I need a mentor so I can be prepared for sniper School

It’s really quite simple…. The OP should start running around with the telephone pole by himself around the neighborhood. Once he can do that without breaking a sweat, then he deserves a mentor.

Given the fact 'yotes rarely walk but trot everywhere they go, travelling long distances without ever stopping, thats pretty impressive tracking one.

Being able to stalk up a coyote without detection, now thats downright fucking incredible. I'd love to know the science involved.

Trust the science.
Don't you know that by now? 😉
It’s really quite simple…. The OP should start running around with the telephone pole by himself around the neighborhood. Once he can do that without breaking a sweat, then he deserves a mentor.


Don't forget that you have to also be able to smell your ambushers...

Which is easy if they manage to get skunked like Diggler... then again... noone is expecting to be ambushed by a skunk... so might be a good strategy.

OP, this is the kind of non-linear thinking that you need to be a real operator...

If you look at his pic you'll notice the electrical receptacle is installed incorrectly. Code states no preference except for a plug like a dryer where the ground is at the bottom. Otherwise the ground should be at the top. This is because if you have something plugged in and the plug is not inserted fully or becomes loose, a metal picture frame can come loose and fall or a piece of silverware or other item can get pushed off a table and make contact. If it hits the ground prong it is not only more likely to fall off ,but if it doesn't there is no danger of an electrical fire.

Summbich will be lucky if he makes it to 50.

You must be an electrician.
This is the third or fourth time I've heard that whole "if something metal falls" thing.

It's insanely stupid.
We've actually tried to get something to fall and make contact with both flat pins. It just doesn't happen. Even if it did, there's this thing called a breaker.

Oh, and how the hell do you make cool drawings on the outlets if the mouth is always up?
You must be an electrician.
This is the third or fourth time I've heard that whole "if something metal falls" thing.

It's insanely stupid.
We've actually tried to get something to fall and make contact with both flat pins. It just doesn't happen. Even if it did, there's this thing called a breaker.

Oh, and how the hell do you make cool drawings on the outlets if the mouth is always up?
I remember you posting that now.

This thread delivers.
This is what 5'11 173 pounds looks like. View attachment 8555155
HO-LEE JESUS! What is that!?!?! What the fuck is that to your left!?!?!?
Honestly, take that fucking soup-sandwich flag down, fold it properly, and put it in an actual flag display case. I am quite certain whoever did that is not trying to be disrespectful, but the protocol hasn't changed in generations and there is a right way and a wrong way to display a folded flag.
You must be an electrician.
This is the third or fourth time I've heard that whole "if something metal falls" thing.

It's insanely stupid.
We've actually tried to get something to fall and make contact with both flat pins. It just doesn't happen. Even if it did, there's this thing called a breaker.

Oh, and how the hell do you make cool drawings on the outlets if the mouth is always up?
My young son was on a measuring kick a couple years ago when he was around 6 years old. He wanted to measure everything. Well, nobody was looking when he decided to use a metal ruler, pull a plug back a little ways, and measure the distance between the prongs.

Yeah, circuit breakers.

But there was a bunch of metal missing off that ruler and a black mark up the cover plate and on the white paint on the wall.

I decided to occupy that little mind with a discussion about electricity. He is too smart for his own good.
My young son was on a measuring kick a couple years ago when he was around 6 years old. He wanted to measure everything. Well, nobody was looking when he decided to use a metal ruler, pull a plug back a little ways, and measure the distance between the prongs.

Yeah, circuit breakers.

But there was a bunch of metal missing off that ruler and a black mark up the cover plate and on the white paint on the wall.

I decided to occupy that little mind with a discussion about electricity. He is too smart for his own good.

When I was about that age, I discovered you could make a satisfying flash and explosion by bridging a plug like that. House had fuses. I blew out a lot of fuses before getting a ‘Hidin!

And learned about electricity!!!

When I was about that age, I discovered you could make a satisfying flash and explosion by bridging a plug like that. House had fuses. I blew out a lot of fuses before getting a ‘Hidin!

And learned about electricity!!!

I watched a kid in our gym class kick a paper clip into a socket way back when.

He wasn’t a smart kid to begin with, so judging any brain function difference was tricky.
You should wear skinny jeans. They will make your chicken legs look even more chicken.

Oh wait! Those are skinny jeans...

