He "HATES" Taylor Swift ...

From the Mayo Clinic ...

View attachment 8504362

Yes he is a narcissist, and a megaloegomaniac. But that's also why we want him in the office -because he is driven to wanting to be the best president in the history books. And I think he will be recognized as that, if Kamala doesn't get us blown up in a nuclear war.
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Do liberals look at facts? Apparently not….ohhh wait ! all they care about is mean tweets, alphabet community, and the right to kill babies because they are too stupid to use birth control or keep their legs closed
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What has Trump done that you think is racist?
This is a really good chronology that answers that question.

... as if the whole debunked "Pet-Eating Haitians" thing wasn't enough ...

Been busy with living my life, and haven't checked this for a while. Pretty funny that some are calling me a "Troll" just because I have an opinion and beliefs and priorities that are different from theirs. Those will be the same people whining and crying over a "stolen election" if Trump loses again because he doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't listen to everyone pleading with him to stick to policy. Remember the context here ... it was me asking a rhetorical question about why on earth would he want to consciously piss off every Taylor Swift fan on the planet. "Leaning left" (although I feel like it's "center") made me immediately and irrevocably "evil". The second anybody here shows some semblance of critical thinking on the Harris-v-Trump voting decision ... many of the people that are usually polite, courteous, and generally intelligent in the real world, turn into profane raging maniacs online. I wish I understood that, but I don't. That said, I have to admit that every once in a while, jerkin' yer chains can be pretty interesting to watch.

I never tell anybody what to think. I do occasionally tell them what I'm thinking. If that brings out the worst in you ... as it has for several in this thread ... then it might be time for some critical introspection about why you hate someone simply because they disagree with you on a matter of policy or politics. Makes me wonder how much longer our democracy will actually survive. Anyway, enough of this silliness ... I'm heading to the range today to work on some 300-NM load development in preparation for a match in a couple of weeks.
The second anybody here shows some semblance of critical thinking on the Harris-v-Trump voting decision
The only one demonstrating a lack of critical thinking skills in this thread is you. Enjoy your firearms today and proceed per your intentions to vote for those who'd take them from you at the first chance they'd get.

You're a disgrace....
... as if the whole debunked "Pet-Eating Haitians" thing wasn't enough ...

So, the video is fake?

And this guy is lying?

And any criticism of anyone non-white, for any reason, is racist? Even if it's true?

Don't just disappear with your fingers stuck in your ears. Click the links. Read the article. Decide for yourself.

So, If you see an article reporting something you don't want to believe, do you click away real fast? Jam your fingers in your ears and start that Yayaya shit like a 5 year old? Doesn't it bother you to be so easily fooled?

Don't just take the words of Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow at face value.

Screen shot the video, zoom in on the grill. Look at shit for yourself, like the rest of us. If you do that, and still claim that those are chickens in that grill, then your fucking lying. Noone in America at your age has never seen a fucking chicken before.
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He is a troll. He said his most important issues this election are
racism, mentally fit, something else which I can't be bothered to look up.
these are not the things a real American cares about in 2024.
economy, inflation, border, WW3. that's what's on people damn minds. as if someone cares if the president actually were racist, which he most certainly is not.
This is a really good chronology that answers that question.

... as if the whole debunked "Pet-Eating Haitians" thing wasn't enough ...

Been busy with living my life, and haven't checked this for a while. Pretty funny that some are calling me a "Troll" just because I have an opinion and beliefs and priorities that are different from theirs. Those will be the same people whining and crying over a "stolen election" if Trump loses again because he doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't listen to everyone pleading with him to stick to policy. Remember the context here ... it was me asking a rhetorical question about why on earth would he want to consciously piss off every Taylor Swift fan on the planet. "Leaning left" (although I feel like it's "center") made me immediately and irrevocably "evil". The second anybody here shows some semblance of critical thinking on the Harris-v-Trump voting decision ... many of the people that are usually polite, courteous, and generally intelligent in the real world, turn into profane raging maniacs online. I wish I understood that, but I don't. That said, I have to admit that every once in a while, jerkin' yer chains can be pretty interesting to watch.

