This is inexcusable. Those parents must be crushed, and they will carry this with them every day for the rest of their lives. Imagine what that boy went through. The dog's owner should be forced to shoot it.
People buy these things because of the breed's reputation for attacking and inspiring fear, and then they say, "IT'S NOT THE BREED!"
Friend of mine bought one of those grotesque, triple-sized varieties with a foreign name. I don't get it. Who wants a dumb, 160-pound fighting machine roaming the house and yard, waiting to go off and maul someone, leaving two-pound dumps all over the place, and irritating the neighbors?
I would not feel comfortable taking my wife to visit his house.
I can control my carry pistol, but why should anyone trust my big, stupid dog that was bred to kill?
I used to like big dogs when I was young, but these days, I think Chihuahuas are underrated. Small, loyal, easy to look after, and they live a lot longer than a dog the size of a calf. If your opinion of your masculinity depends on the size of your dog, you need to reflect, get rid of your truck nuts, lay off the Tren, quit cooking meth, and stop blacking out all your vehicles.
If I had to get a big dog, I'd get something close to a German Shepherd. Not a real inbred Shepherd that poops itself every time a car backfires and whose deformed rear end is 3" off the ground. Something like a Malinois. Whatever isn't too inbred.
Those Shepherds with the tiny stub rear legs look comical.