He "HATES" Taylor Swift ...

You can't be serious.
Your big 3.
1 Comes with the territory being a billionaire
2 By your own admission you voted for Biden last try, fyi- he was as senile on 1/20 as he is now.
They had to hide it then.
3. You've been lied to. Racism is the label of failed policies. I can't believe I have to explain this to an adult.

You lived under both administrations.
This alone should make it easy.
You also have been being fed the loads of shit since.

Critical thinking 101:
Would I like to pay 4 dollars for gas or 1.75?
Would I like to have 8+% money or 3-4%?
Would I like to continue to piss away billions on climate change and proxy wars or invest those tax dollars in our country?

As one reviews the small example above how the fuck is there any doubt what the correct action is?

Fuck that clown, Art. Really, he's a fucking tool.
It is not in Trump not to respond. Every slight is a personal attach that must be answered. Is he a narcissist? Idk, but he certainly displays some tendencies.
From the Mayo Clinic ...

You can't be serious.
Your big 3.
1 Comes with the territory being a billionaire
2 By your own admission you voted for Biden last try, fyi- he was as senile on 1/20 as he is now.
They had to hide it then.
3. You've been lied to. Racism is the label of failed policies. I can't believe I have to explain this to an adult.

You lived under both administrations.
This alone should make it easy.
You also have been being fed the loads of shit since.

Critical thinking 101:
Would I like to pay 4 dollars for gas or 1.75?
Would I like to have 8+% money or 3-4%?
Would I like to continue to piss away billions on climate change and proxy wars or invest those tax dollars in our country?

As one reviews the small example above how the fuck is there any doubt what the correct action is?

Hey Art, would you like the grandkids to have drag queens visiting them in kindergarten???
What in God's name was Trump trying to accomplish with that social media post? Why wouldn't he just let her endorsement age quickly and pass into oblivion? Why consciously piss off hundreds of millions of loyal fans around the world, many of them in the USA, many of them in that critical first-election youth demographic?
Because Trump likes funny Memes. And if he didn't talk about Haitians eating cats, pissing of a bunch of Taylor Swift fans or what ever else he is going to do, the world would be a cold, dark less funny place. So sit back, get comfortable and enjoy the show.


Could you imagine how much less entertaining this would be if it was to establishment candidates running.
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From the Mayo Clinic ...

View attachment 8504362

So, you're saying that we have to choose between having a guy who is a complete asshole as president, vs having 10 million third world devils sneak across the border, apartment complexes being taken over by illegal alien gangs, pets, city park ducks and shit stolen and grilled next door, pedophile school teacher convincing our kids to run off to liberal states for state sponsored gender mutilation, a wrecked fucking economy and double digit inflation, and increasingly likely, our blue haired transformers in GenZ possibly shipped to Eastern Europe to get their first taste of Russian counter-battery fire.

If those are the options, I'll take the Big Mouthed narcissist with no filter. But, I'm just selfish like that!

I guess I should look at the bright side. If we kick off even the smallest of nuclear exchanges, Dems lose bigly. I mean, most of America's retards are highly concentrated in the big cities. For sure each of their coordinates are programmed into a Russian reentry vehicle. scratch off NYC, Chicago, LA, San Fran, Seattle, Atlanta, Portland and Philly, then re-evaluate the electoral map.
You guys are feeding a troll. But @ken226 and a few others have touched on an important point:

Regardless of who gets in, the economy is dipping into a fairly steep recession with the potential for much worse, especially at a demographic level. The Fed cuts rates to stimulate the economy, and historically a recession is always recognized after rates are cut. The lag for the effects are between 12-18 months for those cuts to work themselves through the economy and get to households. That's IF the banks lend. This time it may be a big if, especially if it is a slow decline in rates. It won't matter who gets in office, it's going to be a huge issue going forward, especially since the majority of our economy is consumer driven.