I never tell anybody what to think. I do occasionally tell them what I'm thinking. If that brings out the worst in you ... as it has for several in this thread ... then it might be time for some critical introspection about why you hate someone simply because they disagree with you on a matter of policy or politics. Makes me wonder how much longer our democracy will actually survive. Anyway, enough of this silliness ... I'm heading to the range today to work on some 300-NM load development in preparation for a match in a couple of weeks.
First off the housing thing in the 70's, the lawsuit was unsuccessful in proving racism. What the Trumps were doing was not allowing people on welfare to rent from them. So your article is misleading, or actually lying.

Covid was proven to have come out of China, calling it a chinese vius is not Racism. BTW being Chinese is not a race, its a country of orgin.

Any way thats as far as I am going with it. But maybe you should recognize the arcticle you posted as lies... because it is. Proves you didnt even take the time to research what they said... just read the article and accepted it as fact.

Pretty sad, so many tards out there.
First off the housing thing in the 70's, the lawsuit was unsuccessful in proving racism. What the Trumps were doing was not allowing people on welfare to rent from them. So your article is misleading, or actually lying.

Covid was proven to have come out of China, calling it a chinese vius is not Racism. BTW Chinese is not a race its a country.

Any way thats as far as I am going with it. But maybe you should recognize the arcticle you posted as lies... because it is. Proves you didnt even take the time to research what they said... just read the article and accepted it as fact.

Pretty sad
he doesn't believe the garbage he is telling you. neither do the Democrat politicians. they know they're lying, they don't care.
This is a really good chronology that answers that question.

... as if the whole debunked "Pet-Eating Haitians" thing wasn't enough ...

Been busy with living my life, and haven't checked this for a while. Pretty funny that some are calling me a "Troll" just because I have an opinion and beliefs and priorities that are different from theirs. Those will be the same people whining and crying over a "stolen election" if Trump loses again because he doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't listen to everyone pleading with him to stick to policy. Remember the context here ... it was me asking a rhetorical question about why on earth would he want to consciously piss off every Taylor Swift fan on the planet. "Leaning left" (although I feel like it's "center") made me immediately and irrevocably "evil". The second anybody here shows some semblance of critical thinking on the Harris-v-Trump voting decision ... many of the people that are usually polite, courteous, and generally intelligent in the real world, turn into profane raging maniacs online. I wish I understood that, but I don't. That said, I have to admit that every once in a while, jerkin' yer chains can be pretty interesting to watch.

I never tell anybody what to think. I do occasionally tell them what I'm thinking. If that brings out the worst in you ... as it has for several in this thread ... then it might be time for some critical introspection about why you hate someone simply because they disagree with you on a matter of policy or politics. Makes me wonder how much longer our democracy will actually survive. Anyway, enough of this silliness ... I'm heading to the range today to work on some 300-NM load development in preparation for a match in a couple of weeks.

The Vox article makes a very weak argument. By their standards the black community is more racist than Democrats.

As far as the pet eating thing goes, it hasn’t been debunked. Just because the news you watch says it has been debunked doesn’t mean it’s so.
Let me just say right up front… Fuck Tay-Tay and all the swifties who will actually follow her advice and endorsement of Potato (word) Salad. And fuck ‘em if they don’t like Trump calling them out.

That said, I think Trump’s ego may have fucked him (again) on this one… How many of those libtards are now going to be motivated enough to actually go out and vote? Maybe a few would have followed through before he made that post, but I believe a great many more will do so now, just to “get even with Trump for saying mean things about Tay Tay”

Hope I’m wrong…
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This is a really good chronology that answers that question.

... as if the whole debunked "Pet-Eating Haitians" thing wasn't enough ...

Been busy with living my life, and haven't checked this for a while. Pretty funny that some are calling me a "Troll" just because I have an opinion and beliefs and priorities that are different from theirs. Those will be the same people whining and crying over a "stolen election" if Trump loses again because he doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't listen to everyone pleading with him to stick to policy. Remember the context here ... it was me asking a rhetorical question about why on earth would he want to consciously piss off every Taylor Swift fan on the planet. "Leaning left" (although I feel like it's "center") made me immediately and irrevocably "evil". The second anybody here shows some semblance of critical thinking on the Harris-v-Trump voting decision ... many of the people that are usually polite, courteous, and generally intelligent in the real world, turn into profane raging maniacs online. I wish I understood that, but I don't. That said, I have to admit that every once in a while, jerkin' yer chains can be pretty interesting to watch.

