Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1


Philosophy - Grad students write papers about the black cat

Metaphysics - Develop a hypothesis about the black cat, but never prove or disprove its existence

Theology - Interpret ancient letters to support your religion

Science - Wait 20 years for lab assistance to admit he painted the cat and it was originally tabby
This is an issue when I aimlessly let thought wonder.

If everything is pre ordained down to the second there is no free will…then why live at all. Your going to heaven or hell from day 1 minute 1.

You were good your whole life and while planning an evil deed your time; that was preordained comes. So your a “good one”.

But a guy who performed the same evil deed and felt sorrow and was on his way to confession, but his time a bad one

Of course there is more but I don’t want to trite a thesis while sitting in bathroom. Lol
Each of the colleges at university has their central question. The engineering college’s question is “How will we build that!”, the business colleges central question is “how will we pay for that? and the liberal arts colleges central question is “Would you like fries with that?”
Each of the colleges at university has their central question. The engineering college’s question is “How will we build that!”, the business colleges central question is “how will we pay for that? and the liberal arts colleges central question is “Would you like fries with that?”

This reminds me of the old, classic "Fire in a Hotel" joke.

An engineer, a businessman and a mathematician were staying overnight in a Hotel. The engineer wakes up and smells smoke. "OMG There;s a fire! What can I do? Wait.. I'm an engineer. I'm a smart guy, I can think of something. If I take the ice bucket and continue to fill it up I can........"

Meanwhile, the businessman wakes up and smells smoke. "OMG there's a fire! What can I do? Wait. I'm a businessman. I"m a smart guy. I can think of something. I know... I'll call the fire dept. and let them handle it."

Finally, the mathmetician wakes up and smells smoke. "OMG There's a fire! What can I do? Wait... I'm a mathemetician. I'm a smart guy. I know I can think of something."

So, he sits on the bed, and after 20 minutes, he exclaims:

"OK, I've thought of it....." And he goes back to sleep!

Philosophy - Grad students write papers about the black cat

Metaphysics - Develop a hypothesis about the black cat, but never prove or disprove its existence

Theology - Interpret ancient letters to support your religion

Science - Wait 20 years for lab assistant to admit he painted the cat and it was originally tabby

Erwin Schrödinger - There’s a black cat in a dark room that may or may not still be alive. Until you turn on the light, the cat can be thought of as both alive and dead.

Universities - We need more grant money to study the existence of the black cat.

Haitians in Springfield - Mmmm…. burp.

BLM - The black cat was enslaved! Black cats are disenfranchised. If you are superstitious about black cats, you’re racist. We want reparations for ALL black cats.

Woke Corporate America - We need to hire and promote cats of all colors, genders and sizes. Except for white, unneutered cats. (unless they like show tunes)

Some of the high volume posters on this thread - Scour the internet for evidence so they can invoke Rule 34 as proof that the black cat does exist in the dark room.
Last night we had our annual fundraiser smoker for our small VFD
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This was my AO from about 5:00 till 10:00 when we ran out of nuts to cook
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But it was worth it
24 smoker 2.jpg

50# brisket, 45# nuts and 30# brats plus all the salads and desserts the ladies brought

The motivational part of all this is the community came through and donated over $16000 to help us continue to volunteer to fight fire.

Can't do it without their support!

And, as an additional, we have a good group of young guys that are taking ownership of the department.

As us OG's pass on more responsibility, they are proving they are capable