I tried the skinny jeans once to make my manhood stand out. Unfortunately, I had some cabbage earlier that day and cranked out a huge fart. Wife thought a mouse ran down my pant leg and hit me in the thigh with a broom trying to kill it.

0 out of 5 stars, do not recommend...
I tried the skinny jeans once to make my manhood stand out. Unfortunately, I had some cabbage earlier that day and cranked out a huge fart. Wife thought a mouse ran down my pant leg and hit me in the thigh with a broom trying to kill it.

0 out of 5 stars, do not recommend...
Mine would have been cranking off birdshot from the judge, your lucky
Dude, I literally grew up in the mountains of Idaho and I can tell you that no way you are sneaking up on a coyote. I’ve stalked to within a few yards of deer. Literally watched a bucks eyes bug out when he finally saw me. I’ve killed as many coyotes as deer and not a single coyote was closer than 100 yards. Keep talking and showing us all how little you know.
You obviously don't know the science.
This is what 5'11 173 pounds looks like. View attachment 8555155

Are you a fag? Cruising for a date? What the fuck?

You post fag pics over and over, are you really a butthole sniper?

So you stopped by to see the recruiter, what did he say?

When are you taking the ASVAB test or heading to the MEPS for a physical?

Everything else from now on proves you are a faggot.
Are you a fag? Cruising for a date? What the fuck?

You post fag pics over and over, are you really a butthole sniper?

So you stopped by to see the recruiter, what did he say?

When are you taking the ASVAB test or heading to the MEPS for a physical?

Everything else from now on proves you are a faggot.
What was the dudes name that posted the pic of stomach area with edge of pubes at the top? Been banned since. This dude is starting to remind me of him.
My flow state is when my mind is clear, and I'm able to perform on instinct and muscle memory and not think and be in my head so damn much. Usually happens when I least expect it. I don't have the desire to compete because then I feel that It would slowly change my perspective and be competing against others and not myself. I'm better at longer distances I really don't know why. Always been like that, same with archery. Whole accuracy vs precision argument.
Fuck, now that I think about it I don't think I ever have been closer than 200 meters to a coyo. When I said my average shot was 200-300m I was averaging my close range game with the long distance coyote shots. I just am able to change location on a moments notice and I know where the Coyo's will be with decent accuracy. Again,confirmed by howls, tracks, etc. When I was a kid I was able to figure out the seasonal patterns of the local population just because there were so many of them. Was able to adjust accordingly and at least that population had a relatively consistent pattern. Because they were enclosed by humanity I believe.
I am 100% not a hunter. Any green hunter could shit on me I consider myself more of an observational nature biologist dude that happens to be armed. If I told you how many coyotes I have seen/ killed it's actually quite low. Yeah like u said u hunt deer and probably run across a coyo and shoot it and you got a high coyote count. Me on the other hand I just sit there and listen okay where these howls coming from? West? What's the wind? SW strong? Okay. Noted. Where am I in relation? Okay then here is where I am, now I gotta Estimate the distance from other human activities. Okay so I noticed that I seen a coyote coming from the east, where he going? What's he doing? Is he feeding? When was breeding season? How far away is that little demon? Did he spot me? Okay he just ran back into the distant treeline haven't seen him in 2 hours should I move? Should I go east? West? No. Okay let me come back tomorrow to the same spot and see if he comes back at the same time. Nope? Okay where the howling? Oh shit its way far away and to the South? Why? Okay next year let me make an adjustment What's the weather when the coyote came out from the east? What time in the day? What was I doing/thinking while I saw the coyote? Was i even trying to spot one? Are these coyotes the same animal? Is it a male or female. What distinctive marks can I use to maybe identify the same animal. Does it have consistent feeding patterns? Okay when. Are the animals healthy? Or skinny? Maybe What do the skinny ones do that the others don't? Was there a shortage of food because of a particularly harsh winter? What is the deer population like? Let me see how many deer tags were issued this season in relation to the next year coyo population/sightings. How many coyotes did I spot this year compared to last? 0? Why? Anything I can deduce?
I tried the skinny jeans once to make my manhood stand out. Unfortunately, I had some cabbage earlier that day and cranked out a huge fart. Wife thought a mouse ran down my pant leg and hit me in the thigh with a broom trying to kill it.

0 out of 5 stars, do not recommend...