I never tell anybody what to think. I do occasionally tell them what I'm thinking. If that brings out the worst in you ... as it has for several in this thread ... then it might be time for some critical introspection about why you hate someone simply because they disagree with you on a matter of policy or politics. Makes me wonder how much longer our democracy will actually survive. Anyway, enough of this silliness ... I'm heading to the range today to work on some 300-NM load development in preparation for a match in a couple of weeks.
LOL, Vox, LOL, are you fucking serious?
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What is the most racist thing anyone has ever done to you?
Nothing comes to mind, but I'm not in any of the high risk communities where implicit or explicit bias or racism is likely. Is that the answer you were expecting? Just curious what's behind the question? I would hope that anybody that isn't the target of racism, would still be aware of it happening, and be part of the "solution" and not part of the "problem".
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Nothing comes to mind, but I'm not in any of the high risk communities where implicit or explicit bias or racism is likely. Is that the answer you were expecting? Just curious what's behind the question? I would hope that anybody that isn't the target of racism, would still be aware of it happening, and be part of the "solution" and not part of the "problem".

I was curious because some people who are victims of a traumatic event often make decisions based off their feelings. And I thought maybe something happened to you that would give racism undue weight in your election decisions.
I was curious because some people who are victims of a traumatic event often make decisions based off their feelings. And I thought maybe something happened to you that would give racism undue weight in your election decisions.
Nope ... I'm just a regular white middle-to-upper class retired guy that came to believe many years ago that systemic racism is real, implicit bias is real, and I've spent my career in technology making sure I was part of the solution, and not part of the problem.
Real how? Can you point to an example?
Sure ... I ran a large part of the business for a Silicon Valley technical powerhouse. I noticed early on when I took over existing pieces of the business, that the leadership teams were almost 100% middle-aged white males. Not dissing my predecessors, but the lack of diversity on the leadership teams, resulted in a lack of diversity all the through the organizations, and that wasn't fair or helpful for anybody. Over years, through performance-management and natural attrition, consciously working to engage and hire (or transfer) highly qualified women, people of color, and members of poorly represented communities became a project, and I left the business (to retire) years later with the highest performing and highest diversity leadership teams and employee groups in the company. Building leadership teams that mirror America, and leverage the energy and talents of diverse and previously under-represented groups, is something I'm very proud of.

I hope that makes sense. For some here ... it won't, and incorrect judgements of "reverse discrimination" and "DEI hiring" are sure to follow. That said, you asked a good question, and it deserved a thoughtful answer.
Sure ... I ran a large part of the business for a Silicon Valley technical powerhouse. I noticed early on when I took over existing pieces of the business, that the leadership teams were almost 100% middle-aged white males. Not dissing my predecessors, but the lack of diversity on the leadership teams, resulted in a lack of diversity all the through the organizations, and that wasn't fair or helpful for anybody. Over years, through performance-management and natural attrition, consciously working to engage and hire (or transfer) highly qualified women, people of color, and members of poorly represented communities became a project, and I left the business (to retire) years later with the highest performing and highest diversity leadership teams and employee groups in the company. Building leadership teams that mirror America, and leverage the energy and talents of diverse and previously under-represented groups, is something I'm very proud of.

I hope that makes sense. For some here ... it won't, and incorrect judgements of "reverse discrimination" and "DEI hiring" are sure to follow. That said, you asked a good question, and it deserved a thoughtful answer.

That’s not what systemic racism is. By that definition any town in the Midwest is systematically racist.

Could it be that at the time you joined the organization the pool of qualified candidates was white and over time the pool became more diverse?

Did you happen to notice the race and gender of Trumps last administration? It looked pretty diverse to me.

Did you vote for Obama?
  • Like
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This is a really good chronology that answers that question.

... as if the whole debunked "Pet-Eating Haitians" thing wasn't enough ...

Been busy with living my life, and haven't checked this for a while. Pretty funny that some are calling me a "Troll" just because I have an opinion and beliefs and priorities that are different from theirs. Those will be the same people whining and crying over a "stolen election" if Trump loses again because he doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't listen to everyone pleading with him to stick to policy. Remember the context here ... it was me asking a rhetorical question about why on earth would he want to consciously piss off every Taylor Swift fan on the planet. "Leaning left" (although I feel like it's "center") made me immediately and irrevocably "evil". The second anybody here shows some semblance of critical thinking on the Harris-v-Trump voting decision ... many of the people that are usually polite, courteous, and generally intelligent in the real world, turn into profane raging maniacs online. I wish I understood that, but I don't. That said, I have to admit that every once in a while, jerkin' yer chains can be pretty interesting to watch.

