In a daring response to Trump, Elizabeth May proposes an audacious idea: annexing California, Washington, and Oregon into Canada. Discover the implications of this bold political move.
Green Party leader threatens to annex three US states.
Canada’s Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, took aim at President-elect Donald Trump, offering a wild “proposal” to annex California, Oregon, and Washington into Canada.
Her comments, dripping with arrogance, reveal an out-of-touch politician grasping for relevance while ignoring the stark realities of her own country’s struggles.
Trump posted on Truth Social last month
expressing frustration with the United States “subsidizing Canada to the tune of over $100,000,000 a year,” while pointing out that many Canadians might actually welcome the idea of statehood.
He argued it would save Canadians money on taxes and military expenses, framing the prospect as beneficial for both nations.
“No one can answer why we subsidize Canada to the tune of over $100,000,000 a year? Makes no sense! Many Canadians want Canada to become the 51st State. They would save massively on taxes and military protection. I think it is a great idea. 51st State!!!” Trump wrote.