I work in higher ed, and our Vice Chancellor of Access and Engagement (new name for DEI) has a base salary of $215k. The whole office salary and benefits is right at $1.7 million. That does not include their budget that is highly focused on groups that exclude white males. This is for a university with an enrollment of just below 12000 students. This doesn’t include the salaries for the Center for Women and gender Equity, and a couple of others that technically fall under the DEI umbrella.
The kid in the middle seems AWFULLY figity. What is wrong with these people? They are truly ill in the head - but how'd they get that way? That's my question...
I will post this here but I am sure other members of the hide read The Federalist too. I have often said if you get a TIG welder, master carpenter, plumber, or a commercial electrician, any one of those could do a better job than what we now have running this country.
It’s better for now, but there’s a balance that’s being offset between lifestyle and making money. More people=more money=more work= less time= diminishing lifestyle/ time in the woods or on the river. Still trying to figure out that balance
Trump needs to open up his whoop-ass can and tell these RINO so-and-so's he means business and he will make sure there is a recall vote on them and that he'll also start divulging the dirt he's got on them. Sorry, time to play nice was over long ago - these RINOs directly aided and abetted the Commies in Congress. Yes, it's very Machiavellian; but it may be necessary to get our Republic back.
Let them PUBLICLY go on record as voting against one of his cabinet members and let that be brought up when it comes time for their reelection some of which are in 2 years - unless the people of their respective states grow something and recall them.
Mars has a thin but still robust atmosphere that can hold a lot of dangerous challenges for spacecraft on a landing and extraction mission. Testing would be required before routine planetside ventures can be made. Motherfuckers like these can be sent down on the first runs...
I'm hoping (but not necessarily hopeful... ) that some of his picks are him playing 4D chess; deliberately designed to expose controlled opposition Republican'ts. As I said: hoping...
So someone that doesn’t have any idea of what the fuck is going on , can pardon people who claim they’ve done nothing wrong for years Xiden is nuttier than a fruit cake but still is making theses decisions….
I KNOW he isn’t making ANY decisions anymore , still don’t get how “they” are getting by doing it ??
When my Mom was dinky dau ( Alzheimer’s) her signing anything ceased cause her mind wasn’t sound. That said , she still had more mind left than him the day she died.
Committing treason shouldn’t be something that’s so easy to blow off.
Worlds upside fucking down.
One of maybe 2 or 3 real journalists left. Probably a left-leaner (or was), but the thing I like is...I absolutely cannot tell much about her politics and that's the way a good investigative journalist should be.
Since the big guy was in Angola yesterday , we’ll probably read tomorrow he gave the Congo 10-20 billion ….. Plus each of the 40,000 slaves get new Teslas.
Good point about Angola. Either he's doling out money or he's setting things up so the SHTF there too. I mean, so his handlers set things up...he's too busy sleeping. Wonder how the ice cream is over there?