I never tell anybody what to think. I do occasionally tell them what I'm thinking. If that brings out the worst in you ... as it has for several in this thread ... then it might be time for some critical introspection about why you hate someone simply because they disagree with you on a matter of policy or politics. Makes me wonder how much longer our democracy will actually survive. Anyway, enough of this silliness ... I'm heading to the range today to work on some 300-NM load development in preparation for a match in a couple of weeks.
First off, everything Vox prints is a lie, from the start.

edited to add: I meant ask for a citation from more recognized mediua outlets like ABC or NBC. Seriously, Vox is a joke and that article is all wrong.

Second, just as a curiousity, do you wear your prettiest dress when listening to TS or will any old thing do, depending on the song?

For example, you may just wear your daisy dukes for "Shake It Off" but wear something more like a cocktail dress for "Blank Space."

Not enough people to be upset by his not liking TS to sway the erection, I mean, election.

China, many years ago, approved the practice of raising Saint Bernards as a food animal.

So, haitians eating cats is not a far stretch. Just like, you never see stray cats around vietnamese restaurants for very long.

There are days where I see reports on Trump said this or that and nothing was the case. They are lying and they know that we know that they are lying and they don't care. Because they might just influence someone who may vote.
That’s not what systemic racism is. By that definition any town in the Midwest is systematically racist.

Could it be that at the time you joined the organization the pool of qualified candidates was white and over time the pool became more diverse?

Did you happen to notice the race and gender of Trumps last administration? It looked pretty diverse to me.

Did you vote for Obama?
I guessed when you asked the question, you actually wanted an answer ... silly me. I won't waste any more of your valuable time.
I guessed when you asked the question, you actually wanted an answer ... silly me. I won't waste any more of your valuable time.
I had a favor to ask. Next time you don't want to waste valuable time with a thread like this, can you just not post it?

Then, you would not have to apologize for wasting valuable time.
Pretty please with a cherry on top.
I had a favor to ask. Next time you don't want to waste valuable time with a thread like this, can you just not post it?

Then, you would not have to apologize for wasting valuable time.
Pretty please with a cherry on top.
Dude ... I made an observation that many people have been grappling with. The entire rest of the thread involves answering questions.

I have a favor to ask you. If you don't like one of my very few threads that I've started, then please either ignore it, or filter my user name.

You don't get to decide what I do, and do not comment on. The thing you get to decide, is if you read it, or engage in the discussion.

Quit being such a hypersensitive pussy.
No ... you wanted an answer that you could somehow prove was "wrong".

No, I wanted you to tell us about a real life example of racism worth fighting against. You instead provided an example of a white workplace that you deemed racist by virtue of being white. I wanted to hear how a white employer hired a retard white employee over a brilliant person of color. Stuff like that.

I worked for a large organization for a couple of decades and can cite examples of systemic racism, except it’s the opposite of what you think.
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No, I wanted you to tell us about a real life example of racism worth fighting against. You instead provided an example of a white workplace that you deemed racist by virtue of being white. I wanted to hear how a white employer hired a retard white employee over a brilliant person of color. Stuff like that.

I worked for a large organization for a couple of decades and can cite examples of systemic racism, except it’s the opposite of what you think.
You asked for an example of how I was part of the solution, and not part of the problem. I provided my perspective based upon transitioning a business from no diversity, to solid diversity. You didn't like my answer. That's fair. We can walk away now, and agree to disagree.
You asked for an example of how I was part of the solution, and not part of the problem. I provided my perspective based upon transitioning a business from no diversity, to solid diversity. You didn't like my answer. That's fair. We can walk away now, and agree to disagree.

No we can’t. I asked for an example of systemic racism. Not for an example of you fixing something that wasn’t broke.
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You asked for an example of how I was part of the solution, and not part of the problem. I provided my perspective based upon transitioning a business from no diversity, to solid diversity. You didn't like my answer. That's fair. We can walk away now, and agree to disagree.
So what you basically just said you is that violated federal hiring law on purpose because of the color and sex of a person due to your own interpretation of a demographic imbalance within a corporation. And that you consider it an accomplishment. Even if they were qualified (good on your for at least looking at that, so props there), you still hired and declined hiring based on exogenous factors that the applicant had no control over.

