Shot a match with the owner of recoilx this past fall where he had one of his prototype units and it caught my interest. I had a chance to buy a unit this last week and took it up for some testing.
Overall it performs really well... obviously slight noise penalty but very effective. I felt like it was pretty close to the best of both worlds between shooting fully suppressed vs just a brake only.
I was able to stay on target in the glass through the full recoil off a few positions and can't wait to try it on a bigger 30 cal soon.
I was using a silencerco hybrid 46 with their 30 cal self timing brake.
On a gas gun 223 it had noticably less back pressure than just my front end cap alone which I thought was interesting.
Seems like a legit option for those of us with cans already vs buying something like the maverick straight up. I have been primarily shooting a tbac can but will probably run a can with a Recoilx brake on it this season.
Not affiliated in anyway with recoilx but I think the owner is a stand up guy from my interactions with him and I like supporting solid products from good folks.
Overall it performs really well... obviously slight noise penalty but very effective. I felt like it was pretty close to the best of both worlds between shooting fully suppressed vs just a brake only.
I was able to stay on target in the glass through the full recoil off a few positions and can't wait to try it on a bigger 30 cal soon.
I was using a silencerco hybrid 46 with their 30 cal self timing brake.
On a gas gun 223 it had noticably less back pressure than just my front end cap alone which I thought was interesting.
Seems like a legit option for those of us with cans already vs buying something like the maverick straight up. I have been primarily shooting a tbac can but will probably run a can with a Recoilx brake on it this season.
Not affiliated in anyway with recoilx but I think the owner is a stand up guy from my interactions with him and I like supporting solid products from good folks.

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