all those brave soldiers now without trigger fingers or gonads. And no modern comms method is to be trusted at all...not only might Mossad be listening, they might just send you to hell.
Maybe that will help curb the number of little boys and little girls being raped everyday.

**Side Note**
I have to ponder...... Those piss ants have been thinking they are going to get 72 virgins if they die in a holy battle.

If some of them lost their junk either primarily or secondarily from the pager bang, are their little low I.Q. minds going to think they can't handle up on their 72 virgins now when the time comes?

Just thinking there is a SLIGHT chance some of them are worried about that makes me smile.
I was just looking and it seems that all these pagers are new enough to still be under warranty and replacements can be had for free.

Oy... didn't you read the small print, Goy?

Damage in a war zone is not covered.


I was just looking and it seems that all these pagers are new enough to still be under warranty and replacements can be had for free.
I wonder how many owners of exploding devices want their money back? Seriously. Those people are just dumb and crazy enough to try.

I remember one of the terrorists involved in the first attempt to blow up a World Trade Tower with a truck bomb actually had the gall to go back to the rental company and demand the deposit back on the van they had used.
Yeah, that's what I was saying about command and control being in a panic. They know without a doubt that those taken to the hospitals are compromised which means their entire family, little circle of friends, anyone associated. Mossad has all those numbers for certain now. Those fuckers are doomed...days are numbered. Mossad will enjoy taking them out, picking them off, more mind games.

The entire organization is severely crippled just from the intel, let alone all those brave soldiers now without trigger fingers or gonads. And no modern comms method is to be trusted at all...not only might Mossad be listening, they might just send you to hell.
The Israelis have been using small electrical devices on their terrorists forever.

In the movie The Little Drummer Girl they were able to track down a top terrorist bomber by tracking the batteries in his transistor radio. The Israelis attention to detail when it comes to tracking targets is near fanatical but achieves results.
if blinken believes asking nicely makes any difference, he's more retarded than i thought possible.
no, it is theater.

i will say that is seems a bit reckless as far as risking collateral injury.

Oy... didn't you read the small print, Goy?

Damage in a war zone is not covered.


may have been sourced through a front company in hungary...but then who is gonna tell the truth in these cases?
sort of makes some sense...thai company sells rights to sell "their" products under their name.
front company buys real pagers from thai company (perhaps through a different shell company).
front company modifies the pagers and then provides to lebanese distributors.

but then how do they know which ones the terrorists have?
maybe the bad guys bought thousands at one time at a special price and handed them out to their crews?

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Those 3rd world huns will definitely be reverting back to carrier pigeons!

If the Izzies can figure out how to blow up TVs en masse, the government won't be able to get their propaganda mass transmitted to the people. The people will be forced to think for themselves.

On second thought, can we get the Izzies help over here with that TV idea?
You know these ignorant wretches will go after the manufacturer/distribution network.

Honest question since I haven't thought about pagers in 25yrs, what if any network here in the US would support them?
if blinken believes asking nicely makes any difference, he's more retarded than i thought possible.
no, it is theater.

i will say that is seems a bit reckless as far as risking collateral injury.

Blinken is a weak, feckless, total fucking retard, which is why we’re On the verge of WWIII. If Kameltoe wins it’s an almost certainty. Weakness invited attack.
Peace through strength is the only way, and our foreign policy and actors is 100% P-U-S-S-Y.
With all the "migrants" crossing the border in the past years has anyone heard of any pagers blowing up in the US?

Thank you,
Thats what I was wondering, how far can they recieve a signal.

Because I would assume pagers would be blowing up here in the U.S., especially on woke college campuses and in snackbar owned convenience stores.
The people will be forced to think for themselves.

On second thought, can we get the Izzies help over here with that TV idea?
The folks we are discussing, to include most of the residents of Israel, as well as a very large portion of the residents of the USA, have not been able to think for themselves for several generations and getting rid of TV, noble as that idea may be, won't change that fact much at all. Most folks will do whatever the crowd they are in is doing. Lemmings.
Thats what I was wondering, how far can they recieve a signal.

Because I would assume pagers would be blowing up here in the U.S., especially on woke college campuses and in snackbar owned convenience stores.

If one goes off in US territory, guarantee CNN and the rest of the Fake News will be on 24x7 demanding we bomb Israel and hand it over to the Palestinians.

Not saying it hasn’t or it won’t. But you really think it would not be talking heads and leftist Democrat anti-semites wet dream? Surprised some “known to the FBI” guy has not stuck an M80 in his pants and cried “It was the Juice!!!!”

Saw some video from hospitals filled with these a-holes. It was brutal. Pagers went beep beep, Hezi terrorist takes it out to look at it and it blows up in his face, taking his hands and eyes. Saw others with holes blown through their sides, where they were wearing the pagers. Looked like 4th of July where people lose hands to fireworks.
this is another reason my solar batteries are not connected via comms... the inverter is configured for lead-acid with custom voltages.
Each battery has their own independent, air-gaped safety BMS to prevent over-voltages.
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this is another reason my solar batteries are not connected via comms... the inverter is configured for lead-acid with custom voltages.
Each battery has their own independent, air-gaped safety BMS to prevent over-voltages.

Smart, but this particular event wasn't just "overvoltage".