The cat memes are funny, but the immigration issue is not by any means. With around 2.1 million full time jobs lost and around the same gained in part time jobs it gets bleak. When you consider that those jobs gained are going to illegals and not to US citizens and those same illegals get a LOT of money each month from the USG it becomes disastrous. Businesses are beginning to seriously lay people off and a 25 or 50 basis point cut isn't going to fix anything - people are still broke and saving a record low amount (lowest since 2008 IIRC). People are cutting back and it becomes a self-perpetuating loop until the malinvestment is stripped out of the economy to an acceptable level.

The real question is which candidate will be able to better use the bully pulpit to push for changes that positively affect the average worker and the middle class. We have crossed the $1 trillion mark on interest payments alone for the national debt, while the deficit grows. All issues that have been discussed here at least somewhat tie in to spending if you follow the money. This doesn't even account for the other debt that nation holds that isn't considered part of the national debt (unfunded obligations, etc) which pushes the total to well over $100 trillion. This does not include private debt held at banks and within the shadow banking system, which is utterly gargantuan (which is also the reason that bank bail-ins (i.e., taking depositors money to help cover bank losses) are starting to bubble up in official conversations).

Much of this is out of the hands of the next president, regardless of who gets in. But the question remains: who is the best candidate to be at the helm for the next four years? People don't like to think about it, but the debt is THE primary national security issue before us.
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two things I'd like to point out to everyone reading this thread.
1) Democrat troll ops are easier to spot now than ever, running like chickens with their heads cut off. Take note of the names and add them to your ignore list is my advice.
2) If you're voting for Trump there is ALMOST NOTHING that will change your vote. we all know it. he knows it, probably why he posted that. nothing he says will make a difference in this election. smartest move would be to hide in a closet until Nov. but idk anything. one poll I seen had independents tracking with Republicans on issues. looks like a landslide at this point.
There’s a difference in the urgency from the two campaigns- at least from what I can see.

Harris ads on YouTube are all “send us your monies. Three dollars. Got three dollars? Send us 3 dollars, please!”

Trump ad “Don’t send us money you don’t have to spare- I know times are tough. But, if you have some money to donate, we will accept it.”
Wow ... that escalated quickly.
My final comment on this is ... if Donald Trump wants to win, he'd better calm his act down and get back to some kind of messaging that expands his base, not reduces it. His "ceiling" of faithful supporters isn't enough to win. He needs to find a way for Independents, Undecideds, and Moderates to vote for him in pretty meaningful volumes. My only point here is that tweeting "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" does nothing to help him win, and probably has an opposite effect. 'Nuf said ...
Maybe the Hide isn’t the place for you.
Only thing I got out of this thread was that somehow Trump is a racist.

Which is hilarious because that doesn't even remotely apply to his behavior historically or recently.

Why don't you go read some posts from the places on the net where real "racists" hang out and notice just how many of them think Trump is an ineffectual retard that's only good for making leftists have tantrums.
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I spend 99% of my time in the ballistic forums, getting help and helping others. I only venture into the Bear Pit rarely ... and I always regret it.
You also regret voting for Biden (good on you for owning that), however are now conflicted over voting for Biden again (same same as Kamala) because of a "mean" tweet.

Maybe you are developmentally challenged (previously termed as retarded)? Dunno. Empathy for you, if you are.

You could use similar cognitive skills you use over on the ballistic forums to determine whom the best candidate is. If you wish.

Or use emotions...
nah he's a Democrat kumguzzler through and through, he's just embarrassed by his dear leader currently because she's truly awful. Next year after this debacle is over, when they have new party leaders and all this is forgotten, he will be championing the left and calling you racist again.
wonder how much repubs will win by in the house and senate.
You are a sorry excuse for a Marine either not voting or voting for a Democrat.
New a Rusty up at ARPC (Albany, OR) who split his time over at COSSA (Bend, OR). Don't recall if he's a Marine or not.

