Magpul DT-PR Stock


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
The Woodlands, TX
I am running a CTR on my “SPR-ish” rifle. I don’t love all the slop and I have tried a lot of the old tricks to get it out. I saw the new Magpul DT-PR stock and I am thinking about just dealing it out. Supposedly the new design locks up tighter than the old ones. DT = dual tension.

Anyone have experience with this yet?
Yeah. If you're looking for that fixed stock feel, it ain't gonna give you that. The non DT version works just as well, if you shim it. I usually remove the butt plate run a length of waterproof tape across the top of the inside of the stock.
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Yeah. If you're looking for that fixed stock feel, it ain't gonna give you that. The non DT version works just as well, if you shim it. I usually remove the butt plate run a length of waterproof tape across the top of the inside of the stock.

Agreed with this. The DT PR seems to fix the issues with the PR MOE.

I got my DT PR in today and played around with it a little bit this evening. Weight wise, it's nice, 10.8 oz out of the box and with the 1/2" CTR riser it's 12.3 oz, this the same weight as the BCM stock w/ a home brew cheek riser that it's replacing. It's also the same overall length and height as the BCM stock too so there's neligible changes required to optic set up or LOP setting. I've never used the CTR risers, I'd heard about guys having to do some mods to get their risers on the stock but mine clipped right on, easy peasy.

Now, how tight is it on the buffer tube? I compared the tightness of the Magpul CTR, SL, SL-S, and DT PR plus the BCM stock on the same receiver extension and they were all pretty good. The CTR locked up tight with no perceptible movement but the other four had some small level of movement. I did my best to mainly measure how much movement there was between the BCM and DT PR stock by using a pencil mark at the extreme ends of the forward and aft movement plus side to side. The measurement isn't perfect but I'd say the DT PR has about 50% less movement than the BCM stock on my receiver extension.

I still need to send some rounds downrange with it but for a brief table top evaluation I'm pretty happy with it.
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I got my DT PR in today and played around with it a little bit this evening. Weight wise, it's nice, 10.8 oz out of the box and with the 1/2" CTR riser it's 12.3 oz, this the same weight as the BCM stock w/ a home brew cheek riser that it's replacing. It's also the same overall length and height as the BCM stock too so there's neligible changes required to optic set up or LOP setting. I've never used the CTR risers, I'd heard about guys having to do some mods to get their risers on the stock but mine clipped right on, easy peasy.

Now, how tight is it on the buffer tube? I compared the tightness of the Magpul CTR, SL, SL-S, and DT PR plus the BCM stock on the same receiver extension and they were all pretty good. The CTR locked up tight with no perceptible movement but the other four had some small level of movement. I did my best to mainly measure how much movement there was between the BCM and DT PR stock by using a pencil mark at the extreme ends of the forward and aft movement plus side to side. The measurement isn't perfect but I'd say the DT PR has about 50% less movement than the BCM stock on my receiver extension.

I still need to send some rounds downrange with it but for a brief table top evaluation I'm pretty happy with it.
I'm curious to hear how you like the DT PR. I'm probably gonna pick one up to try out. I run CTRs on all my rigs and just started using the Subrevtec bag riders on them. The CTR with the bag rider is 11oz so a wash for weight so if the DT PR locks up as tight, I can see it being a bit cleaner option.
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I just received one last week. For my example it locks up tight on a VLTOR A5 extension for front to back play, but still has a little bit of wiggle up and down. It's about the same as the BCM stocks I have. Not bad at all and should be a non issue for the rifle it will go on. It will be replacing an STR that I was never super happy with.
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I can tell you from using the Vltor E-Mod, Magpul CTR, SL, SL-S, PRS Lite, Bravo B5, and BCM SOPMOD Mod 1 on accurized AR-15's, I'm liking this one a lot. As I mentioned before, my CTR locks up tighter but the amount of movement I'm talking about is a fore and aft movement of about .020", which I think is only noticeable because you can hear the pin hitting the other side of the recess. Axial movement is so little I didn't have a good way to measure it. That being said, some wiggle in the stock won't affect accuracy, just like some rattle in the receiver won't impact accuracy so the movement is a non-issue for me.

The sloped bag rider was one of the bigger selling points for me on this stock because it allows the bag more room to be slid back and forth to make micro adjustments for elevation. I just ran into an issue recently with the BCM stock where I couldn't quite get the perfect elevation so I was stuck between trying to crush the rear bag and/or adjust the bipod legs, and I made it work but it was frustrating.

I made a pretty close to scale overlay to show how much more room you have to manipulate the bag compared to the BCM and a CTR with a Subrevtec bag rider.



I also like how upgradable the stock is, in out of the box form it's pretty good but it's not hard to add a cheek riser or Arisaka angle stock adapter. I put one on my DT PR last night to try it out and it's not bad, it added 3.5 oz to the stock so it now sits at 15.8 oz combined with the cheek riser but still well under what a PRS Lite weighs. Curiously though I found the ASA more comfortable with a normal SL buttpad installed vs the contoured DT PR butt pad but that's purely personal preference. Without the ASA, the OEM contoured pad was fine.

My thoughts right now are that this is what the PRS Lite should've been.