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Never date a schoolteacher who makes amateur porn.......

It didn’t…..she is ugly, everyone who served in the military knows there is no such thing as a hot active duty chick. It’s is possible but extremely rare

I got invited to dinner at her place. Turns out, I was not alone. Me and another guy are apparently auditioning for boyfriend. She is making chicken enchiladas or some shit and we are drinking beer and eyeballing one another. She says, "I'll have you know my chicken enchiladas are soooo good that when I made them for the cop, he asked me to marry him." I kindly replied, "How's that working out for you?" Me and the other guy had a good laugh and clinked our beers together enjoying the humor at her expense. I finished my beer and said, "I don't audition." With a smile, I headed for the door as she sulked and took second prize to bed.

Regarding this portion of "the story".......

You use the term "auditioning".........

.........I believe the term she intended you to use may have been "spit roasting"....

........see educational video below......

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All you guys sound like you married your high school sweetheart and *you think* you were the only one that hit that shit.
That's kinda rough, and I'm sorry for being offensive and I really do not intend any offense.


Wimmin folk are every bit as horny as men, think every bit as dirty, and tell their friends all the same shit us guys do.
They are also just as freaky in the sack as you want them to be.
If you want missionary that's all you're going to get.
If you cover the floor in bisqueen and pour a quart of oil on it and grab everything in the kitchen phallic shaped.....chances are she's into it.

Lawd the stories I could tell.....but then again, I don't fuck and tell.
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I knew this shitbird in the Nav who I really didn’t like, and we were out with a bunch of girls, and he was telling everyone what a freak he was and how nothing was too kinky or depraved for him, and much to my chagrin this hot little blonde, just lit up when he started talking that bullshit. She gave him her number, and all he talked about for a week was how they were going out on Friday and what freaky sex They were going to have. If I’m being honest I was totally jealous, because she was super hot.

Well, we didn’t see that dumbass all weekend. About a year later one of his friends told me what happened. They went out to dinner, and then straight back to her house. She had a bdsm closet, and he willingly put on restraints and a ball gag. Then in front of him she put on a huge strap on dildo. She raped his ass for hours over and over. By the time she released him he was too exhausted to fight or do anything but slink away.

There are a couple of morals to this story. They’re not hard to figure out.
I can believe this.

There was this exotic high cheeked brunette in one of my grad classes. Brunette, ice colored eyes, full lips, a bit of Asia in her genes gave her a tan in the winter..perfect teeth and almost my height. Smart. Hard working.

We eyeballed each other for months then I asked her out a few times. She invited me over to her place. Things were about to get interesting when there was a knock on the door and her boyfriend and his bro showed up. Both UT basketball players. I knew the bro as I rented a room from a brother of a UT football player and met him at a bbq held there.

So we shake hands and ask how they know her.

“Dawg, theys dated a year..”

The boyfriend had a really weird look on his face. I looked over at her and she looks alternatively giddy and scared.

“Man, this is too weird for me. No harm no foul. We good?” I got a nod and left.

I gave her the silent treatment after that though she tried to “explain.”

Another story. W was easily a 10. Premed. Straight As. Straight arrow. Same boyfriend since HS. We were in same study group. BF goes to Japan for a summer abroad and W asks if I want to go to dinner about a month into it. That led to a wild 6 weeks. She made it clear it was just a fling..after all she had to maintain appearances. A year later I had beers with a grad student who taught one of her classes.. you guessed it .. she had a fling with him..She’s now a doctor with three kids with the HS BF…
I knew this shitbird in the Nav who I really didn’t like, and we were out with a bunch of girls, and he was telling everyone what a freak he was and how nothing was too kinky or depraved for him, and much to my chagrin this hot little blonde, just lit up when he started talking that bullshit. She gave him her number, and all he talked about for a week was how they were going out on Friday and what freaky sex They were going to have. If I’m being honest I was totally jealous, because she was super hot.

Well, we didn’t see that dumbass all weekend. About a year later one of his friends told me what happened. They went out to dinner, and then straight back to her house. She had a bdsm closet, and he willingly put on restraints and a ball gag. Then in front of him she put on a huge strap on dildo. She raped his ass for hours over and over. By the time she released him he was too exhausted to fight or do anything but slink away.

There are a couple of morals to this story. They’re not hard to figure out.
Hint #1 -
If you see strap ons in the closet, you better call her peggy.
No pics, period. Enjoy the story. The woman is still teaching school somewhere in America and the internet is full of fucking dregs. Imagine a 40y/o woman, C cups, 5'7", trim, looks like Naomi Watts and then choke one out to that image. No tatts or piercings if that helps with the self abuse.