If it's the same guy, maybe he had a stroke or something? That's about all I can think of which would cause this level of ineptitude at adulting.
Nope ... I didn't vote for him last time because of other reasons. I've been trying to talk myself into voting for him this time, but everything he does seems to be aimed at trying to convince me not to. My Big-3 concerns are Narcissism, Age-Related Dementia, and Racism. It seems like not a day goes by that he doesn't double-down on one or all of those concerns ... but that's just me. It just feels like he's about six months behind Biden in cognitive degradation, and putting someone in the White House that's obviously struggling with basic reasoning and impulse-control is a scary prospect for some of us. Maybe I'll vote for my dog ... she's smart, loyal, low-maintenance, and predictable.
Please give me ONE confirmed act of racism by him. Just stop! This what is wrong people believe everything they hear from the media and its on both sides.
Wow ... that escalated quickly.
My final comment on this is ... if Donald Trump wants to win, he'd better calm his act down and get back to some kind of messaging that expands his base, not reduces it. His "ceiling" of faithful supporters isn't enough to win. He needs to find a way for Independents, Undecideds, and Moderates to vote for him in pretty meaningful volumes. My only point here is that tweeting "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" does nothing to help him win, and probably has an opposite effect. 'Nuf said ...
I hate Taylor Swift......Trumps not the only one. Who gives a shit who he likes or hates? Is this really what electing a president has been reduced to? JUST STOP.
From the Mayo Clinic ...

View attachment 8504362
That same document applies to at least three quarters of the politicians in washington dc. Both sides of the aisle.

You really lack any sense of objectivity. No one here is saying Trump is perfect. He's just a hell of a lot better than the alternatives.

And you're getting all wrapped around the axle over "Narcissism"? FFS :rolleyes:

I suppose you've never given any thought to the number of dead bodies in the wake of the clintons. Seems like that would be a little more important than Trump's "Narcissism" in the grand scheme of things.
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So, you're saying that we have to choose between having a guy who is a complete asshole as president, vs having 10 million third world devils sneak across the border, apartment complexes being taken over by illegal alien gangs, pets, city park ducks and shit stolen and grilled next door, pedophile school teacher convincing our kids to run off to liberal states for state sponsored gender mutilation, a wrecked fucking economy and double digit inflation, and increasingly likely, our blue haired transformers in GenZ possibly shipped to Eastern Europe to get their first taste of Russian counter-battery fire.

If those are the options, I'll take the Big Mouthed narcissist with no filter. But, I'm just selfish like that!

I guess I should look at the bright side. If we kick off even the smallest of nuclear exchanges, Dems lose bigly. I mean, most of America's retards are highly concentrated in the big cities. For sure each of their coordinates are programmed into a Russian reentry vehicle. scratch off NYC, Chicago, LA, San Fran, Seattle, Atlanta, Portland and Philly, then re-evaluate the electoral map.
No, all the choices are always complete ass holes.
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I have the urge to ask the question no one can answer.

Pick just time or statement where Trump said something racist or did something racist. I have yet to see it.

I know, the morons have said that he called mexican immigrants 'animals" and "rapists." No, he most specifically did not. The full statement in the interview was that he was responding to MS-13. MS-13 is a violent prison gang from El Salvador and the deal in human trafficking and contract murder. And that is who he was talking about and he was talking about the actions, not the country of origin. So, I have dispelled that one, already.

Seriously. Can anyone point out where he called a chinese person a chink?

How about his hiring practices?

Homophobia or transphobia? He stated in public that his friend, Caitlyn Jenner can use any restroom in any of his buildings.

So, again, how is Trump racist?

Speak up, all I hear is crickets chirpping.
I have the urge to ask the question no one can answer.

Pick just time or statement where Trump said something racist or did something racist. I have yet to see it.

I know, the morons have said that he called mexican immigrants 'animals" and "rapists." No, he most specifically did not. The full statement in the interview was that he was responding to MS-13. MS-13 is a violent prison gang from El Salvador and the deal in human trafficking and contract murder. And that is who he was talking about and he was talking about the actions, not the country of origin. So, I have dispelled that one, already.

Seriously. Can anyone point out where he called a chinese person a chink?

How about his hiring practices?

Homophobia or transphobia? He stated in public that his friend, Caitlyn Jenner can use any restroom in any of his buildings.

So, again, how is Trump racist?

Speak up, all I hear is crickets chirpping.

What do I get if I answer your question?
That's how they are too.

