Midget bowling


Make tar and feathers great again.
Full Member
Jan 22, 2020
No, you sick fucks, I'm not taking about tossing Frank down the lane. Get you minds out of the gutter 🤪😆

I recently got back into bowling leagues after a 14 year hiatus, and have been watching some videos on the tube of you. PBA pros, mostly.

A thought occurred to me today at work. I've never seen a midget bowl. How would they do it? More than likely with one of the really light kids balls with small finger holes and short grip span.

Then my mind wandered to the PBA.

What if there was a professional midget bowler (once again, NOT talking about tossing midgets down the lane). Would they have to have their own association?

LPPBA.....Little People Professional Bowling Association

What about duck pins? Smaller balls, shorter pins and lanes.

LPPDPBA.....Little People Professional Duck Pin Bowing Association

I think it would be a hoot to watch. 😄😄😄
Yeah, not what you are talking about...but funny


Maybe more like this...but not as funny
