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Night Vision Sig ECHO CV25 LWIR 640x512 Thermal Clip-On

Has anyone held a CV25?

Coll/Non Coll - if it can be adjusted and returns to zero +/- 1 moa, I'm at peace with that - seems like it would be the best deal going with that warranty if the specs and features live up to the hype since I'm guessing it will actually be available for closer to $3400 in time/Black Friday/knowing a guy

I'm not mad at my Steiner, but it doesn't do what I hoped it would due to lack of real rail mount and I have a buddy looking at one of these
Eurooptic has the Steiner C35 gen 2 for $2350 now and the Sig CV25 for $3600 but out of stock. Hope your buddy has the CV25 in stock for a Black Friday deal, but it is doubtful that anyone will have a great deal on it, given it's a brand new product.

I have the Steiner C35 gen 2. I have had no problems mounting it in front of my SB 1-8x with the Burris Picatinny Rail Mount reversed, but I look forward to a dedicated rail mount.

I'm not sure the price difference is worth the lifetime warranty alone. The Steiner shares many specs and features with the Sig, such as 640 sensor resolution, 12µm pixel pitch, and 50Hz refresh rate. The Steiner has ≤ 30mK NETD, while the Sig is ≤ 20mK. The Steiner weighs slightly less. More significant for me is the Steiner's 35mm objective over the Sig's 25mm objective.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the simplicity of the Steiner's on-screen menus. I find them much faster to adjust than my Pulsar scopes/monos. The Steiner has a pixel-shift zeroing option for the scope, like every other thermal clip-on in its class (doubt the Sig will have factory collimation like the expensive thermal clip-ons, but we can hope).

I've been very impressed with C35's image. I'm tempted to order the Sig just to compare, but I got such a good deal on the Steiner ($1800 at Midway two weeks ago—they're sold out now), and I'm pretty well happy with that.
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If I could clip on the C35 Gen 2 (to a rail) in front of my 50mm scope, I don't know that I'd have given up and bought my NOX.

BUT - I can't so I did.

It works super great in front of a Razor or 30mm VX-6 1-6. If you have a scope it can slide under with the reverse mount, its fantabulous.

Proper rail mount plus 2 yr vs forever warranty - I'd at least have given the SIG a chance. The screen resolution of the Steiner is spectacular and appears it is still 20% higher than the SIG however the other two factors could over come the differential. The image quality is well beyond what's needed for target ID on a pig vs cox vs deer.
I can get mine to work with my SB 3-20x with a 50mm objective, but it's not optimal. OTOH, the C35 works perfect on my 5.56 with my 1-8x and the Burris mount reversed. Looking at a better clip-on if I need to use my 3-20 or 5-27. Just couldn't pass up the C35g2 at $1800.
If I could clip on the C35 Gen 2 (to a rail) in front of my 50mm scope, I don't know that I'd have given up and bought my NOX.

BUT - I can't so I did.

It works super great in front of a Razor or 30mm VX-6 1-6. If you have a scope it can slide under with the reverse mount, its fantabulous.

Proper rail mount plus 2 yr vs forever warranty - I'd at least have given the SIG a chance. The screen resolution of the Steiner is spectacular and appears it is still 20% higher than the SIG however the other two factors could over come the differential. The image quality is well beyond what's needed for target ID on a pig vs cox vs deer.
youre using a nox as a clip on? how?
What maximum power for the day scope in clip on mode? I can’t find that information anywhere
There isn't a real "max". It just gets pixelated to a point where people get concerned about the resolution.

I've shot a number of coyotes at 18X using my Steiner and a VX6 3-18x50. They looked about like the dog from the original Nintendo Duck Hunt, but there was no doubt it was a dog, and no doubt about what it was doing. I think 8-10X is the normal "max".
I went ahead and ordered an IRay Mate after seeing that I could get the non US version (MAH50R) with the LRF and onboard ballistics for 3900. So far it’s been great and I’ve got no complaints. LRF and ballistics are quick, it spits a solution out on the screen that I can dial. Pretty awesome. It made waiting for the unknown variable of the sig much less worth it.
Am curious why some don't run C35 (either gen) in front of a 50mm scope, can someone clarify? Maybe I am the moron here, I have run mine almost exclusively in front of 50+ since I want long range low light for when the thermal isn't needed. If I run it only in front of a 1-6 or 1-8, I am back to needing a second setup for longer range stuff.
I'm probably missing something obvious, as usual...
Mine spends most of its time with a Nightforce 2.5-20x50, which I like very much. It has done time on a TT315 and a ZCO420, both of which we not ideal due to bottom end mag. Best fit, by far, is behind a 1-5-15X March, which is absolute titties with thermal.
Videos aren't awesome, since it records at the thernals 1X, but they are pretty kickass nonetheless, especially at reasonable ranges.
well i got my Echo cv25 yesterday, last weekend I had the chance to use my friends sv50, as mentioned before the image quality isnt there yet but with the lrf, bdx feature i was easily engaging six inch steel plates at 250 & 350 quickly.