I had a conversation with one who flipped the fuck out because "Trump will outlaw abortions" and then he's gonna outlaw condoms too.

Tell him that cackles will force mandatory sex changes in the workplace so it reflects the community as a whole.
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The most popular singer in present time; who made billions of dollars from singing about her daddy issues with hundreds of millions of followers comes out and tells arguably half of her base to go fuck themselves is not a topic of conversation, but Trump.

Most of us knew who Trump was and voted for him; and despite himself, we will vote for him again. Most of us have jobs, responsibilities and goals in our lives. We do not allow some lunatic with a useless degree lecture us morality.

Remember how people were freaking out about Ron Desantis names? Lol okay.

I want low taxes, low interest rates, security in my community, merit based legal immigration to my country. I will be perfectly fine if Trump sends nasty truths or x posts and stirs shit up as long as he keeps his promises.
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You guys are feeding a troll. But @ken226 and a few others have touched on an important point:

Regardless of who gets in, the economy is dipping into a fairly steep recession with the potential for much worse, especially at a demographic level. The Fed cuts rates to stimulate the economy, and historically a recession is always recognized after rates are cut. The lag for the effects are between 12-18 months for those cuts to work themselves through the economy and get to households. That's IF the banks lend. This time it may be a big if, especially if it is a slow decline in rates. It won't matter who gets in office, it's going to be a huge issue going forward, especially since the majority of our economy is consumer driven.

The cat memes are funny, but the immigration issue is not by any means. With around 2.1 million full time jobs lost and around the same gained in part time jobs it gets bleak. When you consider that those jobs gained are going to illegals and not to US citizens and those same illegals get a LOT of money each month from the USG it becomes disastrous. Businesses are beginning to seriously lay people off and a 25 or 50 basis point cut isn't going to fix anything - people are still broke and saving a record low amount (lowest since 2008 IIRC). People are cutting back and it becomes a self-perpetuating loop until the malinvestment is stripped out of the economy to an acceptable level.

The real question is which candidate will be able to better use the bully pulpit to push for changes that positively affect the average worker and the middle class. We have crossed the $1 trillion mark on interest payments alone for the national debt, while the deficit grows. All issues that have been discussed here at least somewhat tie in to spending if you follow the money. This doesn't even account for the other debt that nation holds that isn't considered part of the national debt (unfunded obligations, etc) which pushes the total to well over $100 trillion. This does not include private debt held at banks and within the shadow banking system, which is utterly gargantuan (which is also the reason that bank bail-ins (i.e., taking depositors money to help cover bank losses) are starting to bubble up in official conversations).

Much of this is out of the hands of the next president, regardless of who gets in. But the question remains: who is the best candidate to be at the helm for the next four years? People don't like to think about it, but the debt is THE primary national security issue before us.
If they don’t know they are voting for, they’re a fuckin retard ! If it’s not trump!
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The most popular singer in present time; who made billions of dollars from singing about her daddy issues with hundreds of millions of followers comes out and tells arguably half of her base to go fuck themselves is not a topic of conversation, but Trump.

Most of us knew who Trump was and voted for him; and despite himself, we will vote for him again. Most of us have jobs, responsibilities and goals in our lives. We do not allow some lunatic with a useless degree lecture us morality.

Remember how people were freaking out about Ron Desantis names? Lol okay.

I want low taxes, low interest rates, security in my community, merit based legal immigration to my country. I will be perfectly fine if Trump sends nasty truths or x posts and stirs shit up as long as he keeps his promises.
Yes, let us ask ourselves, who are the fans of Taylor Swift? Juan Valdez, the concrete worker could care less. Your friend on the farm next door could care less.

My high school friend who is a democrat and will probably vote for Harris could not possibly care less about Taylor Swift.

So, Trump saying that is not going to hurt his chances. Much worse has been said about him than he has ever said about her.

So, yeah, who cares what Trump says about Swift and no, it does not hurt his election challenges. He was roasting Hilary and got elected. And she was popular among the wives of hit men because she kept their husbands employed.

Oopsies .... did I say that out loud?