Couple of things:
Its Madison, so it would be more of a surprise if the chief WEREN'T a commie (Even growing up, the joke was Madison was 29 square miles surrounded by reality).
Everybody celebrating the "execution" of the UHC Ceo guy is railing for gun control today (ok not everyone, but huge overlap).
TBH it sounds like a radicalized nutjob mad at her parents, which of course in Madison is "everyone under 25" There is a reason I don't live there. We have this big "anti-bullying campaign" called Be Kind which basically devolves to "Passive Agressive Comment, Be Kind"
You fucking douche canoe I hope you die in a fire, Be Kind! (Yes this is what passes for online commentary--its like the bear pit, only better!)
I read the megathread on reddit. Holy crap we gotta up our game in here....
Bonus: the 911 call was made by a 2nd grader. Holy Crap am I old fashioned--why does a 2nd grader have a phone, but good on them for taking action instead of "filming"