Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

So much want!
Why do all that when they have the laser?
so the CIA can blame it on the Iranians. If they're Iranian made, they blame Iran.
Same reason, the USA bought every AK47 they could get their hands on and smuggled them into Afghanistan during the Russian conflict.
Now, since they put this 'soft' information out. Maybe they'll take out another target that has Senators or Congressmen that don't vote a certain way. Maybe certain billionaires.
This is a double edge sword, $$$ does amazing things. I know if I was a multi-billionaire, I'd let it be known that I have a 1 billion dollar contract out on whoever is responsible for killing me. I'm sure a 100 million would go a long way. Hell, Saddam H was getting people to blow themselves up for 20k cash.
Think you guys need to learn about turn arounds.

No man who watched that could tell you shit about turnarounds. The only thing that penetrated my distraction was when she started talking about actually servicing and doing maintenance on her car. That made me want her more.
Well the storm is pretty much over. We didn’t lose any whole trees, at least in the open (I will ride trails later). Power out since 9am or so. Gennie running and humming. Power Co has no estimate on when power may be back.

People west of us got it much worse. Some places have feet of water, crazy


On another note. My Dagger FS-S has been 100%, not one stoppage yet in 400rds. Steel ringing machine and my wife and a female coworker love it too.

I am curious how someone could get lost on a trail that well defined, that coincidentally goes downhill... Some days I almost think I may not be able to trust everything I see on the internet.
I was on the trail from Agnew Meadows, to Thousand Island Lake, not even a half mile from the start. You could even still smell the horses at the pack station.I rounded a corner and was going to go off trail to the river, some 15 yards from the trail, when I heard a woman cry out, “Thank GAWD!” Sitting on a nearby rock, a woman and her husband were waving frantically at me, and gesturing for me to come over. I approached cautiously, and saw that she had been crying, and he was pretty flustered too. From a bit away from them I asked, what was wrong. They were lost.
They had never once left the trail, had gone up and back but didn’t know how far, and were thinking they should have gotten to the trailhead and their car by now, and had spent the last half hour deliberating whether they had gotten on the wrong trail. No map, no compass, no idea how far they had walked. I had to sit down too, and take off my pack. I got them calmed down, gave them some water, and a short lecture on how to travel out here. I pointed out the landmarks, and that if they got to a tree that they could clearly identify from where we stood, they would see the parking lot. The guy begged me to walk with them. I kept feeling like this wasn’t quite the way to handle this, and put on my pack. I took off uphill, and picked a nice place to watch them until they were out of sight. Like the meme says “I wonder whatever happened to people I’ve given directions to.”
Question -

If you knew a HUGE fk'n storm is coming, wouldn't you drain the hell out of the lake BEFORE the storm hits?
Who operates these things?
There is no way to safely empty enough water in time to take in what came down during the storm.

Unless you want to pre-flood/damage downstream prior to the storm so they're flooded twice.
Question -

If you knew a HUGE fk'n storm is coming, wouldn't you drain the hell out of the lake BEFORE the storm hits?
Who operates these things?
I emptied this 100 gallon tank on Monday. It started raining here on Tuesday afternoon through this afternoon. I'm about an hour and a half north of Asheville.