No matter the color of a person that is wrong on your part and the company. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.
No ... you wanted an answer that you could somehow prove was "wrong".
That isn't appearing to be too difficult. ;)

OBTW, you don't happen to know who founded "Vox", do you ? Interesting read (all 5 seconds of it). You might want to look it up and do a little thinking on just how objective "Vox" is.

Or, let me simplify it so that even you can understand it; Vox is nothing but a liberal, rag, shill website supporting nothing but the leftist agenda.

You know, I killed my television about 10 years ago. My mind started to clear up almost immediately. 10 years later, I'm a fully functioning objective thinker. You might want to try it sometime. It's uplifting.
That isn't appearing to be too difficult. ;)

OBTW, you don't happen to know who founded "Vox", do you ? Interesting read (all 5 seconds of it). You might want to look it up and do a little thinking on just how objective "Vox" is.

Or, let me simplify it so that even you can understand it; Vox is nothing but a liberal, rag, shill website supporting nothing but the leftist agenda.

You know, I killed my television about 10 years ago. My mind started to clear up almost immediately. 10 years later, I'm a fully functioning objective thinker. You might want to try it sometime. It's uplifting.
This is a really good chronology that answers that question.

... as if the whole debunked "Pet-Eating Haitians" thing wasn't enough ...

Been busy with living my life, and haven't checked this for a while. Pretty funny that some are calling me a "Troll" just because I have an opinion and beliefs and priorities that are different from theirs. Those will be the same people whining and crying over a "stolen election" if Trump loses again because he doesn't know when to shut up, and doesn't listen to everyone pleading with him to stick to policy. Remember the context here ... it was me asking a rhetorical question about why on earth would he want to consciously piss off every Taylor Swift fan on the planet. "Leaning left" (although I feel like it's "center") made me immediately and irrevocably "evil". The second anybody here shows some semblance of critical thinking on the Harris-v-Trump voting decision ... many of the people that are usually polite, courteous, and generally intelligent in the real world, turn into profane raging maniacs online. I wish I understood that, but I don't. That said, I have to admit that every once in a while, jerkin' yer chains can be pretty interesting to watch.

I never tell anybody what to think. I do occasionally tell them what I'm thinking. If that brings out the worst in you ... as it has for several in this thread ... then it might be time for some critical introspection about why you hate someone simply because they disagree with you on a matter of policy or politics. Makes me wonder how much longer our democracy will actually survive. Anyway, enough of this silliness ... I'm heading to the range today to work on some 300-NM load development in preparation for a match in a couple of weeks.

Now do HRC & Joe ... Here let me help:

Yet we had HRC call them "super-predators":

Then we had Mr. Joseph R. Biden in 1977 strongly advocate against busing as I recall because he didn't want his grandparents or kids affected by "the jungle" inhibitants (washed from Youtube of course):
"Old comments from 1977 resurfaced, quoting Biden as saying that non-"orderly" racial integration policies would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle." He then said: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.""

And then there are the comments from his 1994 crime bill: "Malefactors of society" and "Lock the SOBs up" videos also purged from easy access unless surrounding by leftist rhetoric/apologists.

Biden's speech in Congress on the 1994 Crime Bill starts @ 0:30: "It doesn't matter whether or not they are victims of society...they are about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons...I don't need to ask what made them do this. They must be taken off the streets - there is a consensus on that!!.. We must do something about that cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally, they literally have not been socialized...Madam President we have predators on our streets, that society has in fact in part because of its neglect created. Again, it does not mean because we created them that we somehow forgive them or do not taken them out of society to protect my family and yours from them. They are beyond the pale many of "those" people, beyond the pale, many of those people, and that is a sad commentary on society! We have no choice but to take them out of society...And the choice is we don't know how to rehabilitate them at that point...There is a consensus: A. We must make the streets safer. I don't care why someone is a malefactor in society! I don't care why someone is antisocial! I don't care why they become a sociopathic! We have an responsibility to cordon that off from the rest of society...(we can offer treatment) but they are in jail, away from my mother, your husband, our families. We would be absolutely stupid as a society if we don't recognize the condition that nurtured "those folks" and we must deal with that.

