I fired-off a pretty frustrated customer service email to them early last week. I heard nothing back, then suddenly, checked my orders Thursday, and status changed to “Complete…Shipped” on the .300 BLK pistol. Says it should arrive Monday afternoon. I also mentioned in the email, that there was lots of bad talk and chatter online, and how it’s souring old customers and first-time customers who paid good money, but more shit keeps getting put on sale and sold…But not being shipped. And how that looks bad on them. Like “Hey, we know we still haven’t sent your order out in months, but here’s a flier for more shit in sale for you to buy, that we also won’t ship until months from now…”. I also mentioned the not answering phones, the huge number of people in the chat que, and all the other things I’ve seen people getting mad about.
Completely unrelated to my order, but I had a buddy who was waiting on a Contract Overrun barrel, and just like my pistol, no word from Aero, then suddenly his also showed shipped as well as mine, on the same day. Maybe they finally decided, “Hey, we might need to ship these people’s shit to them, or they won’t buy from us anymore…”

I hate that it comes down to that, but sometimes you gotta just say it to get shit done. And I like Aero, so I don’t want to see them losing sales over something dumb like slow shipping, no CS response, etc… Especially because they were always complete opposite of that, even up to the last few months. Then it suddenly dropped off.
Still no idea what happened, but I’d be curious to know, if anyone ever finds out what was happening with them to cause all these issues.