Razor G3 and Spuhr 4002


Full Member
Feb 15, 2017
Am idiot? Have a G3 Razor and a Spuhr 4002. The wedge touches the parallax knob and windage knob when I try to use it. It appears its touching the bottom of the optic body, but you can see a very small line of light passing through it. Visually it appears level, but with each end of the wedge interfering with the knobs Im not 100% happy to crank the screws down. Have debated on shaving down either end of the wedge....
Am idiot? Have a G3 Razor and a Spuhr 4002. The wedge touches the parallax knob and windage knob when I try to use it. It appears its touching the bottom of the optic body, but you can see a very small line of light passing through it. Visually it appears level, but with each end of the wedge interfering with the knobs Im not 100% happy to crank the screws down. Have debated on shaving down either end of the wedge....
I never use to wedge perfectly my existing 8 spuhr mounts. Always put it back to box and use old school 2 piece water level gauge.
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I ended up taking a sim card remover tool ontop of the wedge. As I tightened it down, I slowly removed the wedge. I'll try it at distance once my barrel is done.
I have the Spuhr and G3. I personally never level to the scope body on any scope. I always plum to a plumb line or use a flash light to plumb the reticle to a plumb line on the wall.