100% chance some basement dweller starts stalking her. Or some loser reposts this fucking story on another site and it travels the internet for a decade until someone figures her out and calls the fucking school. The world is filled with butthurt assholes, not going to chance it.
No pics, period. Enjoy the story. The woman is still teaching school somewhere in America and the internet is full of fucking dregs. Imagine a 40y/o woman, C cups, 5'7", trim, looks like Naomi Watts and then choke one out to that image. No tatts or piercings if that helps with the self abuse.

100% chance some basement dweller starts stalking her. Or some loser reposts this fucking story on another site and it travels the internet for a decade until someone figures her out and calls the fucking school. The world is filled with butthurt assholes, not going to chance it.
lol love the descriptive nature of this!
Most men cant understand, it’s like cars, you have the weekend rental, the short term lease, and the buy

All are good, but all have their time and place in life.

Also women are more akin to a liability than a asset, especially if you breed and once the child rearing stage is complete.
I met several serious hotties while I was in the Marines.

I knew this one in 29 Palms.

Sgt Bambi Lyn Finney

She was hot enough for Playboy so qualifies as a hottie in the Service

Yeah, I wouldn’t wife anything out of the 760

For sure more the “weekend rental” demographic

Used to get a kick out of the low IQ high ego vatos getting it on with the low IQ high ego marines every weekend at the village on palm canyon.

  • Haha
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Most men cant understand, it’s like cars, you have the weekend rental, the short term lease, and the buy

All are good, but all have their time and place in life.

Also women are more akin to a liability than a asset, especially if you breed and once the child rearing stage is complete.
it's a baseball game
up to the plate, round the bags and score then to the dugout for another shot when your up. If you like the team, you stay, if not, let's play on a new field.
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I kind of collect train wreck stories as I've had a few of my own. This is from a channel on YT that has several involving the lovely ladies of Thailand.
So there's a guy who was single and he works for a mining company in AK. He owns a small house in AK and a house in FL. His best friend in AK that he works with is married to a Thai woman. The guy has always been single and thinks maybe I'll get a Thai so he gets on a dating website and talks up a bunch then goes over to meet his favorite. As far as everyone is concerned, she is just some Thai chick that is down to date/marry a foreigner.

Time goes by, eventually he brings her over on a fiancee visa and marries her. He works 3rd shift and she is getting bored so he buys her a used car and she at first works with the other Thai wife at her business. Eventually she works at a non-happy endings massage place. She starts going out in the evenings and meets a chick in a bar that is a local hooker. She has an apartment in town where she turns tricks. New Thai wife joins in and IIRC goes through like 2 or 3 cycles of working the season in AK and then wintering in FL with hubby. Enough anyhow that some of the money is in FL.

She and the other girls get busted. Tipped to the cops by other hookers who are losing all their business. This is in the middle of the night while hubby is working. Cops bring him in and question him like he is pimping her. The cops question everyone, realize the husband is clueless, call the massage place and find out she has a locker there and find $10k in it that she can't explain.

They search her car and the dudes house but turn up no other money. The Thai chick is in jail waiting to be deported. She says there is money there but won't tell him where. He gets the other Thai wife and his friend to help him and they search everywhere in the house but can't find any money. There's nothing in the car and he sells it. This house has a basement and he goes down and looks and realized that the one place the police nor he and his friends looked was at this table where he has old magazines and books stacked.

He picks up a magazine or book starts turning pages and money starts falling out. He finds something like $100k plus. He puts some money in his buddies safe. The work season is ending and he heads back to FL. He upgrades his truck and has a bunch of repair work done to his house, new roof, A/.C, etc. all for cash.

He looks around the FL house and finds a shoe box up on a closet shelf that has more cash in it. Don't remember what he does with that but he gets a call from his buddy in AK saying that his house up there has been broken into. Someone has kicked open the front door, busted up all the furniture on the first floor.

The friend goes over to nail plywood over the door and the guy says go look in the basement. Table is overturned, all books on the floor. Apparently they busted up his first floor stuff because they were pissed at no money.

Now at this point only 6 - 8 weeks has passed since the Thai chick was arrested and deported. She arrived back in Thailand with nothing and immediately got back to making cash horizontally because she now has a cellular and calls soon to be ex-husband's cell while he is FL and starts threatening him and wants to know where her money is.

Eventually he gets tired of it and tells her yes I found your money and I gave it all to the police. They want to talk to you. Never hears from her again. That's a success story compared to most of the others!

Here's a fun story, this guy is or was a taxi driver that I stumble across and then realize he's actually quite close to me.