The Zapruder film eliminates a rear shooter though for the fatal head shot. The Parkland Doctors’ eye witness accounts show that the rear of JFK’s head was a giant 7” exit, something that no medium or even large bore rifle is capable of producing as an entrance wound. Keep in mind your blood pressure is 14psi, so wherever a high velocity bullet impacts, you will see significant splash effects. Secondary missiles from skull bone can fly off perpendicular to the point of impact, which is what you see here. There is no splash cloud or supersonic blood vapor in the back of his head.
You can clearly see frontal impact blood splash effects in Zapruder, not exit wound behavior on the Right front of his head. This is why Zapruder was kept from the public for so long, why it was segregated from Specter’s Single Bullet Theory, and why it was kept from the ballisticians at Edgewood Arsenal for their tests.
The Warren Commission never posited that Oswald arrived with a rifle wrapped in a blanket. The Warren Commission official conclusion was that he wrapped the broken-down Carcano in heavy packing paper, then assembled the M91/38 Carcano carbine at some unidentified time or space, leaving no incorrect tooling marks on the 5 screws necessary to tighten/install on that firearm. If you zoom-in on CE139, you will see the action screws, handguard band screw, and ferrule screws in pristine condition. The stock was painted black before being exported to the US to cover up imperfections and scratches, which was common for that lot of carbines.
The witnesses who saw Oswald with the package stated it was about 2ft long, measured by FBI in reference to the back of Buell Frazier’s Chevy Bell Air seat to be no longer than 27.6”.
The stock alone for the Carcano is 34”. Frazier said he watched Oswald walk the 200yds from his car to the TSBD while carrying the small package under his arm. In short, the Carcano does not fit even when broken-down. It would have been very obvious if he was carrying the length of package required to fit the stock and barreled action. The WC recognized this was a problem and just brushed it off, moving forward with their position that he brought a broken-down Carcano. They also consistently referred to the Carcano as a Mannlicher Carcano. No such rifle or carbine exists.
The FBI had the Hughes film frames blown up showing the SE 6th floor window and their lab in DC and the Naval photo analysis labs both concluded there wasn’t even a person in the window, just boxes. The film and photographic evidence contradicted eye witness testimony about someone with a rifle in the 6th floor window. Those film blow-ups were later destroyed in 1973 as the oversight committees in Congress started to spool-up.