I guess now that Joe has Secret Service to protect his family it doesn't matter what happen to ours.
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Sure ... I ran a large part of the business for a Silicon Valley technical powerhouse. I noticed early on when I took over existing pieces of the business, that the leadership teams were almost 100% middle-aged white males. Not dissing my predecessors, but the lack of diversity on the leadership teams, resulted in a lack of diversity all the through the organizations, and that wasn't fair or helpful for anybody. Over years, through performance-management and natural attrition, consciously working to engage and hire (or transfer) highly qualified women, people of color, and members of poorly represented communities became a project, and I left the business (to retire) years later with the highest performing and highest diversity leadership teams and employee groups in the company. Building leadership teams that mirror America, and leverage the energy and talents of diverse and previously under-represented groups, is something I'm very proud of.

I hope that makes sense. For some here ... it won't, and incorrect judgements of "reverse discrimination" and "DEI hiring" are sure to follow. That said, you asked a good question, and it deserved a thoughtful answer.
You are the racist and described your racist act in detail by intentionally overlooking qualified white people to purposely oversee and control a group of minorities for your own twisted pleasure. You are a sick fuck rusty.
Dude ... I made an observation that many people have been grappling with. The entire rest of the thread involves answering questions.

I have a favor to ask you. If you don't like one of my very few threads that I've started, then please either ignore it, or filter my user name.

You don't get to decide what I do, and do not comment on. The thing you get to decide, is if you read it, or engage in the discussion.

Quit being such a hypersensitive pussy.
Actually, I think you are the hypersensitive pussy. I was making a joke.

Of course, you are going to post whatever you want to post and I would not want to stop you or block you. I have had a stressful day and need something to laugh about it and this is the right medicine.

Yes, sometimes an Espectaculo del Caca is just what the doctor ordered.

I have also been on the receiving end of roasts. It's part of the enduring charm of the Bear Pit. This is the place where feelings and self-esteem go to die.

So, reading about your dismay at the company you worked at having mostly white guys in management is pure racism on your part. YOU are deciding there are too many white guys. That's racist. Period, paragraph, end of book, forever, amen.
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Dude ... I made an observation that many people have been grappling with. The entire rest of the thread involves answering questions.

I have a favor to ask you. If you don't like one of my very few threads that I've started, then please either ignore it, or filter my user name.

You don't get to decide what I do, and do not comment on. The thing you get to decide, is if you read it, or engage in the discussion.

Quit being such a hypersensitive pussy.

That’s pretty narcissistic of you
Actually, I think you are the hypersensitive pussy. I was making a joke.

Of course, you are going to post whatever you want to post and I would not want to stop you or block you. I have had a stressful day and need something to laugh about it and this is the right medicine.

Yes, sometimes an Espectaculo del Caca is just what the doctor ordered.

I have also been on the receiving end of roasts. It's part of the enduring charm of the Bear Pit. This is the place where feelings and self-esteem go to die.

So, reading about your dismay at the company worked at having mostly white guys in management is pure racism on your part. YOU are deciding there are too many white guys. That's racist. Period, paragraph, end of book, forever, amen.
Did you notice he didn’t give up his position in the company? Why as a white man himself does he deserve it but the other white people there before him not? The man wanted to be the master of his own modern day corporate plantation and got it done. It was a nasty desire all his own.
Nope ... I didn't vote for him last time because of other reasons. I've been trying to talk myself into voting for him this time, but everything he does seems to be aimed at trying to convince me not to. My Big-3 concerns are Narcissism, Age-Related Dementia, and Racism. It seems like not a day goes by that he doesn't double-down on one or all of those concerns ... but that's just me. It just feels like he's about six months behind Biden in cognitive degradation, and putting someone in the White House that's obviously struggling with basic reasoning and impulse-control is a scary prospect for some of us. Maybe I'll vote for my dog ... she's smart, loyal, low-maintenance, and predictable.
Congrats, this is the dumbest shit I’ve read in months….

What F@cking planet do you live on? Maybe things like the economy, immigration, national security, and war should be more important considerations for the future of our country and as a result for the rest of the world.

But apparently your feelings “trump” any rational thought and you immediately proceed down the path of being ruled by emotion, damn the consequences.

Remove head from sphincter and look at the effects of 4 years of Trump. Now compare with less than 4 years of Mr Potato…. If that doesn’t clue you in you’re probably hopeless.