Onto to the echo cv25, played with it last nite, bought primarily as a clip on, every thing seemed to work fine thankfully. So this morning I went to the range for a quick unscientific test. Had a 11.5 sbr with a sig tango6t and a 18inch with a hennie 4-16. Neither were zeroed, and the only ammo I had on hand was 52grain eldms which shoot fine outta the 18'' 1-7.7 but not the 1-7 sbr.

So you can see the target, left red dot 18inch ar, rough zero last rd was were I left it, obviously the 1-7sbr shoots rotten with this ammo, Then I fired 5rds at the center target with the echo, removed the echo, replaced it and fired another 5rds. I had a hand warmer taped behind the center black dot. I removed the echo once again, replaced it then I fired 5rds with the 18inch holding 2 mils off the heat
I then placed the echo on the sbr, fired five rds holding off the bottom of the heat source black dot, removed the echo replaced it and fired another five rounds.
Hoping to get it out to a 100 yards with either rifle in the next few days to see what happens. If those with knowledge that have any ideas on what i should do with regards testing please mention them.
one thing I noticed was apparently the app supposedly has an optical axis misalignment tool that one can utilize to improve the clipon;s zero, that i cannot find in the app whether Im looking in the wrong place or it hasnt been added yet.
How would you say the CV25's image quality compares to other thermals you've used? And is there any significant latency in the image processing? I have a Jockey 640 and Guide TB630 and while the image quality and frame rate is superior on the Guide, the Guide has significant latency when panning, whereas the Jockey doesn't.
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Don't think the image quality compared to other 640's I've used is there yet, refresh rate is good, I don't notice any latency when panning, now I just got it and I've honestly have to see what setting works best for me.
Short video I found, guys using it as a standalone and then as a sight.

I’m watching this thread and looking for reviews of this clip on. I’m torn between this and an RH25v2 for my first thermal.

That YouTube review is concerning. Sig seems to have a lot on their plate right now with mil contracts and 320s blowing up. They’ve done. Good job with their optics up to this point.

I got an in stock notification from Eurooptic. Hoping for some other early adopter reviews.
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There's another review up on Youtube that says the unit is working quite well.

I'm watching this thread for more first hand experiences. I really hope this thing works out.
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For what it's worth, I picked up an RL25v2 (a little under $3k if you shop around)to use as a clip on and it's been awesome in front of my 2-10 and 1-8. Due to the smaller sensor, you need 2x to fill up the screen but it's a fantastic little unit for the price. It has the same detection / level of detail as the RH25 but with half the field of view (and under $3k). The eyepiece is great for clip on use and the larger screen is really nice for dedicated optic use.

Like I've heard from others using RH25's and RL25's, it does take some adjusting of the image each time you go out, but once you learn how to fine tune it (3 variables) it is quick and easy and results in an awesome image.

It's small, light, and is from a more experienced company...
For what it's worth, I picked up an RL25v2 (a little under $3k if you shop around)to use as a clip on and it's been awesome in front of my 2-10 and 1-8. Due to the smaller sensor, you need 2x to fill up the screen but it's a fantastic little unit for the price. It has the same detection / level of detail as the RH25 but with half the field of view (and under $3k). The eyepiece is great for clip on use and the larger screen is really nice for dedicated optic use.

Like I've heard from others using RH25's and RL25's, it does take some adjusting of the image each time you go out, but once you learn how to fine tune it (3 variables) it is quick and easy and results in an awesome image.

It's small, light, and is from a more experienced company...
re: 2X, I've see that from every clip on I can recall, ~ 2X is a starting point.
starting point is 1x, ran it behind a sig tango6t, and an old hennie 4-16, 6x it becomes fairly pixelated, no issues seeing and engaging yotes at 300, didnt have it on recoil record to capture the videos, fairly large field of view at 1x.
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I am debating getting this and I have to say I hate trying to figure out thermals.
The Sig BDX app seems to suck, only has one reticle for ballistic calculations if you use the CV25 in stand alone sight mode but other than that, the optic is very clear, sharp imaging. Perhaps Sig devs in India will figure out how to make the software and firmware better like AGM and iRay do over time.
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In the meantime, here's a review by 4MR Ranch:

I normally like his content and I think that dude is hella smart.

However. He seems to be the only person on the internet that has a working sample...

Oddly enough, the unit is out of stock on sig website. I'm wondering if its because its wildly popular or if they're trying to fix issues with existing stock... I'd bet its the latter.
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Fixing issues is good. Right?

I'm not hating on Sig. I want them to succeed and I want that unit to be good.

I do however find his review suspect. Hopefully, whatever initial teething issues occurred are over with and he got a good sample unit. I'm skeptical because he said he had 90 days to test that unit...which means it's probably from the first batch but who knows.
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I normally like his content and I think that dude is hella smart.

However. He seems to be the only person on the internet that has a working sample...

Oddly enough, the unit is out of stock on sig website. I'm wondering if its because its wildly popular or if they're trying to fix issues with existing stock... I'd bet its the latter.
It’s available at couple of FFL Distributors. I’m on the edge to pull the trigger on one for my first therm or grab a Nocpix Ace H50
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