Road Raging Woman Smacking Quiet Guy, Ends up Airborne Split Second Later
“We are all going somewhere when we are driving. We want you to make sure you getting there safely," the police said.

A woman is going viral in a most unfortunate way after she decided to vulgarly confront and punch a man in a road rage incident, only to get hit herself and slammed to the ground.
Who was in the right and who was in the wrong will be for the law to work it out, if anyone does. In fact, it’s unclear when the video is from, other than the fact that it was posted late Saturday Eastern Standard Time by a man calling himself “Porter the DJ” and claiming it happened in Toledo, Ohio.
WTVG-TV in Toledo, meanwhile, said that it “play[ed] out Saturday morning on Hathaway Street off Miami Street” but that the station “doesn’t know much about what led up to it but we can certainly see the ending and it went beyond words.”
The incident begins with two cars pulling up in the snow, both driving quickly.
In the video, which is just over a minute, the first car to enter the scene, a blue one, skids to a stop in the snow. Then a red car comes to a stop, somewhat less dramatically, behind her.
A woman in the driver’s seat of the front car then steps out and delivers an eloquent soliloquy on the dangers of imprudent vehicular navigation straight out of a modern remake of Shakespeare’s “Tempest.”
“Let’s go! Get out of the f***ing car! You were riding my f***ing a**! Get out of the f***ing car there, b****!” the woman screams to the driver of the red car. “Get out! Get out!”
It can’t be heard what the driver of the car said, but she responded, “I didn’t touch your f***ing car, b****!” At that point, a man got out of the driver’s side of the red car to calm the situation down.
“Come and touch me … come and put your f***ing hands on me! I ain’t drivin’ crazy! Your b**** was on my g*****n a**!” so sayeth our cultured protagonist.
The man did not put his hands on her, so she obliged by … telling him to get out of her face, and when he did, punching him in the face.
Given biological differences between the genders and the fact that crazy people don’t necessarily make for the wisest, most prudent street-fighters, you can probably guess what happened next:
#ExploreMore pic.twitter.com/3nWYe5r7zR
After the woman got a punch of her own, in self-defense, the man then picked her up and threw her to the ground before their car sped away.
One thing’s for sure: If that woman doesn’t think twice about pulling this again, she’s even crazier than she looks.
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